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LUKE: Junkie.
LORELAI: Angel. You've got wings, baby.


LORELAI: You'll have to entertain me until she arrives. OK, Burger Boy, dance.
LUKE: Will you marry me?


LUKE: So I hear you're having a party Saturday.
RORY: Yeah. Mom's famous for her blowouts.
LORELAI: The best one was her eighth birthday.
RORY: Oh, yeah, that was good.
LORELAI: The cops shut us down.
LUKE: The cops shut down an eight year old's birthday party?
RORY: And arrested the clown.
LUKE: I don't want to hear any more of this.


EMILY: He seems to like you.
LORELAI: And you're judging this by what?
EMILY: By they way he looked at you.
LORELAI: Which is how?
EMILY: Like you were about to give him a lap dance.


EMILY: You smiled. You're pleased that the ice man looked at you like a Porterhouse steak.


LUKE: You're not going to kill the bag boy.
LORELAI: Why not?
LUKE: It's double coupon day. You'll bring down the town.


LUKE: You're an amazing woman.
LORELAI: Thank you for noticing.


LORELAI: I never pictured Luke with an Elle MacPherson kind of pretty.
SOOKIE: No? Pictured him more with a Lorelai Gilmore kind of pretty?


LORELAI: You’re accusing me of being jealous of a woman who dumped a man I’m not even
interested in five years ago?


LUKE: So she's a super intelligent chick with great physical and deductive skills?
LUKE: Oh, this is not a chick I want to find.


LUKE: It's the kind of lock burglars look for.
LORELAI: Why do burglars look for that lock?
LUKE: Because it's easy to break into. I proved that.
LORELAI: You proved that by . . .?
LUKE: Breaking in through the back door.


LUKE: Yeah, I 'm gonna get going. I just left my toolbox from when I was here earlier fixing things. I do a lot of little things around here for Lorelai.
LORELAI: Yeah, you're very handy. So Luke, we'll talk later.
LUKE: Yes we will.
MAX: Although probably not tonight. We won't be back until late.
LORELAI: No, I meant not tonight.
MAX: Oh, I misunderstood.
LORELAI: I meant tomorrow. So tomorrow.
LUKE: Absolutely. We see each other most everyday.
MAX: Well sure, you've got the coffee.
LUKE: And she needs the coffee. So I'll see you tomorrow.
LORELAI: Tomorrow.
LUKE: Same time as always.
MAX: I'd count on a little later.
LUKE: Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around.
