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Starting Over again- by ladyjade/kimberly

Chapter One: Part 1

The cafe' : Amber, Trudy, baby Bray, Brady, Lex & Tai-San (mystery person) ************************************************** **

Amber was sitting in the back of the cafe' feeding baby Bray. Lex and Tai-San were sitting holding eachother hands and kissing right next to Amber. Trudy & Brady were standing in the middle of the cafe' having an arguement about Brady's bedtime.

" But mommy I'm not sleepy!" Brady shouted.

"Sorry sweety but You need to go to bed." said Trudy.

Lex and Tai-San looked up at the same time . Then Tai-San got up and walked over to Brady.

"Sweathart. you should listen to your mom." Tai-San said.

" But I wanna play." pouted Brady.

" I'll make you a deal ,I'll read you a bedtime story,then you have to go to sleep, ok." Tai-San said.

" Ok . Can I pick it?" Brady asked sweatly.

"Sure darling whatever you want." said Tai-san.

" Great , I just got my wife back and she would rather read a story to the brat then spend time with me." Lex mumbled under his breathe.

Amber having heard this says " Lex, she is just trying to help Trudy."

" Whatever!" he shouts as he storms off to his room.

Tai-San just says " I'll deal with him latter. Lets go get that book for you Brady."

"Brady darling say goodnight to Amber and your cousin Bray." Trudy said.

" Goodnight Amber and little Bray." says Brady.

Trudy, Brady, and Tai-San all leave to go to Brady's room.

"Well I guess I should take you to bed to little one." she said to Little Bray. As she was about to leave someone very familier walked in. " Oh my god is it really you , we thought you were dead!" Amber exclaimed as she ran straight into his open arms.

Chapter One: Part 2

At the hotel: Ram, Jay, Ebony, Ved and Cloe ************************************************** ************************************************** ****

Ebony and Jay helped a very tried Ram to the hotel. Which now had a brand new sign out front that read "EBONY'S PLACE". Cloe & Ved got there ahead of them to get a room ready for Ram.

"Well here we are. Home sweet home." Ebony said.

"Thank you for leting me stay with you guys. I'm really sorry about everything I put you guys though the last time I lived here." said Ram.

"It's ok Ram we know that you've changed. Everyone deserves a second chance." said Jay.

Just then Ved walks out. "Well are you ready to see the room we've set up for you Ram." yells Ved from the front door.

"Yeah. I can't wait I'm really tried. I forgot how much walking takes out of you." says Ram laughing...

They got into the hotel where Cloe was waiting to show Ram to his room.

Chapter Two: Part 1 ************************************************** **

"Yes Amber it's me."he said as he looked down at the only woman he has ever loved.

"Bray I knew that you couldn't be dead. I just knew it in here." she said as she put her hand over her heart.

"Well to tell you the truth sometimes I wished I had died.The only thing that kept me going was the hope that you and our child might still be alive." said Bray.

"Well love would you like to meet your son , little Bray." Amber said laughing,she hadn't reall been happy sincethe day Bray had disappered. And Trudy found the neckless with Amber's father's ring on it the one she gave to Bray.

"Little Bray? You gave him my name." Bray asked as he picked up his son for the very first time.Baby Bray looked into his father's eyes ,smiled at him and fell fast asleep.

"Of course I gave him your name. What else would I call our son but the most perfect name in the world." Amber said.

"Plus he's got your smile." Amber said lovingly.

"And your eye's my love." said Bray , now holding the two most important people in his live.

"Well we should tell the others that you're back."

"No! I mean not right now can't it wait 'til morning. I just want to spend time with you and are son. The others can wait." Bray asked with a sad look in his eyes that told her that he wasn't ready for all the questions they would ask him.

"Ok , but first thing in the morning. Let's go get some sleep." Amber said as Bray followed her with little Bray in his arms to her room.

Meanwhile in Brady's room: ***********************************************

"Ok, sweety which one do you want me to read to you." Tai-San asked.

"Can you read this one ." Brady asked holding up Sleeping Beauty.

