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Disclaimer: Now for any of you who think I own these characters, you're wrong, I'm not nearly fortunate or talented enough for that to be true! Of course, they belong to our great friends over at Warner Bros., Constance C, NBC, etc. . . .

Days Like This

I walked into the ER, hoping for a slow day. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and didn't want any surprises. But, when you work in an ER, there's always surprises. There's always something that went wrong and you have to fix it.

I walked into the lounge to put my stuff away and grabbed my lab coat. I was only on from eleven AM to eight PM, not too long if you think about it. I guess. I walked out to the admit desk to see what I could do. I looked around to see who was on and saw that it was just me, Doyle, Kerry, Dr. Greene and a few nurses, Malik, Carol, Chuni, Lily, Conni. Lucy wasn't in yet, but she still had a few minutes to get to work yet. "Good morning," I said as I walked up to the board to see what we had. A few people responded "good morning" back. Suddenly, Lucy ran through the doors to the ER.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Dr. Carter," she started to say.

"You're a minute and a half early by my time, don't worry about it. Come on, put your stuff away, we have an abdominal pains in four to look at," I said. I remembered all of the times I was late and Benton blew up at me. I think that's why I didn't mind Lucy was late. On the other hand, maybe it's the fact that I'm very much attracted to her . . .

*She's your med student,* I scolded myself. *Even if the feelings are mutual, you can't do anything about it.*

"Exam four, did you say?" Lucy asked, breaking my concentration.

"Uh, yeah. Lead the way."

It wasn't a horribly busy day, but not at all slow. A little bit busier than normal. "Okay, Luce, tell me about our next patient," I said. I had taken to calling her 'Luce', not quite sure why. She didn't mind though.

She smiled and told me about the 30-year-old male who slammed his thumb with a hammer last night and woke up with a big abscess on it. We walked into exam room two and I said, "Hello Mr. Banes. I'm Dr. Carter. That looks like a pretty nasty abscess you have there."

The man replied in a thick, Southern accent, "I know. Last night, there wasn't nothin' there, and this mornin' it's like this."

"Okay, well I'm just going to check it out and then we're going to get someone to drain that for you," I said, sitting down to look at the thumb. "Just tell me if this hurts any." I felt the abscess in a few places, with no response from Mr. Banes. "Okay, how about right here?" I asked, pressing on a spot.

Guess I pressed a little bit too hard. The abscess burst, and let me say my clothes were, well . . . soiled. "Well, I would assume it would hurt now."

"Nah! It don't hurt at all. Just looks bad. Guess you saved me the trouble of gettin' it drained, 'eh?"

I turned to the door and saw Carol and Lucy trying to contain their laughter. Finally Carol said, "Uh, Carter, you're going to want to change . . . or something." Then she and Lucy decided that they couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into laughter. Mr. Banes joined them as well.

"You do look pretty funny, doc."

I smiled at them all and said, "Carol? Can you and Lucy help Mr. Banes? I'm going to go clean up."

I've learned now to keep an extra set of clothes in my locker for days like these. All cleaned up, I walked out of the men's room.

"Hey Carter," Dr. Greene said. "Don't you know not to press an abscess too hard?" That led to more laughter from everyone at the admit desk.

"Ha ha ha, very funny. I barely touched it, it just burst."

"Well, Mr. Banes wants to thank you for the best laugh he's had all week," Lucy said. "Can you sign off on his chart?"

I signed the bottom and put it down. Then we heard the radio go off. *Beep, beep, beep.*

Carol got it. "This is County, do you read me?"

We heard a voice come over the MICN. "Loud and clear. MVA on the freeway. Two majors and one minor coming to you, can you take them?"

"Yeah, send them over. ETA?"

"Ten minutes."

"We'll be waiting."

The man over the intercom told Carol the victims' problems and Dr. Greene took charge. "Okay, Carter, Lucy, Lily, and Carol take the first one. Malik, Chuni, Maggie, and I will get the next one. Kerry and Conni take the minor. Will someone go see that the trauma rooms are clear?"

There goes that nice, slow day.

