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2008 v 48


Mai Mai Fighters Third Piece in Congo’s Violent Puzzle

GOMA, Congo — Didier Bitaki, a Mai Mai militia leader, stood in his yard on Thursday with two baby-faced soldiers behind him and a little glass bottle in his hands. “This is it,” he said.
The “it” was a nasty-smelling concoction of mashed-up leaves and water that looked more like a week-old mojito than anything else. But according to Mr. Bitaki and thousands of other armed men still wreaking havoc in the eastern Congo bush, magic potions like these give them power to fight for their land. And he handled the little glass vial incredibly carefully, doing a secret-handshake-like-motion each time his soldiers slipped the bottle into his hand, making sure it was always covered.
“You got to be careful,” explained Mr. Bitaki (picture), who was standing barefoot, dressed in a bright white Puma sweat suit. “You don’t want to let the power out.”

The Mai Mai are the third piece to eastern Congo’s violent puzzle, with the rebels on one side, the government forces on the other and the Mai Mai often terrorizing the uncontrolled areas in between. With their guns, leaf headdresses and special potions that many fighters believe make bullets bounce off them, they are a surreal — but still deadly — dimension to Congo’s civil wars. The Mai Mai insist that they are Congo’s true patriots, but it is questionable how much influence they wield — most villagers call them crooks and they tend to lose their battles. In the past few weeks, they have emerged as spoilers, fighting on when the other armed groups have agreed to stop. The Mai Mai now seem to have a beef with just about everybody: the rebels (whom they clashed with on Thursday); United Nations peacekeepers (whom they clashed with on Wednesday); and Congolese government troops (whom they clashed with on Tuesday). Once again, Congolese civilians have been the victims of most of these skirmishes,

On Thursday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved sending 3,000 additional peacekeeping troops, which would bring the total in Congo, including police officers, to more than 20,000.
The new peacekeepers will have their work cut out for them, especially when it comes to the Mai Mai. On Tuesday, Mai Mai fighters ambushed Congolese troops north of Goma, a strategic city in eastern Congo on the Rwandan border. The government troops repelled them, witnesses said, and one dead Mai Mai fighter was left with an umbrella driven into his face.
On Wednesday, United Nations officials said heavily armed Mai Mai troops tried to shake down a United Nations peacekeeping convoy that was patrolling a small village near Goma. According to the officials, the militiamen initially demanded money but then said they would settle for some food. When the peacekeepers said no, the Mai Mai opened fire. The peacekeepers fired back and killed one Mai Mai, United Nations officials said.
On Thursday, the Mai Mai turned their guns on rebel forces, who have agreed, after days of touch-and-go negotiations, to pull out of some of the towns they recently seized. United Nations officials said the Mai Mai were trying to take advantage of the vacuum formed by the rebel withdrawal.
“These Mai Mai are really troublemakers,” said Lt. Col. Jean-Paul Dietrich, a United Nations spokesman.

There are thousands of Mai Mai fighters in dozens of loosely connected Mai Mai groups scattered across Congo. The movement started decades ago when Congolese communities formed militias to protect themselves and tapped into local customs as a way to inspire the fighters. The term “mai mai” refers to maji, the Kiswahili word for water, because many of the Mai Mai fighters grease themselves up with a mixture of palm oil and holy water before stepping on the battlefield. Often the emollient — and some homemade necklaces — is all they wear.
In 1998, when Rwanda backed a rebel group that nearly overthrew the Congolese government, the Mai Mai teamed up with Congolese government forces to fight the Rwandans.
That conflict, which drew in armies from half a dozen neighboring countries, ended in a stalemate, and eastern Congo has been plagued by armed groups and insecurity ever since. Many of the Mai Mai militias in other parts of Congo have agreed to disarm. But in eastern Congo, the Mai Mai seem increasingly restless.

Mai Mai leaders in Goma said they felt left out of the recent negotiations between the Congolese government and the rebels, who are widely suspected of having continued Rwandan support. Last month, the rebels routed Congolese government troops and were about to snatch Goma when the rebels’ leader, Laurent Nkunda, suddenly declared a cease-fire and said he wanted a political settlement with the government.
Mai Mai leaders said the government should be talking to them, not the rebels. “We are the ones who are strong,” said Maj. Mihali Inakefuno, a Mai Mai commander. “These rebels would be nothing without Rwanda.”
But many villagers said they disliked the Mai Mai. On Thursday, as the sound of the Mai Mai’s guns echoed across the green hills, sending farmers nervously scampering out of their fields, hoes in hand, Mataza Nirakomano pointed to her filthy skirt and the scabs on her arms and a wispy infant hanging off her hip and said, “Look at me. This is what the Mai Mai have done.”
Ms. Nirakomano, a farmer and mother of three, said that Mai Mai fighters had looted her village, raped women and kept the entire area insecure and, by extension, poor.
“Fighting for our land? No!” she said. “They are just as bad as anyone else.”