"Can I be Princess Aurora, Tai , Pleeeeeeeeaaaaase!" she asked ,as she held her favorite stuffed animal (a small black and white Husky with blue eyes).

Tai-San started to read " Once upon a time in A far away land...ect..." by the time she got to the middle part Brady was fast asleep.

Chapter Two: Part 2 ************************************************

Back at the hotel Ram is getting settled in his new room. He really didn't exspect such a warm welcome. Exspecially from Ved & Cloe. The room was wounderful. A big king sized bed was in the far cornner of the very large room. It had black satin sheets and a heavy burgundy quilt. He crawled into the huge bed and was out cold as soon as his head hit the soft pillow.

Meanwhile in another part of the hotel.....

"Ebony, please believe me being with Trudy was the biggest mistake of my life." Jay pleaded.

"But yet you were with her all the same." stated Ebony.

"Yeah but you left me. And for a dead guy at that!" yelled Jay.

"My sisters were messing with my mind. So what do you do, fall into bed with the first b**ch you can find."

"I was just trying to get over you. But now I relize that it will never happen. I love you with all my heart Ebony,please believe that." Jay said with love shining in his deep brown eyes.

"Prove it!" Ebony shouted as she slammed the door of her room in his face. After awhile she heard his retreating footsteps as he walked away from her door.She let one single tear drop fall from her eye. "I wish I could believe that Jay, I really do." she thought to herself as she crawled into her very lonely bed and let all the tears fall that she had been holding in for so long fall into her pillow.

"I will prove it one way or another Ebony. Because you hold my heart in your hands and I can't live without you." Jay thought to himself as he slowly walked away from her door to the small room upstairs and let his tears fall as well.

Ved and Cloe were in their room kissing and teasing eachother. When Cloe turned to Ved and said " I'm preganat."

"Are you sure." Ved asked.

"Yes I am."

"That's great honey!" he exclaimed wraping his arms around her.

"You're not mad at me." Cloe asked a bit confused.

"Are you crzy, of course I'm not mad. I'm really happy."

"But the last time I thought I was , you dumped me."

"Look last time I was really stupid, and I was really scared that Ram would find out and kill me for being with a virt. It had nothing to do with you. I loved you then and I love you more even now." he said.

"And Cloe will you marry me." he asked as he pulled a velvet box out of his pocket.

"Yes, yes of course I will." Cloe said as tears of happiness fell from her soft brown eyes.

Chapter Two: Part 3 **************************************************

At the Mall:

"Lex, honey I was just trying to help Trudy. She was having such a hard time with Brady." Tai-San said starting to get very upset with her husband, because he just didn't understand.

"Ok , I'm sorry it's just been so long since we have been together that I wanted you all to myself."Lex said in a little puppy dog way.

"Lex , I've missed you too. I love you so much. But we are all a family here and we need to help eachother out." she said as she reached out and pulled him in for a very long and passionate kiss that left them both breatheless.

Chapter 3: Part 1 ************************************************** *

Amber woke up to the feel of Bray's strong arms around her. She snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes. "If this is a dream then I don't ever want to wake up." she thought to her self. As if he had read her thoughts Bray pulled her closer to him. She smiled and went back to sleep.

A little while later little Bray let out an ear pircing scream. Both Amber and Bray jumped out of bed.

"Amber love let me take care of him you get some sleep, becides I haven't gotten to do this before." Bray said gently.

"I know. I'm just so used to it being only me." Amber said.

"Amber is everything ......." Trudy stopped dead in her tracks and quickly forgot what she was saying as she walked into the room,

There right before her eyes was the one man she never thought she would ever see again.

"Hi Trudy ." Amber said as Bray pick little Bray out of his crib.

Trudy just stood there not moving or talking.

"Trudy .... earth to Trudy..!" Amber said.

"You're alive!" Trudy shouted as she ran and threw her arms around Bray and his son.

"Trudy be careful , my son can't breathe." Bray said laughing.

"It's good to see you to..."

Trudy finally let him go. "But how, when..."

"Did I get back." Bray said finishing her sentence for her.

"Uh uh" was all she could say.

"Last night, and as for the rest it's a really long story."

