How did you originally hear about the site?
I had signed another 90210 RPG's guest book. Shari saw it and told me about Melrose 90210
When did you join?
I think I offically joined in May but I had been sending Shari feedback before then.
When did you start watching 90210/Melrose?
I started watching 90210 during the summer of its very first season. I was never a regular Melrose viewer but I did catch episodes starting in its first season.
Who were your favorite characters on the shows?
So many. Donna, Brenda, Val, Steve, Clare... I didn't really have favorite Melrose Place characters.
Why did you choose to write for the characters that you did?
They're who I was asked to write.
Who was your original character?
Didn't have one.
What has been your favorite storyline so far?
Hmm. Probably Val's breakdown and her slow return to functioning.
Maybe some sneak previews...
Well,since I just got here,there's not too much I can tell you. We will be seeing more of Brenda's work as a regular on a very familiar-sounding show about a California high school. She will be making a new friend to help her navigate this new world. David and Donna are back together but they'll soon be facing a major challenge to their marriage. During their seperation, David may have made a mistake that he'll come to regret soon.
The writing process behind the scenes...
Well,not having actually written anything yet,it's a little tough to describe. Basically,since I have some guidelines to follow here and well-drawn characters to work with,basically, I 'm going to hit the ground running and see what happens.
Personal Info
I'm a 30+ Great Neck boy with many fannish obsessions such as comic books, Star Trek, Roswell (the TV show, not the town) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer . I'm also an aspiring grad student and in desperate need of a life {G}!