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It is not my intention to bore my readers with reams of words to tell you my story of birth to transition and happiness, as you will have read it all before in one form or another.

Suffice to say it has taken be over 45 years to reach where I am today and my one regret in my life is that I allowed myself to talk myself out of making that transition so long ago.

Also, as we all know transsexuality is not something we suddenly decide on, it is something that is thrust upon us from birth due, in my opinion and the opinion of others, to a freak of nature.

It is something we all at one stage or another, and for varying lengths of time and to varying degrees, fight against.

We all try, and I emphasise the word ‘try, to be as others around us by doing the macho things. As in my case, having been in the Armed Forces and worked for the Prison Service, a total of 25 years Crown Service. I have also been married twice, and I might add that neither of these ended because of my transsexuality. My lifestyle, until I came out myself, was a more closely guarded secret than the codes for an Atomic war.

It was after the end of my last marriage that I decided, after spending a large part of my life doing for others, ensuring their happiness, solving their problems, to make my life what I had always wanted it to be. To take some of that happiness for myself.

It was time to stop the impersonation I had been doing for over 45 years; it was time for the birth of Michelle.

Here I have several people to thank for that. First off all the girls of, what was then Newcastle TV & Friends, (now Newcastle TG & Friends), but even more one person, namely Elaine.

It was she that helped me into surroundings and an environment where Michelle could blossom from a chrysalis into a butterfly and with that also came a friendship that I know will always stand the test of time and will last an eternity. Through this site, I thank her from the bottom of my heart and I know I can never repay her for all the she has done for me with her support, help, advice and being a good listener over the last 2 years of my full transition. “Thank you Elaine”.

To all girls (and boys for that matter) who know they are not living as the person they know they should be, take heart, take courage and most of all take that first step to be who you are.


On the 22nd April after a long and hard fight lasting nearly 7 years I finally underwent my final Operation. Which apart from a couple of minor hiccups wasa complete success and I am one very happy Lady

To all those who have supported and encouraged me, picked me up when I have been down, not least Elaine, I say a very big "Thank You"

“A journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step”

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