
How did you originally hear about the site?

Shari gave me the link way back in Septbember

When did you join?

I joined this February

When did you start watching 90210/Melrose?

I started watching Melrose Place when I was 3 since my older sister did. I have seen every episode of Melrose, but started watching when I was about 5 or 6.

Who were your favorite characters on the shows?

On 90210 it was probably Val,Clare,&Brandon. I loved them all on Melrose.

Why did you choose to write for the characters that you did?

Valerie has always been my favorite character and when I found out that they needed a new writer I was ecstatic. It was perfect timing!! 

Who was your original character?

Valerie Malone

What has been your favorite storyline so far?

They have all been excellent

Maybe some sneak previews...

After losing her baby, Val is definately in for some major life changes.

The writing process behind the scenes..

I have always had a creative imagiantion and when I least expect ideas pop into my head. I basically write the ideas down and then patch up all the loose ends:)

Any personal info that the writer wouldn't mind sharing...age, location, etc.

I'm 13,I live in IL, and I totally and completely love Beverly Hills,90210 & Melrose Place!!