Title: Heal Thyself
Summary: The way I wish "The Gift" (S5 finale) had ended. Spoilers, obviously.
Notes: Them that gets it, will get it. Them that don't, obviously don't watch enough British TV. <g> I'll be happy to explain if anyone's actually interested!
Disclaimer: Not mine. Please don't hurt me.
Thanks to: Pete, Vic, Dot, and Jen, as always.
Buffy lay unmoving. The group watched, stricken.
Giles twitched. A pale wraith shook itself free from him, and drifted towards Buffy. Giles breathed, "The Watcher. . .?"
The wraith floated above Buffy, then descended. The two figures merged with a shimmering, incredibly bright, white light. Giles squinted through tears of pain. A melodious, low voice sounded in his brain without seeming to go through his ears. "It is the end - but the moment has been prepared for."
The light disappeared. Buffy had changed. A tall girl with masses of brown curly hair blinked up at them. She grinned toothily. "Hello."