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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ER characters.

Behind Closed Doors

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John rushed out of the hospital as fast as he could once his shift was over. He had been distracted all day and the staff in the ER had noticed. He just couldn't get his mind off of Lucy. She hadn't come in the hospital today because the medical school had broken up for the summer holiday. Yesterday when she said her good byes to the ER staff for the holidays, he didn't think he would of missed her as much as he did. This morning an hour within his shift he realised he couldn't not see her for 3 full months. And at the same time he understood why, he was in love with her; she was the reason he broke up with Roxanne. And when he did break up with Roxanne he convinced himself it wasn't because he and Lucy had kissed in exam 6 and now he knew it was the reason. Ever since they kissed he was happy, he believed it was because he had finally got ridden of Roxanne. After the break up with Roxanne he told himself he would date people he liked. This morning he remembered he had said !

to himself he would say yes to women if they asked him on a date, then remembered 6 women since his break up had asked him out, but he said no to all of them. This plagued his mind most of the morning why he had said no, and then it hit him. He didn't need to say yes he was happy every morning realising that in a couple of hours he would be seeing Lucy. John knew then Lucy was the one he wanted to be with, and the rest of the day he tried to find a reason why he could go round hers and see her. But his mind came up blank, but he needed to see her, so he told himself he go and tell her how he felt.

John pulled up in his jeep just outside her new apartment; he turned off the engine and just sat there for a while. He was started to think if this was a good idea, he convinced himself it was. Before getting out of his jeep he breathed in deeply then slowly let it out again. As he stepped out of the jeep his legs felt all weak, and he nearly jumped back into the jeep and drove home. But he slowly climbed up the steps to the front door of the apartment building. He pushed the button on the COM that said L. Knight; it was some time before her voice echoed out of the coms speakers.

"Hello," "Hi Luce," "Carter, wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon, miss me that much." John breathed in deeply again, she always knew what was on his mind. "Sort of, Can I come up." "Yeah hang on I will have to come down for you?? The electronic doors are not working right now." "Okay see you in a minute."

John took in another deep breath; if he didn't calm down soon he would have an anxiety attack. John noticed the lights on in the hallway came on, then a few seconds later Lucy walked towards the door. Under his breathe John whispered, 'what the hell are you doing, John she's your med student.' Then he heard a little voice from the back of his mind said, 'No she's not, is she working at the hospital right now, No she's on holiday meaning not at medical school. So she isn't a med student right now!' He agreed with the statement his conscience had just given him and was ready to tell Lucy. Lucy opened the door and spoke immediately,

"Sorry for making you wait, I had to put on some shoes." "Don't worry, I hadn't really noticed." Then he smiled he was unable to tear his eyes from hers, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. "Okay, then Carter, we better get in, before I freeze to death." "Luce, its not that cold." "I know but I think I'm coming down with something I've been feeling cold all day!" She said as she walked into the apartment followed closely by John. "Oh I hope not, I don't want to see you being admitted into hospital for being too ill." Lucy turned and glared at John, "Sorry I Spoke" John said in defence from the look she had given him.

Lucy opened her door and dropped her keys on a small table by the door, "Make yourself at home, do you want some coffee," "Yeah thanks that be great." "Okay then," Lucy walked to the kitchen and John made his way to the couch. "So," Lucy shouted from the kitchen, "Was there a reason you came to visit?" "Yeah, I needed someone to talk to." "And you came to me, why not someone from the ER you have known for years, like Dr Greene." "Believe me, he wouldn't understand!" Lucy poked her head round the corner of the kitchen and looked at John. "And I would?" "Yes and anyway Luce I value your opinion." Lucy quickly picked up the mugs of coffee and walked into the living room, she handed him a mug, and said, "Do you really value my opinion?" "Luce, I value it a lot more then you think!" Lucy finally sat down into the chair opposite to John, "So, what is it?" John held his mug with both hands and looked down to look at the black liquid within the mug, without looking up at Lucy he spo!

ke, "I have found myself in a tricky situation, I've fallen for someone, and its someone I'm forbidden to form a relationship with."

Lucy was a little taken back by the information that he just given her. He had fallen in love and she wanted to cry, she had always had a crush on John, and maybe once she graduated they would have been able to date each other. But she couldn't let him see how she felt; he needed her advice and she was determined to give it to him, no matter what she was like after.

"So, does she feel the same?" John looked up from his mug, he though he noticed some sadness in her voice, but she looked fine. "I don't know, I haven't told her." "You haven't, you never find out how she feels until you tell her." "I know, and that's not the tricky part of the situation, telling her will be simple." Lucy knew then she worked at the hospital most probably in the ER. "She works in the ER doesn't she?" John differently noticed Lucy wasn't happy about this discussion, he smiled but he tried hard to hold it back, he knew then she felt the same way about him, as he did her. "Sometimes, but that's not the tricky part!" Lucy became confused. "Then what is it?" "I love her with the whole of my heart and she hasn't been around lately that much, and I miss her dreadfully. And it's effecting my work, I can't image a life without her Lucy." 'Oh My God' Lucy thought 'he wants to marry her, oh please god don't let this be the tricky part.' "Are you saying, John you want t!

o marry her? You haven't even been on a date! No even worst she doesn't even know how you feel!" Lucy said in a raised tone. 'She was obviously hurting,' thought John, 'She never raised her voice like that unless someone hurt her feelings. He needed to break it to her soon that he was talking about her. "Yes, Lucy I do want to marry her." Lucy now who was standing slowly sat back down, and he could see by her face the exact moment what he said, broke her heart. She obviously didn't realised it was her, he hated himself for what he just done to Lucy; it broke his heart to see her like this. He walked over to Lucy and bent down in front of her, "Lucy, you okay? You look ill!" "No John just surprised." "Okay the rest of the answer to your question is?" She looked at him to say, please no more, but he continued. "No we haven't been on a date, but she my best friend and we know each other better then any girlfriend or boyfriend would. And Lucy your wrong, she does know how I fee!

l!" Lucy looked at him confused, "But you said." "I know what I said,

she didn't know how I felt, but she does now Lucy!"

Lucy looked straight into John's eyes to see if what he just said was true, that it was her they talked about. And she started to cry from happiness, as she could tell he told her the truth.

"Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry I told you like this but I didn't know how to tell you. And a minute ago then I said I wanted to marry you and you didn't know I was talking about you, the way I hurt you, really hurt me as well." Lucy stopped crying, "John shut up," She leaned over and kissed him, then they broke apart she said, "Yes," "What?" "Yes," "To What?" "To marrying you, you stupid idiot!" "Really?" "Yes, this not like the hospital can stop us, you aren't officially my teacher right now." John smiled at her, he stood up and pulled her up at the same time and passionately kissed her.


John and Lucy were helping each other carry the boxes from the back of the van they hired to their new apartment, they had got together. They would of never imaged they would been moving in together and getting married this time next week, then they first met each other, nearly a year ago. They both had agreed they wouldn't tell any of their friends or people who worked at the hospital they were married until after she had graduated. They had decided to tell people they moved apartments, but not to the fact they were living together. So they would not tell people at the hospital exactly where they lived in case they have some unannounced visitors.

Of course they had told their families, and explained what a delicate situation they would be in and that they couldn't be persuade that it was a mistake to get married. But fortunately their families accepted the marriage well once they were over the initial shock of it. John's parents insisted on a big wedding, which John and Lucy accepted, but explain to their families again not to expect their friends to be coming from the hospital.

Once everything was unloaded of the van, John and Lucy dropped on the couch from exhaustion. "God, I always forgot how tiring moving was," said John. "I remember it like yesterday, oh stupid me of course I would, I only moved into my old apartment just over 2 months ago." Lucy joked to John and he smiled at her. "Like I said I could of moved into your apartment Luce." "And like I said not a possibility!" "You always said you was going to explain why, but we never got around to it." Lucy turned to John and she expressed a dirty look, "That's because we always got distracted." "Oh yeah," he said with a cheekily grin on his face. "So why couldn't we?" "Because just before you proposed, Carol, Chuni and Haleh had came round to look at my new apartment. Meaning after that." "Everyone would know where you lived! I got it." John started to laugh, "God I'm glad they still weren't there when I arrived." "So are we going to put everything in its place now or later." "It probably be be!

tter if we do did it now Luce."