Ugh. You know that feeling when all of the energy has been drained out of you? That's pretty much what I felt like. We had six traumas today. Two MVAs, two GSWs, one accident on the El, and one guy who fell of his roof trying to fix the TV antenna. He landed on his car. Nice way to break your fall, eh? Once Benton was paged for a surgical consult, he was paged for another. I don't know why he even bothered going back upstairs. I was in the lounge, watching the clock on the wall. It was seven forty-five, and I sure wanted to leave. All of the sudden, Lucy walked in.

"Ugh, I *hate* days like this!" she said, collapsing onto the couch. "Too many people getting hurt to handle."

"I know the feeling," I replied.

"Is it me, or are the hands on that not moving?" she asked after a few minutes of silence, pointing to the clock.

I looked up at the clock again. They weren't. Now why didn't I notice that before? I looked at my watch. Eight oh-two. "It's broken. Which is a good thing, because it is after eight and I can go home."

"Yep. However, after a day like today, I can't just go home. I'm going to get something to eat. Care to join me?"

*Say NO, Carter, say no,* I told myself. "Sure."

Lucy smiled. "Okay then. Let me get my stuff," she said, walking to her locker.

*Why did you say yes? She is your med student,* I thought to myself. *Although dinner won't hurt anyone. Only have two drinks or less at dinner though, that way you won't get drunk and do something stupid.*

"Ready?" Lucy asked.

"Let's go," I replied. *Now you better behave yourself . . .*

We walked into a little Italian restaurant, which was far away from the hospital. The two of us sat down at a table, and instantly a waiter came to take our orders. "So," I said.

"So. What a day, huh?"

"Yeah. Although I don't really want to talk about it."

"So, what do you want to talk about?" she asked, smiling.

She sure put me on the spot. "Well, what's new in your life?"

"Nothing much," she said, taking a sip from the drink the waiter brought her. "I moved out of the dorms."

"Really? Well, I guess neither of us live there now," I commented.

Lucy gave me a sarcastic look. "Yeah, guess not. My roommate was annoying and I never got any sleep. I found an okay place too."

"That's good," I said.

"You'll have to come and see it."

"I will."

"So, what's new in your life?"

"Nothing. I got a call from my grandmother and she says she misses me. That's the most exciting thing to happen to me lately," I said.

"You don't get to see her much?"

"That, Lucy, is a long story."

"You got something better to talk about?"

So, throughout the rest of our dinner, we talked about our screwed-up families. When dinner was over, we fought over who would pay the check. We finally ended up splitting it. Then we got in the car, and with Lucy's directions, made it safely to her apartment.

"Want to come up and have a drink or something? You promised you'd come see it," Lucy said.

I compromised, since I had only had one drink earlier, and we walked up the steps.

I woke up the next morning confused. I couldn't figure out where I was. Reluctantly opening my eyes, I saw that I was still in Lucy's apartment. Ut-oh.

So much for 'only two drinks'.


I looked around the room. I was in Lucy's bedroom, all alone. There was no one in the bed next to me. A good sign. However, the space next to me was indented from someone sleeping in it. Had I rolled over or was that where Lucy slept? A bad sign. I was also only in my boxers. Boy, bad outweighs good here. *Think, Carter, think,* I thought to myself. *What happened last night? Okay, we sat down on her couch. We had a drink or two and talked about patients. Then she poured me another drink. Damn.* I couldn't remember anything after that. *Damn.* I looked around the bedroom, hoping for some evidence of what had happened. None. The bathroom door was shut and I could hear the water running. Lucy must be taking a shower. I continued to look around the room. My clothes were on a pile by the foot of the bed. Bad sign. I didn't see Lucy's though. Good sign.

Suddenly, I heard the water turn off. A moment later, Lucy came out with a towel wrapped protectively around her. "Good morning," she said as she headed for the dresser.

"Morning," I said. Maybe she could explain.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" she asked.

"Uh, we had some drinks . . ." I said, trailing off.

"And then it goes blank? Well then, I guess you don't remember the night of hot sex last night."

My face must have looked shocked, confused, and disappointed. I mean, it's only natural. The one time the woman of my dreams and I do something, I can't remember.

Lucy laughed at my expression. "Ya know, you're one of the most gullible people I know, John," she said, as she smiled and continued rummaging around in her drawers.

"Hey!" I said, jumping out of bed. "So, what really happened?"

