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No Limits

Carter walked into the ER thinking the same thing as usual....'where's Lucy?' he always wanted to see her when he walked into the ER. She had picked emergency as her internship and now he could see her and admire her all he wanted. He just didn't tell her that was why he was excited she'd picked that sub-I.

"Hey Carter!" Jerry threw him a foam football.

"Yo Jerry how's it going?" he said as he tossed it back to him and checked into the computer. After he checked in he looked at the screen for who else was on.

"Uh, Lucy's on in a half hour. try then"

"Huh? oh um, I was checking for Mark"

"Carter he's at the top how could you need to look?" Jerry said knowing full well that Carter was attempting to lie.

"Sorry ease up Jerry I'm just checking for who's on" he put his hands up in sarcastic defense.

"Sure Carter whatever you say, but for now there's 3 patients for you in exam rooms 2,4, and 7."

"Thank you Jerry and uh, when Lucy gets in give her which ever patients I didn't get to ok?"

"That's so sweet, sharing are we?" he made a cooing face and laughed until Weaver hit him in the head with one of her own charts. "Ow!"

"Mind your own damn business Jerry and discharge the woman in 6 ok?"

"Right on it"

"Good to know, so Carter why are you in so early?"

"It's my shift Kerry" he looked up at her.

"You pulled a double last night and now you're in here on a VOLUNTARY shift I might add and yet you seem ready to drop dead asleep right here on the cold floor why is that?" She said rather sternly.

"No reason"

"I have one"

"What's that?" he was afraid she might say Lucy.

"Your former medical student for one" He was dead right. only she'd put it in more dressed up terms. Rather than just 'Lucy' which could've implied a new nurse, desk clerk or anything else but she had to emphasize that Lucy had been his student and that she knew he had had a thing for her while she was in that position. It didn't seem enough to her that she had warned him about them having a relationship, but now she had to rub it in that Lucy was starting her internship today and that the entire ER would know and wouldn't be surprised in the least if they started up together. Just then 'speaking of the devil' he thought to himself as he looked up, then looked back down at his papers to see no other than Lucy Knight walk into the ER, lab coat and all with a smile on her face.

"Hey guys" she said to everyone and they gave her a tired low quality 'hiya' back. "What's the matter with you people you act like the world is coming to an end?"

"Just remember Lucy, by tomorrow you'll feel the same way" Carter shoved a chart at her chest.

"Nice to see you too Dr. Carter" she maintained her smile and strode off to the lounge.

"It's going to be hell for her huh?" Lydia said while signing in.

"I can't wait to watch" Carter added a cruel chuckle in his voice. Though he'd said that he'd actually try and make today enjoyable for Lucy. Let the harshness of her chosen ER specialty sink in slowly. THAT he'd watch with joy. He walked into the lounge to put down his things. Lucy was just leaving.

"Well, already to play doctor today DR. Knight?"

"Don't call me that"

"Why?" He looked up at her like he didn't know what he'd said that was so wrong. though he did it in a mocking tone.

"It just sounds weird" she laughed.

"I think it sounds perfect for you" He adjusted his lab coat and again picked up the charts and walked out of the room leaving her speechless and smiling.


"Carter there's a teenager in 2 with a broken arm, and a leg laceration could you take it for me?"

"Sure Dr. Greene" he grabbed that chart added it to his pile and walked off. Today would be fun. Now if only he could find his focus on the patient instead of his 'former medical student'. That would be good. He was just entering the room when who should he see with his patient none other than Lucy. "Dr. Knight?"

"Dr. Carter, is something wrong?"

"Um, you're with my patient"

"I'm sorry Carter but I'm not with your patient"

"May I see his chart?"

"Here" Lucy said grabbing the file and as kindly as her fired up temper would let her, pass it to him. "Mr. Harold Baring age 48 complains of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and headaches." Amazingly enough that was the patient. The chart in fact matched identically to that of the one that Carter held in his arm.

