Title: Monkey Pants
Summary: From Challenge in a Can. The keywords were Forrest, pants, grateful.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Thanks to: Vic, Pete, Dot, and Jen, as always.
"Aww, hell." Forrest rolled out of bed and shivered as the cold air hit his naked body. "Shirt, shirt, shirt," he muttered, going through the pile of clothes on the floor. "Shirt!" He bounced upright and pulled it on.
His socks were draped across the lamp. "Whoa," Forrest said. "That was one helluva night."
"You bet! Have you seen my sweater?"
"It's under the bed," Forrest said. "Have you seen my pants?"
They landed on his head.
"Yeah, I've seen your pants." Riley said, leering. Forrest kissed him gratefully on the cheek. Riley opened the door. "Come on, hurry up."