"You had too much to drink, and I didn't want you to drive home. I wasn't in the shape to drive you home either, so I let you sleep on the bed and I slept out on the couch," she said as she took some clothes out of the drawer. "Be right back." She walked over to the bathroom door and turned back to tell me something. She saw I was only in boxers, gave me a once-over, raised her eyebrows, and smiled. Then she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I quickly looked down at myself to make sure everything was okay. It was. *What the hell was that for?* I asked myself. Oh well. I picked up my clothes from yesterday and put them on. I wasn't on until later, five PM to midnight. I looked at the clock next to the bed. 12:43. Jeez, I slept late. Well, who knows what time I went to bed?

Lucy came out of the bathroom, dressed. "Want to grab some lunch?" she asked.


We stopped at a small deli in-between our houses. I needed to go home, change and take a shower before work. In addition, I had promised Lucy I'd drive her to work. I happen to like driving Lucy to work. Heck, I like spending any time at all with her. So, off we went. When we got there, Kerry wasn't home, so we just went downstairs. Lucy sat down on my bed to watch TV while I took a shower. When I was done and getting dressed, I realized that I hadn't brought a clean shirt into the bathroom with me. Whoops.

"Lucy? Can you grab my shirt that's over on the chair and bring it to me?" I called out, hoping she could hear me through the door.

"Sure, hold on."

I opened the door and saw Lucy, standing there, looking so innocent and holding my shirt.


That's when it happened. Her innocent look gone, she leaned over, pulled me close, and kissed me hard, square on the mouth. And I have one word for you-WOW.

She pulled away and whispered, "Sorry. I had been wanting to do that for a long time."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? How long?" I whispered back.

"Too long," she whispered back, pulling me closer again.

"Wait," I said.

"Oh, yeah, hospital policy, I forgot," she said, stepping back.

"Yeah." I felt sorry though. We both wanted this so bad. Her face looked too disappointed for me to handle. What was I supposed to do?


We stood there for a few moments in silence, neither of us speaking or even moving. Yes, it was one of those awkward silences everyone tries to avoid. Well, not possible here. Goddamned hospital policy.

"Hmm?" Lucy asked, looking up from the ground.

Ut-oh. Had I said that aloud? Oops. *Well, she's waiting for an answer, Carter. C'mon, be brave. Tell her something.* I mustered up all of the courage I had and stepped closer to her again. "You know what?" I whispered. "Screw hospital policy."

She smiled and pulled me closer again for that kiss she was trying to give me earlier. I don't think I've ever been kissed the way Lucy kissed me before. As I said earlier, WOW. Well, I can say I'm glad I didn't waste my time putting that shirt on.

I started to back up and ran into the foot of the bed. I fell backwards onto the bed, taking Lucy with me. She laughed.

"There ya go," she whispered before leaning down for another kiss.

Just as she started unbuttoning her shirt, my beeper went off. Damn. I looked at the clock to see what time it was. 3:45. I wasn't on for more than an hour. I looked at the beeper and saw it read "911". Why does this always happen to me?

"Who is it?" Lucy asked.

"ER. There's an emergency of some sort," I said, reaching over to the phone just as we heard Lucy's beeper go off.

She went to turn it off while I tried to figure out what was going on. "Hey Jerry, I was just paged . . . oh . . . okay, I'll be right there, thanks."

"What?" she asked.

"Some sort of bus accident. A tour bus of elderly people collided with another one. They're shorthanded down there and need a lot of help," I said, sighing. I didn't know if I could take another bad day. Damn, and it was going so well, too.

Her eyes widened. "Well, then, I guess we'll have to finish what we were doing later," she said, with a sly grin on her face.

I smiled. "I guess so. We better get down there."

What a day. Luckily, only half of the victims were sent to us. Seven majors and sixteen minors. Plus all the normal patients. It was eleven-thirtyish and things had slowed down. I was eating my dinner in the lounge when Lucy walked in. We were the only ones in there. She sat down on the couch across from me.

"So, we still on for tonight?" I whispered.

"I kinda wanted to talk to you about that," she whispered back.

Hmm. "Okay, shoot."

"I'm kinda tired and worn out and I just need a good night's sleep. Is that okay?" she asked, trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Yeah, fine," I said, trying to hide my disappointment. "Can we go get a late breakfast tomorrow?"