"Lucy I was told to treat Mr. Baring by Dr. Greene"

"Excuse us" Lucy told the patient. Now she'd had enough. On her first patient as a real M.D. he was going to humiliate her in front of him by saying that it wasn't even her patient??? No way would she let that slide. Outside of the room Lucy didn't hide much of her anger.

"Carter, I have the chart, I was in the room with the patient getting a history, I was going to make a diagnosis and you have the nerve of a jack ass to tell me that he's not my patient? Did you check the board? My name is up there next to his so if you don't mind I'M going to see MY patient!" she let some of her anger spill. She had done it though in the loudest of a whisper just below a yell to prevent Harold from hearing her.

"Are you finished?"

"If you're going to start in on me, no"

"Look Lucy, I'm not going to argue this right now but-" he cut himself off realizing that there was nothing to argue. It was a small mix up Lucy had gotten to the patient and that was all that needed to fix it.

"What Carter? What were you going to say? Remember I'm not your student anymore, don't think I'll stand here and listen to you beat me into the ground anymore with my mistakes. 'Cause this time its yours buddy. You choked not me" She said this while pointing a finger at him in the last sentence. She returned to her patient after grabbing her chart from his fingers giving him a paper cut or two but he didn't realize it. He was stunned. Had he really 'beat her into the ground' for all of her mistakes??? He just wanted her to be a better doctor, now all of a sudden he had made an adverse effect? No, that can't be right she'll be a fine doctor here. Maybe she just blew it out of proportion. He all the while thinking this was staring at her through the glass. She must've realized, looked back and shot him a dirty look that pierced him straight through his chest. Instantly he felt guilty for anything he'd done today or in the years before to hurt her. He just was too p!

roud to admit it to her. He returned the chart to the front desk explained what happened and moved on to the next patient.........

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 hours later^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Lucy dragged herself into the lounge for her first break in hours. 5 traumas in 36 minutes and counting. A car accident left 2 children dead 1 paralyzed, 1 parent in critical condition in surgery then off to the ICU, and the driver, who was high on cocaine and marijuana, with some brain damage, (not enough though, that bastard) Lucy thought since he really hadn't lost much accept some of his vision, also with some broken bones. Lucy wanted to break the rest of the 200 bones in his body he hadn't damaged, for what he'd done to the family he hit with his large SUV, into their Honda. She collapsed into a chair and leaned her head back and sighed.

"Oh G0d what a day" She reflected on the days events. Within seconds she was interrupted.

"Poor doctor pass out on her first day?" he made several clicks with his tongue to the roof of his mouth which followed his mocking tone at Lucy. He continued in a normal tone "I thought you could handle it"

She sat up after that comment.

"I can Carter, and don't you forget it. Today was just hard okay?!" She said bitterly. More harsh than she had intended.

Carter put up his hands in defense sarcastically. "I come in peace Luce" he used her pet name. The bitterness suddenly drained from her "I was just joking. Everyone's first day is rough. You had it harder and you did a pretty great job" he admitted looking down into his cup of coffee. If he saw her eyes he'd immediately choke on his words. She just made him do that. He felt suddenly embarrassed and reached his hand to the back of his neck as he always did in that feeling. It was an instinct.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound harsh, really I'm just tired" He looked up at her.

"It's ok. My shits over how about you?"

"Dam you!" She laughed "I have an hour left" She leaned back her head again. this time she whined a childish frustration sigh.

"I can wait for you and uh maybe we could go to Docs after to end your first official day as 'Lucy Knight M.D.' if you want"

"I'd like that thanks Carter"

"Sure Luce, listen I could take some of your patients if you want?"

"Oh yea like this morning?" She remembered "I'm sorry though for how I yelled at you. I mean you were a great teacher I just never liked making mistakes. I'm pretty used to being I wouldn't say perfect but on top of everyone else at everything you know?" she looked at him with eyes that begged him to understand and say that she was making some kind of sane sense.

