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Quite a Scare

It was 4:00 when Lucy next looked at he watch. John should be home soon. Though he said he would be home an hour ago. 'Oh well I'm sure he got tied up' that was what usually happened. When a doctor in the ER told you they would be off work at 9:00 that means any time after 9:00 between midnight. She decided though that she wanted to talk to someone besides Jen whom she had just talked to for nearly an hour. Abby was the first person that had popped into her head. So she picked up her phone (which she hadn't thrown off the ledge) and dialed the ER number. Immediately when Jerry picked up before he could finish the word 'ER' she interrupted him. "Jerry just put Abby on the phone ok?" she laughed as she said this knowing what the finish of the sentence was.

"Lucy? where are you? ok, ok hold on"

"Thanks Jer"


"Hey Abby what's going on down there?"

"Lucy?! hey! oh nothing Luka and I just got caught!"

"Doing what?" she asked sneakily knowing already what the answer was. She and Luka weren't make out crazy but they did have a reputation for playing long games of tonsil hockey. They seemed to be getting serious and it seemed that was how they wanted it. Lucy was happy for her. She wanted to tell her so much about John but the two had already decided to hold out for a while. It would make the two seeming to have pre-meditated the relationship right after she and Dave had just broken up.

"Lucy! need you ask?" she laughed.

"I know I just can't believe you two can't you guys live off of your own spit?"

"You make it seem like a crime! he happens to be a GREAT kisser though"

"No I didn't" she said jokingly. "Who caught you this time?"

"What do you mean 'this time'?"

" I mean last time it was Peter Benton before that Dr. Greene then before that ME then Carter was the first the-"

"Ok, ok I hear you!"

"So anyways who caught you?" Lucy was anxious to find out if a nurse had found them which would mean the entire hospital would think they were going at it in an open exam room. They had the tendency to stretch the truth A LOT.

"Dave" WORSE Dave the big mouth the sex talk person of the hospital. Worse than a nurse.

"Lucky now the entire hospital probably thinks your going at it right now including the patients, knowing Dave"

" I know we're gonna have it in for us tomorrow"

"You bet and I'll be there to see it all"

"Yup" Lucy heard someone call Abby on the other end "Lucy Trauma coming in I have to go bye"

"Bye Abs Oh WAIT!"

"What hurry!"

"Is Carter there or did he leave?"

"He just left bye"

"Bye!" There the answer. he would be home just in a few minutes. Ok, better clean up ASAP what she left in the kitchen............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ half hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Lucy?" came the other voice

"John where are you?"

"Coming home I just left the hospital"

"Abby told me that a half an hour ago"

"Oh sorry I got caught up with traumas"

"Oh ok. How's the traffic out there?"

"Not bad I'll be home in a few minutes ok?"

"Yea I'll see ya"

"Bye Luce" Lucy hung up the phone. Today that was the only way she communicated with anyone. First Jen, Abby, then John. 'This technology stuff is so great!' To think she'd had a decant conversation with a soon to be doctor and a lawyer both while wrapped in a blanket and a pair of cloud pajamas. That was definately not the way she dressed for work. And that was the crappy ER. Relieved she had the time to clean up her mess, she still had to drink a little bit of water. She grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured some tap water into the glass and had a few sips. That was it. She couldn't bring herself to drink more. But the odd thing was, she couldn't bring herself to drink the other glasses let a lone ANY food. She had only ingested water today and that wasn't healthy but she also knew that a stomach ache like she had shouldn't be bothered with food. It was absolutely horrible these pains. They kept shooting left and right up and down until she thought she'd !

explode! Quite a few times she felt like vomiting but nothing came. This was probably just normal side effects from the surgery....'Dam it!' another pain suddenly slammed at her side and up her gut. She ran to the bathroom not even giving a second thought to how much it hurt to move a muscle let alone hundreds by running. This time she vomited. That continued through to the time John returned home which was nearly 4 minutes later.

"Lucy?" He heard gagging in the bathroom. When he walked in he found Lucy at the sink with her head held down holding her hair back with one hand while balancing on the sink with her other hand. He quickly rushed to her back to catch her hair for her. When he glanced down at the sink to check her vomit it was oddly transparent with the exception of the red streaks. RED STREAKS? blood. "Lucy what did you eat today?" He said somewhat worried. When the gagging stopped for a minute she could talk.

"I couldn't eat" she coughed but nothing came. She cleaned her mouth of extra mucas and spit it into the sink.


"I couldn't eat I was too nauseas"

"Luce we've got to get to the hospital you're vomiting blood"

"I'm fine its probably my throat from vomiting so much" she tied her hair back by herself and put some scope in a cup and washed her mouth. She washed away the vomit that coated the sink and let some soap soak in it for a while. She would clean it up later. "Besides they would have to know I had surgery, I don't need that"

"Luce you'd rather die trying to hide that then let some people know you had an abortion?"

"You're making it sound that bad"

"Please Lucy lets just go to the hospital and let me check you out ok?"

"Fine ok if it'll get you off my back then fine" She laughed on her way out to get her coat.

"Thank you G0d" he muttered as he looked up to the ceiling. At least he could find out what was wrong with her.


"Lucy what are you doing here?"

"Um I didn't feel to good when John came to help me with some stuff so he demanded practically that I come over here"

"Oh what was he helping you with?" Randi asked.

"Um I'm moving some of my stuff down to storage and it was pretty heavy" She lied after quickly thinking of a story to hide the 'secret of secrets' around the hospital.

"Oh ok well um where's Carter?"

"He's coming" Correction he's right behind her.

"Ok Randi what exam room is open?" Lucy already knew that exam room 1 was open so that was fine.

"Um you guys can try exam.......6" She smirked.

"Grow up Randi" Carter called as he checked the list since she wasn't interested in telling him the truth. "Check off exam 1 ok?"

"Sure Carter. PLAY SAFE LUCY!" she called after them. Lucy only waved off her comment.

"She'll never learn will she?" Lucy asked sarcastically.

"Not in this lifetime, no" he joked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Exam 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Carter was drawing blood, urin cultures and every other test in the book. Now he was on the ultrasound. Lucy was all to familiar with this test. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable to have the test but she adjusted. "Everything looks fine John"

"Thank you doctor" He said sarcastically she could always do this. Now she was just tired of sitting there being poked and touched and frozen with gel and.........she just wanted to go home with him.

"You're welcome. What is with you, you act like I'm dying" He got back her blood work.

"Well the good news is you're not the bad news is you have food poisoning"


"Well excuse me for trying to make sure that you're ok" he laughed as he saw her face turn slightly red from the tension of the moment.

"I'm sorry look I'm just- right now I hate hospitals and this is the last place I wanted to be that's all"

"Gotcha. I'm just glad you're ok"

"Me too. Let's go home ok?"

"Yea let's go" he put his arm around Lucy and kissed her forehead but when they opened the door he had his arms at his side. They walked out casually until the car where he held her hand the entire ride home..........