"Why didn't you tell everyone !!" Trudy yelled at Amber.

"It was my fault , I just wanted to spend time with Amber and my son alone before I got pilied with questions from everyone." Bray said trying to calm Trudy down.

"Oh. Ok but everyone will want to see you, we all missed you Bray." Trudy said with tears running down her face.

"Why don't you let us get dressed and we'll meet you in the cafe' in half an hour." Amber said standing next to Bray and their son.

"Ok. And by the way welcome home Bray." Trudy said as she walked out of the room.

Chapter 4: Part 1

At the hotel Ebony was just waking up. She didn't get much sleep the night before. All she could think about was Jay. She knew he was truly sorry, but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him that she forgave him. I mean why shouldn't she make him beg. "But what if he decides I'm not worth the trouble?" she thought to herself.

"Well maybe I sould just go talk to him."she said to herself out loud.

So she got up out of bed and took a shower, then got dressed in her favorite outfit. A red leather halter top, black leather pants, and a pair of black sued boots that came up to her knees. And took off for Jay's room. Just as she got outside his door she heard music playing.

She wears a coat of color Loved by some, feared by others She's immortalized in young men's eyes Lust she breeds in the eyes of brothers Violent son make bitter mothers So close your eyes, here's your surprise Beautiful is empty Beautiful is free Beautiful loves no one Beautiful stripped me In your mind she's your compainion Vile instincts often candid Your regret is all that's left She told me where to go I'm going And it's far away from home I think I'll go there on my own

It was to late she thought he's already given up on her. She ran all the way back to her room and started crying once again.

Mean while back in another part of the hotel Ved and Cloe were getting up. "Morning sleepy head." Ved said as he leand over to give Cloe a kiss. Just as his lips were about to touch hers they heard a loud crash coming from Ram's room. they both jumped up and got dressed in a hurry, so that they could make sure Ram was ok.

"Ram are you alright!" they yelled at the same time.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just kinda tripped on the quilt. Nothing to worry about ...still getting used to beging able to walk." he said laughing at himself.......

~In Jay's room~

Jay continued to list to his music. When the song he wanted to hear came on.

Well I just heard the news today It seems my life is going to change I close my eyes, begin to pray Then tears of joy stream down my face With arms wide open Under the sunlight Welcome to this place I'll show you everything With arms wide open Well I don't know if I'm ready To be the man I have to be I'll take a breath, take her by my side We stand in awe, we've created life With arms wide open Uder the sunlight Welcome to this place I'll show you everything With arms wide open Now everything has changed I'll show you love I'll show you everything With arms wide open If I had just one wish Only one demand I hope he's not like me I hope he understands That he can take this life And hold it in his hand And he can greet the world With arms wide open........

"That's right. I prove to her how much I love her, And when she relizies the truth I'll be waiting with my arms wide open." Jay said out loud to himslef. then he headed down to get some food.

Chapter 4: Part 2 ************************************************

Bray and Amber made their way to the cafe` with baby Bray wrapped saftly in his father's arms. As soon as they entered the cafe` everyone shouted. "Welcome Home!!!"

Everyone was there Lex & Tai-San, Jack & Ellie, Selene& Pride, Ebony, Cloe, Trudy,Brady,and Ryan. And a few new faces Bray didn't reconize, those begin Ram, Jay , Ved,Mouse & Patch.

All in all it was a great homecoming.

Than all of a sudden the questions came from every direction.

"What happened to you ."

"Where have you been."

"Hold on a minute guys , It's great to see you guys too. Well as to what happened to be It's a really long story. And I promise to tell you all later, It's just hurts too much right now. And as to where I have been ..uh....where do you want me to begin." Bray said with a slight smile on his face.

"Just start where you left Amber in the barn while she was in labor with your son!" Pride shouted at Bray. Voilence in his voice.

" I didn't leave her there Pride I was going to go get help. She was bleeding pretty bad and I wasn't sure If she would surrvive without more help then just me!" Bray shouted right back at him.

"Trudy was more then able to help Amber deliver little Bray." pride stated still pissed off. He seemed to be the only one that wasn't happy that Bray was back.

