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A Happily Ever After Ending

"Oh my god! Reggie do something please!" Lucy pleaded with her other accomplise.

"Hey you're the doc. not me" he stated. This would get her no where as she finally looked down at Carter and listened for any breathing or pulse.

"We have to get him accross the street without Dale seeing us." she directed.

This would be fairly easy considering the fact that Michelle had knocked Dale unconcious out of self defense.

~~~~~~~~~~~CCGH Trauma 3~~~~~~~~~

"Lucy how long has he been down?" Mark shouted as they lifted him onto the table.

"Uh... no more than three minutes" she announced

"Wanna do your best to give us a bullet stat?" Kerry asked

"Sure" she thought out as much as possible any info to save him." 1 GSW to the right clavicle possible head trauma" was all there was to say since she had no equipment for his BP.

"Ok he's stable BP is 120/80 right where it should be." Mark added as Benton entered the room.

"What happened?" he demmanded.

"Relax peter, he's going to be ok" Mark answered.

"He was shot at doc magoo's" Lucy explained

"WAIT! this happened at doc magoo's?" Mark questioned

"Yea outside I'd have to explain the whole thing later though"

"Estimated blood loss is 200cc so lets get him cross matched, we don't have to replace it right now" Kerry said.

"He's O-negative" Lucy called

"Ok, lets get him 2 units on a push dripper." She used a rare combo a dripper, and blood.

"Are you sure?" someone called

"Yea we don't need an immediate transfusion so this'll be easier" she answered.

~~~~~~~~~~Recover room 122~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey luce" He said in a weak whisper surprising her after he had been down for nearly 2 days.

"Oh my goodness you're awake!" She said in a smile that made his pain go away. "How do you feel hun?"

"Ok. My shoulder is killin' me" he took his free hand of tubes and needles and touched his shoulder lightly.

"Don't do that you'll hurt it more" she was very concerned he could tell, she wouldn't be this way around other patients.

"How's Joshy doing?" he asked

"Oh hes in daycare upstairs" she sat in a chair next to his bed.

"Hey why haven't you gone home?" He could tell by the fact that her hair was messy and that she was wearing the same blood stained clothes from the shooting.

"What makes you say that?" she tried to hide her concern. He gave her one of those looks that said, 'come on luce stop lying' and she immediately dropped the act.

"Well I've been worried" she felt tears come to her eyes.

"Hey, you know me, fighting all the time" he put on a smile a fake one at that just to try and lighten the mood.

"You fought the good fight John" she grabbed his hand and kissed it and smiled.

"Thanks Lucy" he put on a real smile.

"I'm going to actually go home and I'll come back soon I promise" she bent down and kissed Carter. He returned her kiss not wanting her to leave. Detaining her as long as he could.

"I have to go get Josh" she smiled and whispered.

"Ok. Bring him with you next time" he called after her.

"Go to sleep Carter!" she groaned in a joking tone.

~~~~~~~~home that night~~~~~~~~~

"ok Josh, now its time to go to bed" Lucy had tried several times to lay the infant to a rest but he just seemed to resist no matter how much she fed him, rocked him, sang to him, (which Lucy found was a step backwards!) or read to him that he didn't want to go to bed but didn't want to play or be active.

"Oh I get it. You miss Carter tucking you in at night huh?" She had finally figured out the cause of all her frustration.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I miss him tucking me into bed too" Lucy giggled trying to be optimistic about his injuries. She had just gone off the depression medication and now she felt she needed it again. Carter would have given her a look that would change her mind. But, Carter wasn't here right now. She needed those pills. She also remembered that there was a limited backup for once in a while needs. She went to the bottle and took two pills. Though she should have taken three. 'I'm stronger than these pills. I don't need to take three' she told herself constantly. She was happy she could hear it even if it was in her own head. Just in the middle of her happiness her son started to cry uncontrollably.

"ok something isn't right" she began to worry. "Hey here's an idea" she tried to yell over the infants noises. " Lets go see Daddy!" the boy started to calm down at the sound of his fathers calling name.


"Lucy, you aren't on for another 13 hours!" Jerry exclaimed when he saw Lucy come in around 1:00 in the morning.

"I know, I thought I'd see what's happening around here. Anyone sick? Doctor, patient,..??" Lucy tried to cover the fact that she was here to see Carter but Jerry saw through the act. He gave her a look and finished her sentence, "Or maybe your husband?" he sarcastically suggested.

"Look, I know visiting hours are over but just think of me here as a-" she was cut off by Marks hand in her face.

"Cut the explanation Lucy and get your ass up stairs" he was impatient and tired but had a smile on his face which made Lucy perceive that he was joking.

"Thanks mark" She smiled softly he watched Lucy run to the elevator with her son in one arm and a diaper bag in another.

"Now is it just me or do they seem to be obssesed with eachother?" mark added leaning on the admit desk.

"Duh!" Jerry said as he turned back to the computer screen. Mark didn't have to look back before he said it. "Jerry try looking at women that ARE wearing their clothes!" and with that Jerry blushed and mark walked into the lounge.