"Yea I hear what you're saying, but Lucy, there is no doctor on top of everyone, or better at it than another, ALL doctors make mistakes. I have god knows how many times, so you're not the laughing stock of the hospital you make yourself sound like"

"Thanks Carter, um, I think I'll take you on your offer. But you'd have to sign in again"

"I know, I'll be in with you in a minute" He walked out to sign in again. 'Why did I just do this? I'm perfectly ready to go home and watch a movie or something' he argued himself and his previous actions. 'I owe her this much though after I did humiliate her today. Consequences huh Carter?' he told himself in response. When he finished he went back into the lounge and the two divided 10 patients into 6 for her and 4 for him since she insisted that she have more than him as they were her patients to begin with.

"Ok, I'll see you in an hour then huh?" she asked when they were ready to treat and release a whole new batch of patients.

"Uh, yea 9:00 then"

"Ok" she smiled and left the room. Peaking inside for one more comment "Thanks again Dr. Carter,...for everything" he quickly lifted his head to see who was thanking him. Though he recognized the voice instantly.

"You're welcome Luce" he smiled at her and she left yet again to see her first of 6 patients.

***********Exam 4*************

Ok, Lucy, here is a 17 year old girl, presents with nausea, fever, and early morning vomiting and right after meals, the diagnosis is?.....

"Ok, I'm going to take some blood and send it to the lab for a few tests ok Ashley?"

"Yea, um what kind of tests?" she looked nervous. Lucy figured she knew something that Ashley wouldn't tell her.

"Ashley what aren't you telling me?" Lucy was up front since she knew Ashley liked to cut to the point. She hadn't wanted to give a history, take time with her symptom list she just wanted to hear 'oh you're fine I'll give you a little of this and you'll be on your way' from Lucy.

"Nothing" It came out really quick and defensive. Ashley recognized that and continued "I haven't had my period in a month and a half" she looked at the floor while saying this. 'Jesus Lucy you forgot to ask her that!' She knew she'd forgotten something. It was the first time though. She didn't think anything of it. Why should she? it's late at night for HER since she'd been here since about 7 hours ago and the night before her friends threw her a party for graduating. It wasn't only hers but a large part of it was directed towards how Lucy had survived brutal stabbings, HIV scares and that type of thing. She seemed a tough trooper to them. She wasn't their leader just a sort of role model. Lucy didn't hate it but she was afraid if she made a mistake people might look down on her without question. Anyhow the party went later than expected and with only 2 hours sleep Lucy came in for her first intern day.

"Ok, Lily, I want a Chem 7, CBC, ultra sound, and HIV.

"HIV?" Ashley questioned.

"Oh don't worry, it's just that if your pregnant, we need to make sure you and the baby are healthy"

"Oh, I've only had..... a one time thing. He's my boyfriend and my first"

"Was he protected?"

"Oh yea, we made sure"

"Good, that's a better chance you don't have anything to worry for"

"Ok, um do you mind if I have something to drink? I'm a little thirsty"

"Yea sure do you want me to get you a coke or something?"

"Yea that'd be great thanks, there's some change in my coat"

"Oh forget it I know how to cheat the machine it's nothing" she smiled..

"Thanks Dr. Knight" She smiled for the first time that day.

"You're welcome. Oh and Lily?"

"Yea Lucy?"

"Add a urinary culture to that ok?"

"Sure, I'll get the cup"

Ok Lucy move on to the next one! one down 5 to go. With that she left for the coke and moved on to the next patient.

*********************Same time Dr. Carter**************************

"Mr. Kalling?"


"What's the problem?"

"Well Doc, I have this stomach ache on my left side and it just well it won't go away"

"Did you medicate yourself?"

"3 doses of pepto bismol"

"3? when did it start?"

"7 hours ago"

"Ok, not a good idea to O.D. on that stuff Lydia, can I get a cup of char?"

"Sure one Charchole shake comin' up" She left to retrieve the black liquid.

"Why do I need that?"

"Well sir, we're going to have you vomit up the medication and then I'll examine you in 20 minutes ok?"

"Yea sure. But I had to come down here just to drink something to make me puke out my guts? I could've saved those miles for somethin' else!"

"I know Mr. Kalling" he said while walking out of the room.