All of the sudden, Maggie Doyle walked in and over to her locker.

Lucy jumped back, since she had been sitting so close. "I don't know. Maybe. Listen, I'm going to go get something to eat. Talk to you later," she said, her voice unexpressive. Lucy got up and walked out the door.

Hmm. Something was wrong, I could sense it. I didn't know what though. I wondered what had made her back off so. Had I done something? Maybe she *was* just tired. But then why was she avoiding eye contact with me? Well, all of my questions would probably go unanswered tonight, but we would figure it out in the morning. I hoped.

So, that morning at 10:15, I went over to her apartment. I hoped I wasn't too early. We were on at twelve, so I assumed I wasn't. I wasn't going to call, I guess because of the fear of being turned away. I had stopped and bought bagels, cream cheese, and coffee. Now, here I was standing on Lucy's doorstep. Scared out of my wits. Again. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't have cared so much. But this was Lucy. The same Lucy I had had a crush on since the first time I saw her. Sure, I was only half awake, but I knew what I saw. But then she went and got me mad. I got so mad at her because she looked so perfect to me, I wrongly expected her to be. And then she got me mad so often. But now when we work together, she doesn't do that anymore. Then it came to me, how *much* I liked her. No, let me rephrase that. How much I *loved* her. She doesn't know that I'm in love with her yet, but I'll tell her in good time. Eventually. If she doesn't tell me she hates me first.

I looked down at my watch and saw that I had been standing on Lucy's doorstep for fifteen minutes. *I hope she doesn't know that,* I thought, ringing the doorbell.

I heard someone come to the door. "Carter, go away, I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Luce, please can I come in?" I asked.

"No. Go away."

My face fell. So much for that. I turned to walk away, when the door finally opened. "What?" she said.

I turned back around. She was dressed, so I didn't wake her up. "I uh, brought breakfast."

She gave me a small smile. "Come on in."

I came in and set the bagels on the table. We both sat down, across from each other. "Everything okay?" I asked.

She didn't answer. She took a bite of her bagel. "No, everything's not okay. I want to talk to you," she said, forcefully.

Ut-oh. And I didn't have the slightest idea what I had done. This was bad. "Uh, okay," I stammered.

"I was talking to Chuni yesterday and she said that she was glad I hadn't become one of your dumb, blonde girlfriends. Is that what I'm going to be to you, John?" Lucy asked.

Well, she sure surprised me there. Damn Chuni. "No, of course not. I don't care what color your hair is," I said. And as soon as I said it, I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

Lucy threw up her hands, exasperated. "You're missing the point, John!"

See? I was missing the point. "I'm sorry. That was the wrong thing to say."

"What I'm asking is, are you going to be with me just for the sex? Because when I said that a couple of months ago, I was being totally sarcastic."

Ut-oh. I guess Lucy thought that was what all of my dumb, blonde girlfriends were with me for. She was wrong. Just the last one was. And Lucy was *nothing* like Roxanne. "No, of course not!" I exclaimed. Why would she think that? Oh yeah, maybe the fact that I haven't found the courage to tell her that I love her yet.

"How do I know that?" she said, almost on the verge of tears.

"Because," I said. "Because I . . . I . . . I, um," *tell her, Carter,* "uh . . . I better go now," I said, getting up to leave, pretty sure my face was pretty red.

"No wait," she said, getting up also. "What were you going to say?"

Damn it, she knew what I was going to say and put me on the spot. I fidgeted with the plastic lid to my coffee. "Uh. I better go."

"Oh," she said, frowning and looking down at the table. She looked up again. "Well, thanks. For breakfast and everything."

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I just blurted it out. "Lucy, I love you," I said. "I know it sounds crazy, but I've learned to love you. You drive me totally insane sometimes and we always disagree, but I still love you. Lucy, you're the most beautiful, funny, attractive, charming, fascinating person I know . . ." I trailed off as I looked at Lucy and saw that her eyes were practically bugging out of her head. "Uh, I better go now," I said, walking to the door.

"No!" Lucy exclaimed. "Don't go. Please don't go," she said, running over to me. "Please don't," she said, grabbing onto my hand. I turned back around to face her and she grabbed my other hand. She kissed me lightly before saying, "That was the nicest, most thoughtful thing anyone's ever said to me. It was stupid to read so much into what Chuni said. I shouldn't have doubted you."

