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Challenger and Marguerite discover an ancient Temple whose entrance is guarded by a carving of three armed warriors. When Marguerite falls into a pit of spikes, Challenger must leave her, to get help. As he leaves, the Guardians come to life. While Marguerite lies bleeding, she hallucinates. As Challenger is returning with the others, the Guardians attack them with invincible strength, but stop suddenly when they see Malone bleeding from a chest wound. While Veronica takes Malone home, the others hurry to the temple. When Roxton and Challenger
reach her, Marguerite is baffled when they can see her hallucination, Adrienne. Following Adrienne's claims there is an exit from the plateau via the Temple, Challenger follows her map to the Temple's altar where he is confronted by William Maple White, a dead colleague whose journals had led him to the Lost World.

-Summary from the Official Lost World Site














Once again, overall this was a very entertaining episode. Since my favorite character is Marguerite, I was very happy to see a glimpse into her past. Also there was some all around good things. We got to see a lot of Challenger/Marguerite interaction int this episode, which I also enjoyed thoroughly. To tell you the truth, I miss the interaction with Summerlee and Marguerite, so I think this was a nice replacement.

Although there were things in the episode that raised more questions then they answered, but I'm getting ahead of myself now.


All in all a very good episode where acting is concerned. Once again, Rachel Blakely just pumps out the emotion during the entire run, but we also had some nicely done acting by William Snow (Roxton). The scene where he is fighting Malone and Veronica to go after Marguerite, I swear, I could see the pain in his face. He thinks he is close to losing Marguerite, and he's going to try his hardest to stop it.

Pretty good acting done by the guest stars. (Sorry I didn't catch there names.) Adrienne may have had some very well used lines but I think the actress managed to pull it off well. The scene where she is coming on to Roxton has been done so many times by different shows, but it was still very cute. Well not necessarily cute, actually it was downright mean, but I guess I liked that it made Marguerite hurt and a bit jealous I think.

Things That I Loved...

Once again, I mention the Marguerite/Roxton scenes. I am such a hopeless romantic. But I have to say I liked the concept of this episode. I'm not sure how well used it was, but I thought that it was neat that the old lovers were reborn out of Marguerite and Challenger's guilty concenious and blood.

I really liked the revival of 'classic' Marguerite with her little, "could this day get any better." I got a good laugh out of that. And of course right after she says that things start to get steadily worse. With regards to Marguerite I also liked that Marguerite thought this was just a delusion and it was her way of clearing her soul. When she finds out that Roxton can also see 'Adrienne it really throws her."

The last bit I'm going to mention is Challengers gentle probing into her past. Unless you have seen the episode 'The Secret' you have to agree that until then, none of the explorers have probed to deeply into her past. Something which I find kind of unusual. I mean we have a scientist, and a reporter. Don't you think one of them would likely ask her some questions. Well since they didn't (most likely being nice and giving her privacy) I liked that Challenger finally did here. Boy that was long just to say those seven words.


You know I think I just covered my biggest nitpick in the last section. Oh well. I do have some things to mention here though. First of all if you look closely, Marguerite's arm isn't actually through the stake. And yes, I know that they would never actually harm the actress, but today, I'm almost sure they could do better special effects then that.

Second is that if you look at the bottom neckless on Adrienne when Marguerite tells her to take them off, I think that's the same neckless as in Pirate's Curse. The one Marguerite was wearing under the scarf at the end. Now since Pirate's Curse is right after Survivors does that mean the neckless is just a common prop?

Favorite Scene

Open scene

Marguerite and Challenger are talking on the balcony in the end.

Marguerite: "Do you want to know they went?"

Challenger: "Who wouldn't. It's another of life's unanswered mysteries."

Marguerite: "Oh now, tha sounds like scientist talk."

Challenger: "Oh, not at all, just another human being wondering at the amensity of it all. After all that's all any of us are. Whether we are a scientist, the explorer, the journalist, or an internation jewel thief wanted on five continents. Still at the end of the day even a king might have to stand before something." (AN: Sorry about that last line. I tried a lot, but I still couldn't get what he says after 'a king.' I'm pretty sure it's that, but if anyone knows what he actually says, email me please.)

Marguerite: "Oh, I never pictured you as any man, you always seemed to have an air of elitetism around you."

Challenger: "Well it's not the end of the day yet. Is it?"

Marguerite: "No. Remember when I told you how much I hated this plateau."

Challenger: "Which time?"

Marguerite: "Can I let you in on a guilty little secret?"

Challenger: "I have been known to have a secret or two myself.

Marguerite: (whispers in his ear) "It's not true."

Challenger: (laughs) "Are you going to shar that with our friends."

Marguerite: "And ruin my reputation?"

Challenger: "Oh Marguerite, I have heard that a little confession is good for the soul.

Marguerite: "Yeah, so have I, a very little." (leaves)

End scene

Favorite Quotes:

Marguerite: "Look at all this silver!" (laughs)

Challenger: "Marguerite, has anybody ever told you that you have a one track mind?"
Marguerite: "And you don't?"
Challenger: "Now, I don't really know exactly what you are?"
Marguerite: "Your looking for a label? Adventuress...grieving widow...internation jewel thief wanted on five continents, that sort of thing?

Adrienne: "Did you marry?"
Marguerite: "Yeah, a dream come true. Two mistresses and an overdraft."


