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Disclaimer: I don't own anything, I'm not making money off of this, so everyone at Warner Bros. and their whole menagerie of people over there can just leave me alone. :) When you see ~~~~~~ that means that the point of view changes. Rated PG-13 because the story deals with the aftermath of Carter and Lucy jumping into bed together and getting caught. Nothing's explained in detail though. Feedback always welcome. Extra special thanks to Michelle and Aly for editing. Enjoy!

Caught In the Act

Well, I guess I'll just start at the beginning.

It all started last night. Lucy's new . . . well, I guess old now . . . boyfriend, Robert, came by the ER to break up with her. I couldn't see what they were saying, I was standing at the admit desk and they were over in chairs. However, I know he broke up with her. Lucy told me that later. They had been going out five months . . . or six . . . I'm not really sure, you'll have to ask her. Anyway, I'll continue.

That was at about six forty-five. We were both off at seven or so. I was waiting in the lounge for some labs back. I was off, just wanted to make sure everything was okay with the patient. So, back to the story. I was sitting in the lounge and Lucy walked in. I could tell something was wrong. I asked and she said that Robert had broken up with her. I said I was sorry; Lucy mumbled something under her breath. I asked if she was leaving and she said that it was seven. She was out of there. She said something about going to get a drink and asked if I would join her. I politely turned down her offer. She replied, yes I quote, "Figures. You seem like one of the ones the one who don't get drunk often."

What to respond to that one, eh? So, I got my coat and left with her. We went to a bar not too far from the hospital. We both ordered, I forget what, something with Vodka in it I believe. So, she went, pouring her heart out to me, stuff I'm not going to repeat for her sake. Stuff about Robert. Stuff about anything and everything. But, hey, I'm sworn to secrecy. Anyway.

After three or four drinks, I didn't want her to drink too much more. I could tell she was a little bit tipsy, but I believe I was too, so go figure. I tried to get her to leave, but she didn't want to go back to her dorm. Didn't want to be bothered with her roommate. So, I offered to bring her here.

We got here and I sat Lucy down. Then I went into the kitchen. I wanted her to eat something after all of that alcohol. After looking around a bit, I went back out to the couch to ask her what she wanted. Before I could say anything, she met me head on. With a kiss. You can assume what happened from there. I'm not getting into details on that subject.

I can tell you one thing. I tried to stop it. I didn't want to take advantage of her. She was a bit drunk and hurting over her breakup. But, it happened anyway.

Did I want it to happen? That's a hard question. Kinda personal too. I didn't want to take advantage of her. That's the answer you get.

Was that the only reason I wanted to stop it? You mean, taking advantage of her? Uh. Well . . . yeah, I guess I can truthfully say that that was the only reason why. Happy now?

Anyway, you know the rest of the story. You walked in. I'm telling you all this. Any more questions?

Do I like Lucy? Yes, I like Lucy. Oh, romantically? I'm not quite sure. I've never thought of her that way, she's a student, I'm a teacher. But she's beautiful, fun, bright . . . what's not to like?

For some odd reason though, the teacher/student thing never came to my mind last night. But, then again, she's not my student anymore. I don't know, maybe that tells you something.

So, you want to know what happened between me and Carter. Here goes nothing.

Yesterday we were both on. I was supposed to go out on a date with Robert, my boyfriend at the time, at seven, when I was off. I was very surprised to see him fifteen minutes early. What a surprise, the bastard broke up with me. Yeah, I was in a crappy mood about it. The guy had broken up with me twice.

Yeah, twice. We dated for a while back in high school. He was my first, uh, boyfriend. He moved here six months ago and got back in touch. Then he broke up with me. That son of a --

Sorry. I'll get back on track here. So I walked into the lounge to get my stuff and asked Carter to get a drink with me. He said no and I made some comment about how he seems like he wouldn't drink much. He quickly changed his mind about coming.

We went to a bar. Ordered some drinks. I started crying, telling Carter a bunch of useless information. But he sat there, listened to it all like he had all the time in the world. He asked if he could take me back to my dorm. Basically, that meant that he thought I had had too much to drink. I had only had a few though. It takes at least four or five drinks to get me drunk. I wanted to succeed in doing that, so I turned down his offer to take me home. Then he offered to take me back to his place. For some odd reason, I said yes.

So, we were back here. He wanted me to eat something, went in the kitchen to see what was there. I felt bad though. I felt *empty.* The one person who could fill that emptiness was John Carter.

What? Yeah, I like Carter. A lot. Yes, I like him in the romantic sense. Enough said. Back to the story.

So, I walked up to Carter and kissed him. I needed to be kissed. Especially by Carter. One thing led to another and we ended up in his room. We were kissing and he pulled away. He said that he didn't want to take advantage of me. I said he wouldn't be, but then the thought came to mind that I was just using him. To fill that emptiness. I told him this and he said that I wouldn't be. Umm . . . can I skip to when you walked in now?

Do I regret it? No way. A lot of things spring to mind, but 'regret' is not one of them. I certainly don't regret it. No way at all.

I looked at the two young people sitting in front of me. Nervous as hell. Kinda like when I walked in on them.

Nope, they weren't doing anything when I walked in. Just talking. But, when they're talking without clothes on, your mind begins to wander. So I made them tell me the whole story. Separately and privately, one at a time.

"Okay," I said to them. "I think you've been through enough torture. I'll keep your secret."

I looked at their amazed faces. Carter was amazed, but I can't think of a word to describe how amazed Lucy looked. Dumbfounded. Astonished. You get the point.

"Lucy, contrary to popular belief, I really am a nice person. Now, if you to will excuse me, I'm going to bed. I'll leave you two alone now," I said. I got up, and walked up the steps.

"Kerry?" Carter said. "Thanks."

"Yeah, thanks a lot," Lucy added.

"No problem. I'm off to my room, to mind my own business now," I said, leaving.

I could tell that Carter really did like Lucy more than he led me on to believe. He just didn't want to tell me that. I respect that. I just think that there could be a nice relationship between the two of them. They like each other, and that's a start. Well, everything always works out in the end. And I believe it will.

The End