"Is everything okay between us then?" I asked.

"Very much okay."

Whew. I had saved that one. Now, I just had to reassure her that I wasn't with her just for the sex. Heck, that couldn't be, due to the fact that we hadn't done anything yet. But still, I had to show her that I liked her company too. "Well, then, I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight. Someplace nice. We're off at six, right?"

"Yes," she said, smiling. "So, a nice dinner, eh? Trying to win me over or something?"

"Maybe," I said returning the smile.

"So, where are we going?"

"That, my friend, is a surprise. The only thing you get to know is that I'm going to pick you up here at seven and you should wear something nice."

She just smiled. The truth was, I didn't have the slightest idea where I was going to take her. And the fact that we were on in an hour didn't help. Boy, I was going to have to figure something out.


Okay. It was six thirty-four. During my breaks in the ER and when I got home, I managed to call every nice restaurant in the Chicago area. Turns out all of them were full. Except for one, but the earliest they could take us was ten thirty. A little bit too late for us. *Come on, Carter, you can't screw this up,* I thought to myself. I frantically looked through the phone book to see if I had missed any. Ah-ha! One left. I punched the numbers in the phone and crossed my fingers.

"Hi! Thank you for calling the Riverhouse Restaurant."

Damn. A recording.

"For reservations, press one. To speak to a hostess, press two."

I pushed one.

"We're sorry, but there are no more open spots for tonight. To continue to make a reservation for another night, press three."

I hung up the phone. I sure was in trouble. I had twenty minutes to take a shower, get dressed, and figure out where to take her. Well, I better call her and tell her I'll be a little bit late. I picked up the phone again and dialed Lucy's number.



"Hey," she said. "Everything alright?"

"Well, I got home late and I haven't even taken a shower yet," I said. I wasn't totally lying. I hadn't taken a shower.

"Oh. So you're trying to say you're going to be late?"

"Yeah," I said. Could she read my mind or something?

"Well, how about I come over at seven and save you the trip? It's only a two block walk."

"Okay," I compromised. That gave me seventeen minutes to be presentable. "I'll leave the door unlocked for you, okay?"

I could hear the smile in her voice. "Okay. See you then."

I hung up the phone and quickly looked for a number I hadn't called at the ER. I found one more. It was kinda far away, but I was desperate. I looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes. I had better take a shower first. I circled the number and ran downstairs.

When I came back upstairs, I lost all track of time. I guess. I didn't bother to look at the clock when I came upstairs. I didn't want to waste my time, since I still had to call the restaurant and put my shirt on. So, I picked up the portable phone and tried to do both things at once. I got the shirt on, but when I tried to button it, I accidentally hung the phone up. So, I dialed again and prayed for them to answer. Just as I began talking to them, guess who walked in the door? And she looked *good*. She was wearing a navy blue dress that came to just above her knees. It had a high scoop-neck and she had her hair up in a bun. The same response she got from her kisses-WOW.

"Nothing, eh? Well, thanks anyway," I said, hanging up the phone. I looked at Lucy and she burst out laughing. "What?"

"Need some help getting dressed?" she asked, walking over to me, still laughing.

I looked down at my shirt. It turns out that the three buttons I *did* button were buttoned wrong. "Whoops," I said.

She came over, unbuttoned the shirt, and re-buttoned it the right way. "There," she said. "So, Mr. Mysterious, where are we going tonight?"

"Uh, well . . . to tell you the truth, I'm not quite sure."

She gave me a questioning look and I continued. "You see, I called almost every place in Chicago and no one can book us in so . . . "

She laughed at the flustered look on my face. "So that's why every time I looked at you today, you were either with a patient or on the phone."

"Yeah," I said, giving her a sheepish smile.

"Well, then, we'll just have to make do. What time is Kerry off?"

"Uh, nine AM tomorrow, I think."

"I'll order a pizza and we can eat here tonight."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"Not at all. I mean, you're here. That's all that matters."

Okay, the old Lucy was back. I smiled at her.

"Sorry about this morning. I really was overreacting and being a jerk," she said walking back over to me.

"That's okay. You're allowed one slip-up," I joked.