~~~~~~~~~~~Room 212~~~~~~~~~

"Oh your up?" Lucy said as she walked into the room.

"Jerry called up and said you tried to sneak in here" He smiled and kissed his wife then his sons head.

"Ok, here's the deal, he wont sleep if you don't put him there so I thought if you tucked him in here I'd sneak him home?" Lucy tried to run her plan past Carter

"Shut up Lucy how the hell do you think he'll stay asleep that whole car ride home?" He laughed. his son was now playing with the tubes on his arms.

"Ouch!" Carter jumped as Josh pulled strongly on his I.V.

"Hey let me fix that" Lucy leaned over and straightened the tube.

"Thank you Dr. Carter" he smiled half Jokingly the other half falling in love again with her smile from his comment.

For the first time Carter got out of his bed to put his son to sleep in the plastic cage ob brought up for them.

"Well its sleep for him, not that I'm totally comfortable seeing him in one of those things" Lucy said.

"Lets go to the cafeteria or somethin' for coffee" Carter tugged his wife from Josh's side.

"Who's going to watch him?" she protested.

"The nurse will I'll get her in here she'll love him" he found a way finally to get Lucy away from her son and with Carter again.


Lucy grimaced, "Uch this coffee still tastes like crap"

"Yea but, Luce um we have to talk" He sounded too serious Lucy was nervous.

"What is it?" she anxiously questioned.

"Um, when you had your blood scanned last week they found something"


"Your pregnant again"

"How? We haven't been together since Josh was born not like that anyway."

"I know"

"Carter what are you saying?" she thought of what he might be thinking at that moment the thought disgusted her to be intimate with someone other than him. She couldn't show her scars to anyone else. He was the only one who understood why they were there, the pain they caused before and after, and the only one who didn't seem to stare when they had been intimate.

"Lucy, I gotta know have you- " he stopped himself short seeing the expression on her face.

"You pitiful ass hole. For your information, I'm on my period so there is no way that I'm pregnant" she though her next words out for she hated what they would be saying to him. "Secondly, how in hell could you think that I'd do that? I fought stab wounds to live with you, I turned down men that could offer me relationships that wouldn't put my career on the line. For who? Huh Carter? So I could be with you. G0d I must have been hit my head a little too hard when I fell on that floor." With that she got up and left.

'Dammit!' he cursed himself

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lucy is at home on the phone with her mom~~~~~~~~~~

"I mean how could he think I was pregnant?!. Doesn't he know that I'd tell him? If I had the slightest hint to be thinking about it?" she asked her mom

"Honey, I know I know but, imagine what position he's in?" she tried at this point to save her daughters only true love based relationship. but at the same time she thought 'oh whatever that man did to my daughter he will be sorry he lived to see her!'

"Mom are you defending him?" she felt bettrayed

"NO, no, no nothing like that. Well....think about it though how did the pregnancy test turn positive if you're on your period?" this was still puzzling both of them

"I don't know that scares me. I mean me of all people should know that if I'm bleeding and pregnant there's something not right" now she was scared "But mom I wouldn't cheat on him! I LOVE HIM! WITH EVERY PART OF MY SOUL AND HEART I DO!" she began to cry. Just the thought that this type of suspicion could rise into his head was killing her inside.