1 down, Carter 3 to go.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1 hour later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"So Luce you ready?"

"Yea, you?"

"Sure, where are we going again?"

"Doc's I think"

"Ok, lets go" the two walked off exchanging patient stories on the way out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Doc Maggoo's~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you serious? she said that to you?"

"Yea, She was just giving excuses how she couldn't be pregnant at age 53" Carter had dealt with a 53 yr. old woman who insisted she had an alien growing in her, not a human fetus.

"But alien?"

"She told me she was raped by a group of aliens, didn't know where from but said their heads were that of human, and the bodies were balloons"

"That's a good one 'I was raped by a balloon' boy, people get sicker and sicker every day huh?"

"Yea well, we can always remember Vannessa huh?" He looked slightly joking. Lucy threw a piece of bread at him from her hamburger.

"Oh you think you're so funny don't you?" She laughed. He cracked up at her humor remembering the incident.

"Sometimes" he managed to laugh out. suddenly they were looking at each other. No reason just their eyes happened to land focusing on each other. "Um, it's sort of late we should get going huh?"

"Yea you're right" she admitted not wanting to leave though. Neither did he. It just felt right to end it here before it would blow up into what he wanted. That was not a good thing to have though.

"I'll take you home?"

"Yea ok I took the El today anyway" they got up paid, (Which he insisted on and beat Lucy to getting her money out), and went to his car. On the way home to Lucy's apartment she told him where she had just moved.

"Wait Riverside?"

"Yea Carter why?"

"I live there"

"You're kidding right?" She was shocked. How could they not see each other when they had been living in the same building for 2 months. On one floor above the other but still they left around the same time how could they miss each other?

"No, 14 d you?"

"15 e. What a story huh?"

"Yea that'll be something the nurses can feed on" He joked. They would imply that they lived together, that they had been seeing each other while Lucy was a student, the whole bit. It wouldn't surprise either of them. They pulled up to the building. Lucy hoped out and prayed he would walk her up or at least she could walk him to his own apartment. "I'll walk you up if you want" He prayed to God she would say yes.

"Yea sure that'd be fine" She smiled again. That was it. He knew he liked her. But how could he memorize her face and smile and know so much about her and tell himself he only liked her? maybe it wasn't love but he didn't know what it was. Couldn't he tell her that? In the elevator, Lucy thought about the way he'd looked at her that night. 'Was he giving me the once over or something?' she hoped he was and also hoped he liked what he saw. Only once they had looked at each other from that type of perspective and it got them caught kissing in exam 6. What a mess. She liked every minute she had with him then and even now she liked being around him. Couldn't she tell him that? The elevator came to a stop at her floor.

"I'll take you to your door" He let her out first. Lucy couldn't move after she got into her doorway. She stalled her paralysis.

"Thanks Carter tonight was fun" she leaned her head against the door frame. He smiled at her.

"You're welcome I had fun too. Um," he put his hand behind his neck again. "Lucy, I don't know why the hell I'm saying it but I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime to dinner?"

"We just did right?" she wanted him to insist it would be more next time.

"I mean more than friends" There he'd said what he wanted them to be. He didn't want her to not react the same way.

"Yea, I'd love to" she was looking at him the whole time. He at her. It was like earlier except neither could move their eyes off the other. Without thinking the two moved closer.

"Great, it's a date then?" he whispered while still looking at her.

"Yea, a date" she said in the same tone. Still they moved closer. Eventually they found themselves kissing in her doorway. She suddenly felt relaxed. Not nervous about kissing the 'right way' or anything, like someone else. Just comfortable. It felt right. To both him and her. They moved into her apartment and he shut the door behind him. They slowly broke apart.

"Are you ok with this Luce?"

"Yea" She kissed him this time. They didn't blow it out into something tasteless. They were pretty slow about it. He moved his hand behind her head and she put her arms around his shoulders. She stared at him for a minute smiling. How was it that the man she had a bomb of a crush on was standing right in front of her kissing her? She didn't care for an explanation she just loved having him there. Somehow they settled for her bed, and had a somewhat memorable night........