They were surprised how quickly they had actually unpacked everything, they both thought it would take them until they got married but it only took the weekend! "God, I wish I didn't have to go to work today!" "You have to, they got suspicious when you said you had to take two weeks off next week. I'm just glad I didn't have to work at the hospital during the summer. Just image how suspicious that would look with both of us with the same weeks off!" "Yeah, oh can't I just call in sick?" "John!!" "Okay I go." He got off the chair and walked over to the coats and put his on, "I get off at 8pm, so it there's no emergencies I be home about 8.30pm." "Okay honey." Lucy got up and ran over to John and kissed him goodbye.

John walked up to the reception desk of the ER, and cheerfully said, "Good morning everyone!" and they replied, "Morning carter." All looking suspiciously at him, he signed in and walked towards the lounge, not realising how they were looking at him. The nurses on the desk all suddenly gathered around, once John was out of sight in the lounge. "Okay, that's just over two months now his been in is mood." Chuni said to Malik, Josh and Haleh. Carol over heard what they said as she approached the desk. "Who you talking about?" She said being captivate about what she heard, "carter" Haleh answered. "What about him?" Malik answered Carol next question, "haven't you noticed how much more cheerful Carter's been since, well since Lucy left for the summer." Carol nodded, John was always cheering before but how he had been over the pass few months was way over the top for John. "That's it Lucy?" "Explained please because you lost me." Josh said, "Lucy left for holidays, now his more ch!

eerful because there's no more med student to watch out for!" Chuni said please with herself, thinking she got why he was so cheerful. Carol started shaking her head, "I don't that's it, you remember the first day Lucy went on her holiday, and he was absolutely miserable and distracted." They all nodded at Carol, "And what was the only thing missing from day the day before, when he was his normal self." "Lucy" Malik shouted. "Exactly so it's not because of Lucy not being here, it's more like his acting." Carol all the sudden went quiet a buzzard though went though her mind. He was in love, and if he was missing Lucy on her first day off for months and was extremely distracted could it be he was in love with Lucy. After all they did kiss in exam 6 a few months before, if he realised he loved her and wasn't seeing her everyday he be miserable. Oh god that's it his in love with Lucy, and their having a secret relationship. God I'm good! "Earth to Carol, Earth to carol!" "What?!

" "You stopped in med sentence, what's he acting like?" Chuni asked, "

Like his in love!" They all looked at each other, "then it's your job to find out!" "Why mine?" Carol question. "Because it's your theory and it does add up, he is acting like his in love!" Haleh finally said. "Okay!" "So any ideas with who Carol?" Josh asked Carol didn't want to lie, but she knew it would be for the best. "Not a clue!" She said and headed towards the lounge.

"morning John!" "Morning Carol." "So tell me are you in love with Lucy?" John was differently taken back by the question and it showed. "What?" he said trying to sound affended and shocked by the question, but Carol instantly noticed what he was trying to pull off. "John it's no use on me, to sound shocked by the question, you may convince other people but you should know me well enough it doesn't work on me." "No Carol of course not she my med student." "Was your med student and plus your lying." John knew he couldn't hind it from Carol now, she knew he was lying; he had never been able to be lie well. "So how long have you two been together?" "Just over two months." He said in a defected tone, "Don't worry you know I can keep a secret." "I know!" "So you be keeping it a secret until she graduates right." John nodded, but Carol knew she was missing something. "John, what haven't you told me?" "Nothing!" He said sharply and quickly, "John you're lying, and if you don't tell !

me I'll never help you again." Dave walked though the door as carol said the last sentence. "Oh Carter don't you know never lie to a women, especially a pregnant women!" "Dave, get out!" carol snapped at Dave, "okay just get myself a coffee!" He poured his coffee and was out of the door before you could say emergency. "John!!" "Okay there is but I will have to talk to Lucy!" "No now!" "She won't like it and I will be guessing you won't too! Once I tell you, promise me now you won't say a thing especially to Weaver and Greene." "I promise now tell me!" John took a deep breathe in he knew he was going to regret is then he got home tonight. "We are getting married next weekend." Carol was shocked, then it sunk in and she shouted at the top of her voice. "YOU ARE WHAT!!!"

Everyone on the ER reception desk turned towards the direction of Carol's voice from the lounge. "Obviously he said something that shocked her!" Chuni said getting curios of what was happening in the lounge. "Maybe someone could innocently go into the lounge to get something and see what their saying." "Won't work," Dave said immediately. "How come?" "A minute ago I went to get a coffee, and Carol bit my head off when I said to Carter it was no good lying to a pregnant women." "Did you hear what he was lying about?" "No, I only heard Carol say, 'John your lying and if you don't tell me I'll never help you again." "Must have been about who his in love with?" "What?" "Yeah Dave that's the whole reason she went in there in the first place."

"carol, can you shout any louder I don't think the people in the next state heard you!" The information John told her sunk in more, and she started to become a little bit happy for John and Lucy, but she still had her concerns. "Don't you think your rushing things?" "No," "Then I'm happy for you both!" "Really, so can you do me a favour, please explain all of this to Lucy she'll kill me when I get home." "Sure, I have her new number there!" "Um, Carol that's her old number, you know I said I needed this weekend off to move, well we sort of moved in together! And now you can be the only one who knows this!" "Oh I know, give me the number!" John was starting to walk out of the lounge when Carol stopped him. "John congratulations, ad plus don't be so cheerful, most people think your in love from you being more cheerful, most people know how you have been acting your in love, but they don't to who." "You guessed?" "Yeah but I know you to well, I know the signs you give out then !

your in love and can tell who to by the way you act, others can't."

"He did what?" "Now Lucy calm down, it's my fault when I asked him weather he was in love with you or not? He said he wasn't, but as you know I can tell when he lies. I near enough forced it out of him. I promise I won't tell anyone!" "Carol, you want to come over for dinner, and we can give you the tour!" "Love too, so are you still mad with John?" "No, I know how stubborn you can be! Oh and of course you are coming to the wedding aren't you? "I wouldn't miss it!!"


Carol had been glad she found out about John and Lucy. She was so up for a wedding, it always raised her spirits, and with her pregnant ad alone since Doug left, she hadn't had days when her spirits were raised. Carol was going to make sure she didn't tell anyone at the hospital as she thought John and Lucy were perfect for each other. The only problem was John was Lucy teacher and it was absolutely forbidden for students and teachers to date, let alone get married. They were going to inform people that the hospital they were married after she graduated but that was still a whole year away. Lucy had asked Carol to be her maid of honour, once she found out Carol knew about her and John. Lucy was actually glad at least one person at the hospital knew about them. Of course she was mad with John at first when he had told Carol about them two, but that didn't last long, as she could never stay mad with John, as she was truly madly deeply in love with him.

It was now 4 hours until the wedding and Carol and Lucy made there way to the hairdressers. John's parents had insisted on getting the best for everything, including the hairdressers. Carol and Lucy walked though the doors of the hairdressers and they both though they walked into another world. Everything in the hairdressers looked extremely expensive, they were glad they had dressed up to get their hair done. Because if they turned up in jeans and T-shirts, like what they were dressed in before coming out, they probably would of be told to left and never come back. But John had told them they couldn't wear what they were, and should change, he explained they would understand once they got there, and he was right. "Well, if this is what it's like to live in the Carter family, I think maybe I will somehow try and become part of John's family." Said Carol in a whisper, teasing Lucy. Lucy was smiling, not moving her lips when she said, "carol stop it, and there comes John's mot!

her and grandmother." Carol looked in the direction Lucy was, and immediately started smiling. "Lucy, its great you're here, you didn't have any problems finding the place did you?" "No, Mrs Carter I didn't, and I would like you to meet my friend Carol Hathaway. She's going to be my maid of honour. Carol this is John's mother Emma, and his grandmother Millicent." "Nice to meet you Carol," John's mother said politely. "Nice to see you again Carol, it's been a long time." Millicent said. "That it has!" "Oh I didn't know you two meet before." "Yes we have Lucy, Mrs Carter is the person who funds the clinic at the hospital." "Of course I knew that it just slipped my mind." "well I couldn't blame you, you have other things on your mind right now, like the wedding." "Well we better get you two in some chairs and get this day moving. And we can continue talking while having our hair done." Said Emma. Emma and Millicent showed Carol and Lucy though to a private room at the back of !

the hairdressers. Which contained chairs facing each other in a circle

; they were told this was, so group bookings could talk to each other while having their hair done.