Selene just stared at Pride taken a little by surprised and a little bitter."Was he still in love with Amber or did he love her." They were together but since Amber had come back to the mall Selene had always worried about him leaving her for Amber.

" Anyway , so after I got about half way to the Mall something hit me from behind . And when I came to I was in a small dark room with no widows. And for the life of me I couldn't even remember my own name." Bray said

~Still in the cafe`~

Bray was still telling them what happened to him.How for 6 months he had no memory, and how he was forced to work long hard hours underground, then he was strapped to some sort of machine at night, it was some kinda weird game. Finally he figured out how to escape from it .

"I was able to get at least 8 people out with me. And we headed toward the city. Well then we got to the barn where I had last seen Amber (though I didn't know it at the time). I couldn't sleep that night I had this odd feeling that I had been there before . Then I looked down at the floor and this was there. the moment I touched it I remembered everything. And all I could think about was finding out if Amber was alive and all of you." Bray finally finished.

By this time all the females in the Mall had tears running down their faces. Even Ebony.The guys were just shocked. Ryan under stood how Bray felt working under gound, he had done the same thing when he worked in the mines ,up until 3 months ago when Ram found him and helped him escape.

"Wow man that sucks." Lex said.

"Oh my god , Bray I'm sorry ." Ebony said , as she rushed toward Bray. Just as she came close enough to him he push her way. Ebony hit the ground hard.

"You stay the hell away from me!" Bray yelled at her. Surprising everyone in the Mall even Amber, and she had been wanting to do the same thing to Ebony for years.

"Leave her alone." shouted Jay, as he rushed to help Ebony.

"Who the hell are you."

"The guy who's gonna kick your a**, if you ever lay a hand on her again." Jay said calmly helping Ebony to her feet.

"Jay please stop, I desevered it and more." Ebony said, her eye pleading with him to just let it be.

"Fine , but just fair warning Bray ,hurt her and I hurt you." Jay said, still holding on to Ebony's hand.

"Bray I really am sorry for everything. I'm glad you're back. And just to let you know Amber and I made peace with eachother, I hope some day that you and I could do the same." Ebony said.

Bray for the first time ever could see that she really meant it. He could see it in her eyes."Wow ,she's changed." he thought.

"Maybe ,but just not right now."bray said.

"Jay, Ram maybe we should go." Ebony said looking at both of them. Ved & Cloe went to get up to follow them,but Ebony said. "No Cloe you should stay and spend time with Bray and the others. And Ved you should stay with her. Just to make sure she gets home safe later. Bye all" Ebony said waving at them.

"Bye." everyone said including Bray.

Chapter 5: Part 1 **************************************************

Later that night.....

Lex and Tai-San were in their room just enjoying begining back in eachothers arms.

"You know what love." Lex said quietly.

"No what Lex?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They just layed there holding eachother for what seemed like hours.Every once in a while kissing. Then Tai-San truned to Lex.

"Lex ."

"Yeah babe."

"Don't you think that Bray was kinda hard on Ebony."

"Yeah, but I can kinda see his point. I mean everytime him and Amber are starting to make things work for them, she came in and messed it up. I mean look at what happened on Eagle Mountain. Then right before the Technos came. Everytime that those two lovebirds got their s**t together in came Ebony to make trouble."

"I know hun. but usually Bray is so understanding, and forgiving."

"Well there is a limit to how much c**p a person can take before they hit the breaking point. I just think that Bray finally hit his with Ebony. I'm sure that the little boy-scout will eventually feel lousey and go tell Ebony that he's sorry. Don't you love."

"Yeah I guess....."

"Now can we stop thinking of everyone else, and start making up for the long months we have been apart."Lex says as he grabs her for a long passion filled kiss.

Soon Tai-San forgot everything they were talking about. All that mattered was right here right now, as she let her passion for this man take over....

Part 2: ************************************************** *

At the hotel..............

"Well I guess I''ll go to bed guy's. Thanks for an entertaining day Ebony. By the way why is it that everytime we see eachother someone wants to kill you? " Ram said as he yawned.

