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Disclaimer: Carter and Lucy aren't mine,

Which would have been completely fine,

If the ER writers hadn't killed her off.

Oh well, gotta move on,

At least poor Carter isn't gone,

Which would have been even more a shame.

I know this poem is really lame,

But it's my disclaimer all the same.

Warner Brothers and Constant C are their names,

If you got a problem with the show,

You just let them know.

On with the story,

I won't keep you any morey.

Good Knight

The darkness reached every corner of the room; the only light was that of the moon. She lay in her warm bed, and struggled to keep her eyes open. Sleep threatened to overtake her body, but she did not welcome it, there was still so much to think about. She couldn't fall asleep just yet, not with John lying right beside her. Lucy had never been in love before, at least not like this. As if an answer to her thoughts, she felt his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She settled into his embrace, feeling as safe as she had ever felt. Lucy finally let her heavy eyes close, too much of a burden to keep open any longer.

Confusion filled her senses as her mind processed its surroundings: a clearing in a bleak wood. The air had a distinct chill and a dusting of newly fallen snow shimmered beneath her feet. A full moon shone, illuminating the sky. Her eyes came to rest on a smear of crimson blood, staining the bleach white ground. A wave of emotion washed over Lucy as her mind told her of the dangers someone could be in. Hurt, cold alone, frightened. Another spot followed that one, and a trail of the life giving liquid led into the dense trees, beckoning her to follow.

She took one step forward, then another and another. Momentum built up and she broke into a run, weaving in and out of the trees, her eyes locked on the ground. Bitter wind stung her nose and ears, turning them pink. Her lungs began to burn, out of breath, desperate for air as she finally stopped, lifting her head up to see a cavern on the horizon. Her heart thumped in her chest as she slowly approached it, forcing her ragged breaths to stop so she could hear. She stood timidly near the entrance, watching and listening.

A shadow moved, flickering in and out of her view as she made her way into the grotto, each step more cautious than the last. She cocked her head and listened intently, straining her eyes to see in the now overpowering darkness. She felt her foot come into contact with something, and she stopped dead in her tracks. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes flickered downward to the unknown object; all she could see was black. She squinted in the darkness, forcing her eyes to focus.

The image that greeted her sent pure terror coursing through her veins. She tried to move, run, but her feet stayed put, anchored next to the lifeless body; her lifeless body. Her face, pale as the snow, her blood, leaking, flowing everywhere, staining the ground. Her mirror image cried out to Lucy, her eyes filled with raw fear.

Then, in a nano second her image's eyes were hers and the cave was replaced by a sterile hospital room. She struggled for breath and blood oozed from the many crevices the knife had created. She couldn't think the pain was so overwhelming it almost made her feel numb. Through the thick haze Lucy could make out the feeling she was not alone, that someone else would suffer a similar fate as she. She blinked, hoping her vision would clear up enough so that she could see clearly. Her heart lurched, skipped a beat as she realized the identity of the other victim. It's not him. She told herself. Life couldn't be that cruel. "Lucy." He cried hoarsely. Oh God. It was him.

"Lucy?" Her eyes snapped open, propelling her from the nightmare. Nightmare. It had been a nightmare. But it was so "Luce?" He called her name, softly, gently. She turned her head, shifted her weight and looked into his warm brown eyes.

"I had a horrible nightmare."

"It's alright." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. "It was only a dream," His warm breath on her neck soothed her, calmed her breathing and the remaining uneasiness slipped away. But a feeling lingered in Lucy's gut, a feeling that made it twist and churn. A sense of foreboding, a sense that this wasn't just a dream, just a nightmare. That this was a vision, a rare glimpse at something. A glimpse at her future.