Title: Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall
Summary: www.dymphna.net/challenge story. The keywords were Cordelia, mirror, alive.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Thanks to: Pete, Jen, Vic, and Dot.
Cordy pulled the brush through the snags in her hair, staring at herself in the mirror. "So, Wes, bet ya never saw this coming."
Wesley sighed. "Yes, well, it's different – but I suppose we'll get used to it eventually. The Powers That Be have their plans."
"Yeah, I know. I just never thought that on the day of the prophecy –" Cordelia rubbed her eyes.
"That Angel would get hit by a bus," Wesley continued softly.
Cordy nodded. "And the prophecy would pass to the nearest vampire, who would then become human." She noticed a figure in the mirror.
A voice behind her said softly, "I think we need to talk, now that I'm lily-white and alive, and everything."
Wesley turned. "Hello, Drusilla."