Welcome to Meteor Shower(Ver 1). The Aussie Smallville Home. Here we will
have relevant information about Smallville for Australian viewers. If you
would like to contact the webmaster you can do so here funki_juz@hotmail.com
November 6th,
2002 @ 7:52 pm EST
I found out that Nine plan on airing the skipped eps at a latter
date and probably at a latter timeslot. This will probably happen after the
final ep for seaon 1 has aired. Here's hopin! Im still dissapointed that they
couldnt have been aired in the correct order though!
October 26th,
2002 @ 5:02 pm EST
Again sorry for the lack of updates... but I have been working on
my Major Folio Piece for Uni, and its the last thing I have to do before I
finish Uni... which is in 3 days.... so like please dont give up on this site.
Well as most people would know chan 9 skiped an ep on Us! They skipped Zero and went straight on to Nicodemus... arrrrgggg Im so angry with them, as i havnt seen any of these eps before.... and im suremany of you havnt either!
September 9th,
2002 @ 11:02 pm EST
Sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been overloaded with work
at school :o(
As you all know nine have been stuffing us around again, taking
smallville off one week, puting it back the week after, then taking it off
again... if you think there is need to start campaigning to nine please let
me know, so we can all get together and plan it... and it you dont think theres
any need to campaign let me know also!
August 14th, 2002
@ 2:42 pm EST
I have been away for a
little while, so just heard the great news that Tom Welling (Clark) received
a Teen Choice Award for Breakout Male Star. Congrats to him! Can you believe
we are already up to the 8th epsisode in the first season.
August 6th, 2002
@ &00pm EST
Dont firget that Smallville
wont be on this comming tuesday due to channel 9 airing the National IQ test.
It will return on 13th of August.
July 17th, 2002 @ 11:35 pm EST
Smallville has been nominated for 2 Emmy Awards by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The categories are "Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series" and "Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series!" Both of these nominations were for the pilot episode of the show.
July 16th, 2002 @ 11:35 pm EST
Here in Australia, Smallville was the highest rating drama of the year, coming in at 21! Whoo hoo.... hopefully it keeps the 7:30pm timeslot then!
July 15th, 2002 @ 12:50 am EST
Girls... you better not snort when you laugh because Michael Rosenbaum (lex Luthor), told people magazine "There's something in every woman that's attractive... You know what I don't like? If you snort when you laugh. I can't deal with snorting, not even if you're Gwyneth Paltrow or Nicole Kidman." Michael was listed as one of People Magazine's Top 50 Most Eligible Bachelors.
July 12th, 2002 @ 10:00 pm EST
Today I added Evie's Clark & Lana Wallpaper to the fan art page. So go and check that out!
July 10th, 2002 @ 12:38 am EST
Well after a problem with my internet which has lasted a few days, I am back! For anyone who got Sundays Herald sun in Melbourne there is a write up about Smallville in the TV Guide. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but when I do I will type it up and put it into a new section which will be labeled media.
July 6th, 2002 @ 8:00 pm EST
Yep its true,
Tom is no longer available! Tom's wedding to his fiancee, Jamie, occurred
on July 5, 2002.
Decided to put details about which ep is coming up and one pic from screen caps up.
July 5th, 2002 @ 7:20 pm EST
Well finally i have this much up, will finish everything else off within the next few days! whoo hoo!
also if anyone is interested in submitting fan art to be displayed here please contact me. Before you ask all credit will go to you for the art work.
The Episode guide is up and it includes a brief summary out each ep from season 1.
The mailing list is up and running, so if you would like to know when this site is up and running completely, join up and i will also send out new information about Smallville.