"Look baby, get some sleep maybe you'll figure this out when you aren't so tired." Lucy agreed "Oh and honey do me a favor?"

"Yea mom?"

"Take a midol it'll ease your mood and tension trust me I BELIEVE you're on your period!" she laughed at her own words.

"Thanks mom that has to be the best thing I've heard all night!" she started laughing with her mom.


"Goodnight baby. and don't worry things will t urn out ok"

Lucy hung up.

~~~~~~~~~Room 212~~~~~~~~~~

Knock, Knock

"Come on in" carter said still thinking though about what had happened.

"Hi" Carol said

"Hey," and then Josh began to cry

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize he was here" she felt sorry and went to the crib

"Na, its ok he was up"

"Carter, what's wrong and where's Lucy?"

"Uh....she went to Doc magoos for something to eat" he lied hoping it would get past her shame on him

"OK, now you can tell me the real story" she smiled then looked at the baby and back at Carter.

"We kind of got into a fight"

"Oh how cute your first big fight as a married coupple" she mocked a baby talkers tone.

"Actually our second. But even still this one is more than 'A big fight' It was more of a final fight" he felt tears well up in his eyes thinking of the consequences this might have. as much as he didn't want to, the possible image played in his head.

"Lucy please"

"I dont think so John, this is what you think of me? I was right the first time. Ill fix your 'I do for you'"

"I love you!"

"Sure John, but you also think that I love someone else."

(just then a horrible image burst into his mind when Dale Edson came out of the Kitchen and wrapped his arms around Lucy's waist

"Hey gorgeous hes leaving now huh?"

"Yep. You know john, I think you were right, I do love someone else"

"CARTER!" carol yelled trying to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Huh what?!" he finally grabbed a hold on reality.

"Lucy's outside." she sighed and with that she saw the look on his face as his eyes suddenly got big and watery. She walked out with Josh and let Lucy in.

Lucy had a worried yet angry look on her face.

"Wow. our second fight in less than one week" she looked down at the floor.

he couldn't talk all he could do was cry silently and look at her

"Say something John you know I didn't fight these all by myself!" now she started to cry " I mean come on John you thought I would do something like that?!" she found herself stepping closer to him at the same time that she felt an unmeasured anger with him. She finally sat down next to the bed. "Why do these things happen? We've never fought before. I remember when the biggest of our fights was, how late would we stay up under the covers remember?" she laughed a little and smiled at how well their relationship had been going. "What happened? Why are we falling apart?" she was sobbing now and he was on that verge when he suddenly grabbed her before her next sentence and kissed her with all the passionate force he had in his body and his heart.

She pulled away afraid to get lost in the moment

but she couldn't talk. She could only look and see his tears and feel her own tears burning her cheeks when they fell. He sat up and looked at her.

"God, Lucy why the hell was I such a moron? I know you wouldn't do that but the test and I dont know" he was sobbing now " Lucy I love you. I want to until the day I die. no let me rephrase that I WILL love you until the day I die and after that!" Carol was watching through the window hearing some as well.

"Hey Joshy, wanna stay at my house tonight with Kate and Tess? I think you just might have to." she laughed and felt tears like watching a black and white love story. When she looked back they were kissing again. It seemed like forever.

just then the nurse wanted to open the door. "oh um before you go in you might want to get some discharge papers. He's going to be fine" she said with a smile nodding in the direction of the window.

When Carter and Lucy looked at the window sensing someone was there he burst into laughter first followed by her. THE ENTIRE ER STAFF WAS STANDING THERE IN TEARS AND SMILES! When they noticed they saw them, they burst into applause suddenly hushed by the other nurses. It was only 3:45 in the morning.

Carter and Lucy walked out of the room to take him home. Carol just shooed them off expaining that the baby would be fine and to home and 'have fun' again.

who knew they would be soo lucky and soo in love?

The End