"I don't know maybe I'm just lucky!" Ebony yelled at him.

"Yeah wait a minute I'm on your side girl. I was just kidding. Didn't mean to make you mad." Ram said as he headed troward his room.

That left Ebony and Jay alone in the main enterance of the hotel. They just kinda stood there looking at eachother not knowing what to say.

Then at the same time they both started taking to eachother.

"Jay thankyou...."

"Ebony I...."

They both laughed .

"You go first Ebony." Jay said.

"Ok, first . thankyou for jumping to my defence, even though I deserved it."

"Ebony I meant what I said if he ever touches you again I'll kill him." Jay said with passion in his eyes. "And you didn't deserve it."

"Jay listen to me ok. I did desrve it and alot worse. I have done so much to so many people that sometimes I think thaty Bray is right. I'm like posion. And he's the one I've hurt the most." Ebony said with tears in her eyes.

Then she proceded to tell him everything she had done since before the virus and after. How she stole Bray away from Trudy, and then Zoot, and what she did to Amber & Bray on Eagle Mountain. About Ned everything.

He listened til she was done then told her "Ebony evrything you did is in the past. People make mistakes, and then they learn from them. You've changed since then. That's why I fell in love with you, that's why I still love you."

"You're like a new day, after a very dark and stromy night. Just when all darkness is about to consume you ,your light shines through and makes the darkness go away." Jay said with all his love for her showing in his eyes.

"But how can you say you still love me after everything I just told you."Ebony said with tears running down her face.

"I just do, love. I just do." he said as he gently raises her face to his and kisses her softly.

Chapter 5: Part 3 ************************************************** *

Two months later..........

Everything had calmed down in the city. The tribes were starting to come together again and started to rebuild for the fourth time.Bray and Amber were back as the chosen tribe leaders for the Mallrats, Ebony was back to beging in charge of defence for the city with Jay at her side. Ram was in charge of keeping the electricity and water going, with help from Jack. Selene was still trying to get everyone to agree that they needed schools. Pride wanted to teach all the kids how to survive in the outdoors in case they were ever forced to leave the city, and ryan was back at beging Lex's side kick.

"Well bloody h*ll . Can't you all see that we need to get these kids to go to school. They need to be able to read and write. It will at least keep them from running all over the city getting into trouble." Selene stated to all the people sitting in the cafe`. Which was most of the Mallrats and Ebony , Jay & Ved.

"Come on Sal. after they've had all this freedom, you really expect them to sit all day while you teach them to read and write." Lex said looking at her like she was the craziest woman alive.

"Ok then to start with I'll take the ones that do and go from there." she said looking dagers at him.

"I'll help you Selene." Ryan said standing up.

"Ok ok take the ones that will then, If you can find any." Lex said in his usual smarta** way.

"Lex stop. She has a point love ." Tai-San said.

"Thankyou Ryan ,Tai-San, at least some of you agree with me." she said staring at everyone in the room.

"I never said that I didn't agree with you. I just said it might not work." Amber said.

"OK well now that we got though that we need to start to think about making this city safe so that what happend with the chosen and the Technos will never happen again." Bray said finally taking over the meeting.

"Jack and Ram have been working night and day to set up security systems around the city, so that we'll know who's coming in and out." Bray looks over to them indicateing that they should talk.

"Ok , well what Bray said is true we are now able to tell when people are coming and going. but it's only in the city. The outlining areas are still unsafe so if you leave the safe Zone aka the city we can't garrenty your safty." Jack said looking a bit uncomfterable.

"And Ebony has got lots of people from all the tribes training with her and Jay in self defence, and militia to gard us."

"Yes, it's taken a long time but if anyone were to try invading us again they won't find it so easy next time." Ebony said with extrem pride in her voice.

"Ellie has got the farm up and running again so that we can feed I think that about covers everthing. Meeting over guys." Bray said looking really tired.

"Ok see you guys later we'll meet here again in two weeks."Amber said as everyone started to leave the cafe to get back to doing their jobs.

