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2 Different People

Lucy walked into her apartment and realized today was training day. 4 days a week Lucy went to her little hide away designated by Leo, her white lighter (and yes he is also the white lighter of the charmed ones) so that he could train her to use her powers correctly. The elders had designated Lucy to hold combined powers of the charmed ones and to be honest this was new to her. How would she tell anyone at work? "Hey guys better not threaten my or I'll kick your ass with my new witch powers!"? Sure, that'd give 'em a good laugh but that's about all it would do for her too. This was also not something she chose. She had received her book of shadows but it was somewhat incomplete. The charmed ones had a fuller one. Leo told her to learn to write spells so that she could fill the book maybe to capacity but that was highly unlikely since there were only about oh lets think........20,000 pages in that thing and there were only 100 spells. Which left her to write um....1!

9,900. Anyway Lucy dropped off her bag, changed into her training clothes which consisted of a pair of adidas black pants with the two stripes, and a gray tank top which to her surprise made her figure look quite good. Enough said about that though. She picked up her duffle and a water bottle, put up her hair, and ran as fast as she could to training hoping she might beat Leo's orbs today. Lucy had quite a speed in her she didn't know she had. When running she found that she couldn't control her pace as well but she ran so sharp that it seemed one centimeter to her body, meant, steering to a whole new county. The precision in her foot work was utterly amazing and she arrived at the 'arena' in no time at all. Still though she couldn't beat Leo.

"Ok, Leo let's get this thing going alright?"

"Sure Lucy. There's one thing though"


"Piper's powers are advancing. Anything new in yours?"

"Um, I haven't tried since last week I don't know" Lucy sipped her water.

"I told you though to practice at home or something can't you at work?" He was serious but Lucy couldn't contain her laughter.

"Leo are you nuts? What will my boss say when he finds me levitating over a DOA or telepathically giving him an IV bag?"

"Ok, ok I get it. Now here try and freeze this ok?" Leo held what looked like a glowing glass ball.

"What is it? and remind me how to freeze"

"It's a tortured soul. Freeze it. All you have to do is imagine your stopping all movement within it" Lucy concentrated on her ability and threw her hands towards the soul, when she re opened her eyes Leo wasn't moving. The soul however was. It floated towards Lucy. She caught it and unfroze Leo.

"Sorry about that"

"Uh, it's ok you just have to concentrate on what you're freezing. Give it here" He signaled for the soul. She directed it toward Leo. Her practice continued and soon she found that levitating, freezing, astro- projection, and even freezing and now premmenitions and explosions were going under control. Lucy figured a little practice at the hospital couldn't hurt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Next day CCGH~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Lucy, you look well what happened to you that we all missed?"

"Nothing I just got a good nights sleep, thanks though" did magic really improve her health? 'Hm, nice advantage' she thought. When she walked into the lounge she found Dave, Carter, and Luka, talking.

"Hey guys"

"Hi Lucy, ready for rounds?"

"Yes Carter" Lucy said in a groan. "Oh master, my lord" She gave a sarcastic bow.

"Very funny"

"Well it's kind of hard not to when you always want to know if I'm ready for this or that or where I am when and why" she laughed.

"Hey Lucy give him a break"

"Why !?" she figured Dave was on her side of the matter.

"Hey listen to the man Luce." Carter paused "Why Dave?" He asked

"He just wants to know if exam 6 is available when you are!" He got up and walked out "I'll see you guys later" He laughed at his own joke.

"Well I hate to break up the party," Luka chimed in "but, I have a patient to see" He left too leaving the two flirts of the day together alone.

"Don't mind what Dave said" Carter assured Lucy

"Really? he makes sense" She said putting her stethescope around her neck and shutting her locker. She smiled at Carter. "Kidding, Jesus Carter, you've got gulible written on your face like it is on the ceiling too" He didn't look up much to her dismay. "Well I may not catch you there but I will soon" She winked and left. Was she flirting with him? Probably but that was how it went between them. Flirt, flirt, flirt. No action just flirting. Tomorrow it would do the same thing. It was a cycle that both seemed outwardly content with. Lucy had other thoughts. So many times she'd wished it would go beyond flirting but, he didn't show interest. Besides with her new 'talents' she wouldn't have much time for dating anymore even if that were the case.


Was she flirting with me? He asked himself the same question everyday. Everyday the same answer 'of course dumb ass so were you!' which was true and he liked it that way. Sometimes he wanted more out of it but, others he didn't really want to change the balance of things. Lucy was right though he was pretty uptight about.... everything! Work, sex, relationships, dating, friends everything was serious for him. Lucy on the other hand was relaxed about everything. Sometimes that wasn't the best but others it came in really handy for. Oh well so maybe those two were too different for each other but who knows, opposites attract.
