Quiz 1-12A: "Prophesy Girl" Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required! JavaScript is disabled. Get Netscape 3.0 or turn it on!
Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required!
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Buffy Willow Cordelia he wants to go stag
2. After the earthquake at the begining of the episode, the Master turns to the Anointed One and says: "What do you think . . ."?
5.5 5.1 4.2 8.0
3. Giles is worried because the prophesy says that when the Master rises WHO will die?
the Watcher the Slayer no one every one
4. Jenny Calendar tells Giles of a report of . . .?
librarians being killed nationwide animals attacking at the Sunnydale zoo I forget . . . a boy born with his eyes facing inward
5. Who does Xander ask to the dance after his first choice turns him down?
Willow Cordy Amy Ms. Calendar
6. What is the name of the book containing the prophesy?
Big Book of Prophesy D'Hopren codex who cares
7. What is Buffy's solution to the prophesy?
quit kill the Master let Angel handel it get reinforcements
8. What gift does Buffy's mom suprise her with?
her favorite chocolates a new cd a girl's night out a dress
9. Who does Xander go to for help in locating Buffy and the Master?
Ms. Calendar Giles Angel a P.I.
10. Where does the Hellmouth open?
at city hall the school gym main street under the library
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