Part 4: ************************************************** *

As everyone was leaving Jack grabed Ellie's hand. Pulling her out of the mall and into the woods. They stop by a stream were there was a picnic for two set up.

"Jack love are you sure this is safe. I just mean you just got done telling everyone not to leave the city." Ellie said.

"It's fine. we're safe here. Look all around us." Jack said laughing. As she looked around she saw that they were being watched from every direction.

"Jack this is amazing ,but... I feel really werid with all of them watching us...." Ellie said a bit of nervousness in her voice.

"Love relax they're not watching us. they are watching the area around us to make sure we're safe. "

"Ok so what's with this wonderfully romantic jester?" Ellie said, eyeing the small picnic.

"Well to know... um.. will you...will you.. marry me..?" Jack said getting down on one knee and taking her hand in his and pulling out a silver ring w/a heart in the middle of two hands holding it a w/ a crown on top of the heart.

"Jack it's beautiful.I don't know what to say...." Ellie said with a single tear running down her check.

"Say yes..."

"Yes, Jack yes. I love you."

"I love you too."

Chapter 6: Part 1 ************************************************** *

Later that night...........

Trudy had just got Brady to bed. And she was sitting in bed as usual by herself, alone as always. She just hated seeing everyone all coupled up.Amber had Bray, Ellie had Jack, Sel had Pride, Cloe had Ved,Tai-San had Lex, and even Ebony had Jay...

Why why why did everyone have someone but her. She wondered as tears rooled down her face. "Am I such a bad person that no one wants me!" she thought to herself." All I have is my wonderful daughter."Thank god for her." she thought.

Then she truned on her radio to listen to the songs she thought closely resembled her life.

The frist one started.

Please come now I think I'm falling I'm holding on to all I think is safe It seems I found the road to nowhere And I'm trying to escape I yelled back when I heard thunder But I'm down to one last breath And with it let me say Let me say Hold me now I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking That maybe six feet Ain't so far down I'm looking down now that it's over Reflecting on all of my mistakes I thought I found the road to some where Somewhere in His grace I cried out heave save me But I'm down to one last breath And with it let me say Let me say Hold me now I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking That maybe six feet Ain't so far down Sad eyes follow me But I still believe there's something left for me So please come stay with me 'Cause I still belive there's something left for you and me For you and me for you and me Hold me now I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking......

As the song ends she starts crying hader. Then filps forward to the next song.

I lie awake on a long dark night I can't seem to tame my mind Slings and arrows are killing me inside Maybe I can't except the life that's mine No I can't accept the life mine Simple living is my desparte cry Been trading love with indifference yeah it suites me just fine I try to hold on but I'm calloused to the bone I try to hold on but I'm calloused to the bone Maybe that's why I feel alone Maybe that's why I feel so alone Me...I'm rusted and weathered Barely holding together I'm coverd with skin that peels and it just won't heal The sun shines and I can't avoid the light I think I'm holding on to life too tight Ashes to ashes and dust to dust Sometimes I feel like giving up Sometimes I feel like giving up Me... I'm rusted and weathered Barely holding together I'm covered with skin that peels and it just heal The day reminds me of you The night hides your truth The earth is a voice Speaking to you Take all this pride And leave it behind Because one day it ends One day wedie Believe what you will That is your right But I choose to win I choose to fight To fight

As the song ended Trudy driffed off to sleep vowing to fight for what she wanted next time, and that she would find someone for herself.....

Part 2: *************************************************

At The hotel .................

Ram was woundering about how to help more then he already was ,he just didn't feel like he was doing enough to rebuild the city that he was reposible for detroying.

True he gave it back electricity, and water but for a high price, and now he felt the need to do all he could to make up for all the wrongs he had done. And he was wondering If the rest of the tribes would be as forgiving as the mallrats were, he had yet to venture out without either Ebony or Jay.

As he thought about this he continued to work on the defence system for the city..

Part 3: back In Trudy room the next morning..

Trudy woke up to Brady tugging on her arm.

"Mommy , I'm hungry !"

"OK , love Let me get dressed and then I make you some scrambled eggs." Trudy said as she got out of bed . Thinkin to her self "Another long boring day.. " little did she know surprises would soon be comimg her way.

