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"Looking For A Place To Land"

Dakota Moon

(Written by J. Dean, M. Malloy, T. Taylor, B. Mann)


There was a man in his car trying to talk to me

He drove a Pontiac, red, 1963

He shouted numbers and neighborhood streets

I said, "I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know"

And then I said to myself, "what's he lookin' for"

An illegitimate son with an open door

Or else the calling from God he could not ignore

I didn't know. I didn't know


I guess in my own way

Just like the man I am wandering, wondering away

But aren't we all just


Looking for a place to land

Looking for a friend to call

Looking for a destination, conversation, fascination

To protect us from the fall

Looking for the one to love

Looking for a brand new day

Looking for a reason to stand

Looking for a place to land


There was a girl on a train out of Santa Fe

She found her husband in bed with her sister "hey"

She left her kids and her soul when she ran away

Where do you go? Where do you go?


Sometimes the love that you lose is the love you find

Sometimes the pain is the doorway to peace of mind

No matter how hard you try you just can't rewind

Now that you know - where do you go?


I guess in my own way

Just like the her I'm wandering, wondering runaway

But aren't we all just


Looking for a place to land

Looking for a friend to call

Looking for a destination, conversation, fascination

To protect us from the fall

Looking for the one to love

Looking for a brand new day

Looking for a reason to stand

Looking for a place to land


I guess in my own way

Just like the them I'm a wandering, wondering runaway

But aren't we all just



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