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Roxton , Challenger and Veronica come upon a young woman - - Renata who is fleeing a band of Apemen. Helping her escape with her life, they are shocked to find Renata's father is Dr. William Hargrove, a scientific contemporary of Challenger's. They travel to Hargrove's compound and discover he fled London when his pioneering work in genetic experimentation turned deadly. As the trio soon discovers, the plateau has been the perfect laboratory for Hargrove to tinker with DNA, both Apemen and human. Meanwhile, Summerlee, Marguerite and Malone come upon a strange, old witch whose "necklace" is a pair of radio headphones. She promises to show them where she found a radio transmitter, but they'll have to help her with a spell first and Malone's blood is the key ingredient in her potion.

-Summary from the Official Lost World Site

Unnatural Selection














Coming Soon!!!



Things That I Loved...




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