She came even closer and grabbed me at my waist. "Aww, does that mean you forgive me so easily? I was planning on having to prove I was sorry to you," she said raising her eyebrows.

Well, that one caught me by surprise. "Well then, maybe I don't forgive you," I replied.

"We'll save that for later though. I'm hungry now," she said, letting go of my waist and walking over to the phone book. "Pizza preferences?"

"Uh, whatever, I don't really care," I said, sitting down on the couch. If you asked Lucy what her favorite pastime was, in a second she would probably say messing with my mind. And she did it so well too. Often also, but I learned to accept that. That's what made Lucy, well, Lucy.

"Okay, then, one large with pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms okay?" she said, dialing the number she found in the phone book.

"And extra cheese," I added. I listened while she talked to the pizza people. Just then I noticed the back of her dress. It went low in the back-very low. If it were any lower, I swear I would be able to see her underwear. And that would be an interesting--

"John?" Lucy said, waving her hand in front of my face. I was so deep in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed that she'd hung up the phone and walked over to the couch I was sitting on. "What were you thinking about? It must have been interesting."

"You," I replied. That's always a good answer, and it wasn't a lie.

"Oh really?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "What about?"

Always a good answer unless that question follows. "I was thinking about how much I liked your dress." Best not to lie.

"Oh really? I thought you'd like it. That's why I wore it. The pizza will be here in fifteen to twenty minutes," she said.

"Okay. Do you want something to drink?" I asked, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah, but something without alcohol. I don't want to be like you and end up in your bed."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I'd much rather be in your bed if you're in it," she said, smiling slyly at me

Yep, the mess-with-my-mind, flirtatious Lucy I knew was back. I smiled back at her and opened the refrigerator. "Iced tea okay?"


I pulled out the pitcher, which looked full. Kerry must have made some more this morning. I poured two glasses and walked over the couch with them. "Here ya go," I said handing Lucy hers.

She took a sip. "This is good. Hey, see it's better we stayed home. You don't even have to tuck your shirt in," she said, laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked, pretending to be hurt.

"Just what you looked like when I walked in the door."

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad."

Lucy looked at me skeptically. "You were trying to get dressed and talk on the phone at the same time, and you weren't doing either very well."

All of the sudden, the doorbell rang. "Pizza," I said, grabbing my wallet on the counter.

"Here, John," Lucy said, fishing some money out of her purse.

"No, I got it. Even though we stayed in, I'm still technically taking you out on a date."

I went to the door and paid the guy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy walk over to the table, carrying our iced teas. "Dinner is served," I said, setting the pizza down on the table.

"Sorry I screwed up so badly," I told Lucy. We were sitting on the couch after we ate.

"You shouldn't be," she replied. "This is the best date I've been on in a long time."

"Really? I feel special."

"You should."

"I promise, I'll take you out for a nice dinner soon."

"It's a deal."

"But, you really had a good time tonight?" Always have to make sure.

"Yes!" she said laughing. "How can I get you to believe me?"

"Oh, I don't know . . ." I said, pretending to act stupid.

Her eyes lit up as she thought of something. She leaned in and gave me one of those magical kisses. You can assume what happened from there.

Let's just say I'm happy Kerry was on until nine the next day.

So, that's how it all happened. And now, a month later, our *secret* relationship is still a secret, and we're both still utterly happy. It's funny, I mean, I'm with the woman I've been dreaming of for almost a year and she feels the same way about me. That's a plus.

I've pretty much been staying at Lucy's for the past month. Kerry's probably noticed, but I don't really care.

I finally took Lucy out for her special dinner last week. She wore the blue dress again. Afterward she told me that she liked staying in better. Oh well, who knew?

Yesterday, I went to go do a few errands before going over to Lucy's and when I got there, I found a surprise. Lucy had dyed her hair brown. She said she wanted to go one day without being my 'dumb, blonde girlfriend'. We had a nice long laugh about that and I assured her she was anything but dumb. It's weird that we can laugh about stuff like that now. She assured me that the dye would come out in three washes. Although, after last night, I'm not quite sure I want it to come out in three washes. Let's just say Lucy's more, ah, adventurous with brown hair.

But more importantly, like I said before, we're both happy. I've been the happiest I've been in a long time. And I hope it stays that way. Forever.

The End!