After they finished at the hairdressers, Emma had suggested they get some lunch before the wedding. But Lucy had told her she wasn't feeling up to it, and could they go back to the house and get ready. Emma, Millicent and Carol had all agreed with her, Emma wasn't really hungry when she asked, only suggested just in case anyone else fancied lunch.

They were going to get ready at John grandparents house, even thou she saw John this morning she didn't think it was right for the groom to see his bride in her dress before the wedding. So she asked if it was okay to get ready at the Carter's house and they gratefully said yes, and believed Lucy was right for the groom not seeing the bride in her dress. Carol, Emma and Millicent were dressed and ready to go, now they were helping Lucy into her dress. The dress was made from Japanese silk, which made of a tight bodest on the top and the bottom of the dress came out a little, and touched the floor. The back of the dress was about 1 metre longer then the front and the material trailed behind her in a fan design. And the vain was as long as the back of the dress, which was connected to a hair clip which was designed with pearls and white plastic flowers. Then Lucy turned around to face the others, they all said "wow," that the same time. Carol thought Lucy was the most beautifu!

l bride she had ever seen, shame that people at the hospital couldn't see what she looked like. The staff at the ER had started a pool on John and Lucy, and someone bet that one day they would get married. Well that person would never know they won until a year after the wedding. They will never know how Lucy looked until it was announced they were married next year. They would only see from pictures, and sometimes pictures don't do justice and Carol knew this would be one of those occasions.

There was a knock on the door, and it slowly opened and standing there in the doorway was Lucy's grandfather, looking like he was about to start crying from happiness. "You look absolutely stunning my dear!" "Thank you grandfather." "So are you ready to become Mrs John Carter?" She nodded excitingly towards her grandfather. "Well the car is here if you wish to go?" Millicent spoke before Lucy could answer him. "Wait a few more minutes, me and Emma will go now, you three can leave after us, we wouldn't want to be beaten to the church by the bride now would we!" Emma and Millicent left and Lucy asked her grandfather something, "There's mother?" "She went on a head she didn't want to start crying, before she got to the church." "I see, Carol do you think John will like how I look?" Carol shook her head and smiled at Lucy, "Oh Lucy, John thinks you look stunning in scrubs. Now just image how stunning you look in that beautiful dress." Lucy smiled back at Carol, "I suppose." "Rea!

dy to go now ladies? I think we given Emma and Millicent a good head start." They both nodded to Lucy's grandfather.

Lucy, her grandfather and Carol were waiting patiently in the lobby of the church waiting for the wedding march to start. "God, I can't believe I'm marrying my teacher?" Carol laughed, "Well no one was as shocked as I was!" The wedding march starts and Carol and Lucy hugged, "Good Luck Lucy in a short time you will be Mrs Lucy Carter, how you feel?" "Nervous!" Carol smiles back, "There's no need to be nervous, so lets get this wedding going!" Carol walks out into the aisle, shortly followed by Lucy and her grandfather.

John stares up the aisle looking at Lucy; he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. As she was walking it seemed like it was only them two in the church and no one else matter? Lucy arrives at the alter and stands next to John and the priest starts talking, "You gives this women in marriage?" "I do," her grandfather answer, then sits down and takes his place next to his daughter, who was already crying. "We are joined here today to witness the joyous union of John Truman Carter and Lucy Anne Knight, if any one knows of any reason why these two should not wed speck now or forever hold your peace." The church is ad silent as it could get except for a few sobs from people crying, "John Truman Carter do you take this women Lucy Anne Knight to be your lawfully wedded wife," "I do!" "Lucy Anne Knight do you take this man John Truman Carter to be your lawfully wedded husband," "I do!" "Do you have the rings?" John's best man hands the rings to the priest. "Now John speck after !

me, with this ring I take Lucy Anne Knight to be my wife in sickness and in health to death do us part." John re-sights his vows. "Now Lucy speck after me, with this ring I take John Truman Carter to be my husband in sickness and in health to death do us part." Lucy re-sights her vows. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Lucy faces John and John slowly lefts up the vain over Lucy head and they kiss each other sweetly. They turned round to face the congregation and music started and hand in hand they walked down the aisle as husband and wife.

To be continued.....