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While Veronica practices her bolo throwing, Marguerite enjoys a cool dip in the river. As she slips on her robe, sixteen year-old Gawain steps out of the bushes and informs her he'd rather see her without it. As he is the King of his Camelot-inspired realm, his word is law. Against the wishes of Vordred, the young King's Grand Vizier, Gawain is determined to make Marguerite his Queen. Marguerite has no choice; marry him or die. So begins a talerife with duplicity, plots and counter plots, a Kingly edict to slay a "dragon", and a deadly joust between Roxton and Vordred to decide the future of the Kingdom and the freedom of the explorers.

-Summary from the Official Lost World Site














Coming Soon!!!



Things That I Loved...




Favorite Scene


Favorite Quotes:


