Title: When Kirks Fly
Summary: Short-short, vaguely funny.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't hurt me.
Thanks to: Jen, Pete, Dot, and Vic, and the wonderfully hilarious James T Kirk.
Kirk was a ham.
Spock sighed, and sat back in his seat.
Last week's adventures on the Mafia planet had only reinforced what Spock had known for many years – Kirk loved getting dressed up and playing games.
When they'd made it back to the ship, and debriefed, Spock had sat in his quarters and wondered what Kirk was doing in *his* quarters. Was Kirk standing in front of the mirror with a hat pulled low over one eye? Was Kirk practising 'pool'? Was Kirk reading up on how to drive an automobile?
Spock looked down at the Enterprise Players' production of 'The Crucible'. Kirk was enthusiastically declaiming one of John Proctor's speeches about keeping his name.
Spock nodded to himself. Kirk had probably done all three. James Tiberius Kirk was a ham.