Later in the cafe` Trudy was cleaning up the breastfast dishes to clean when Amber walked in.

"Hi, Trudy how's it going. " said Amber.


"I have noticed lately that you seem to be distancing your self from everyone. Please Trudy tell me what's wrong." Amber asked . Trudy was really taken by surprise that Amber really seemed to care about her.

"Amber I'm really not it's just the fact that well almost all of you have found someone and here I am all alone as always. Even when I was with Jay he wasn't really with me. You know what I mean." she said with bitterness in her voice,tears threating to fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry sweety. I didn't relize that it must be so hard for you to see all of us together. Trudy you will find someone I promise. It just takes time. Maybe what you need is to go visit with the eco's for a while. Just get away from al the stress here."

For once Amber actually had a great Idea.Trudy decided that it was the best idea ever....

"Amber you're right , thanks for listening. I think that is just what I need and I can get to see Hawk again." Trudy was actually felling happy for the first time in months. She would see her good friend Hawk and teach Brady how to survive in the forest...

She finished the dishes then went to go pack.When she got to her and Brady's room she started her radio .

Come and lay right on my bed ,sit and drink some wine I'll try not to make you cry And if you get inside my head, then you'd understand Then you'd understand me Why I felt so alone, Why I kept myself from love And you became my favorite drug So let me take you right now and swallow you down, I need you inside Chorus: If we had this night together If we had a moment to ourselfs if we had this night together, Then we'd be Unstoppable Do you think that this is right, or is it really wrong I know that this is what we've been wanting And all this burning in my soul, it fills up to my throat It fills up til my heart is breaking Chorus: Now, we can both learn Somehow, you'll see it's all we have Love, it keeps us together And I need love When I wake up without you, knowing you're not there I'm only feeling half as good Well I'm gonna find a way To wrap you in my arms,you make me feel alive Chorus:

She listened to the song as she packed . This is deffinitly what she needed. to get away from all the lovey dovey couples and spend time alone in nature........ she would leave first thing tomorrow morning.

Chapter 7: ************************************************** **

Everyone was in the cafe` to say there goodbyes to Trudy and Brady. Bray was holding Little Bray in his arms, Amber was sitting down next to them. Selene & Pride were at the table next to them. Ebony, Jay, Jack, Ellie, Patch, Mouse, Ram,Ved ,Cloe,Lex Tai-San, and Ryan were all there to.

"Don't be gone for ever Trudy, I still want to be able to see my neice. Okay." Bray said as she gave her a hug, then leaned down to kiss Brady on the forhead.

"And you have to come back for our wedding next month Tru." Ellie said.

"Bray I won't be gone forever I just need some time away that's all. And ofcourse I'll be here for yours and Jack's wedding Ellie. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Well all we better get going it's a long way to the Eco camp, so we have to leave now if we are going to make it before dark. Come on Brady sweetheart time to go." Trudy said.

"Mommy why can't I stay with Uncle Bray and Auntie Amber?" Brady said pouting.

"Because hunny mommy would be really lonely without you. " Trudy said with a tear running down her check.

"I'm sorry mommy don't cry. I just didn't want to leave little Bray." Brady said running to hug her mom.

"I'm not crying because of you hunny, I don't want to leave either it's just that I need to take a break from here for I little while. We will come back here I promise."

"Ok mommy as long as we can come back soon, I go with you." Brady said smiling at Trudy.

"Bye every one!" Brady yells waving her small hand at everyone. then grabing her moms hand and starts pulling her out of the mall.

"Brady sweetheart slow down I wasn't done saying goodbye to everyone."

"Well the sooner we leave the sooner we can come back so lets go!" Brady said stamping her foot.

"Ok hun. just let me say goodbye to a few more people." she said as she turns around and runs right into a strong chest. "Sorry." she says as she looks up to find Ram standing there holding a red rose.

"Um that's ok I just wanted to gibe you this and say that I hope you hurry back Trudy." Ram says.

"Why? I mean thankyou Ram. But why the rose I mean we hardly know eachother and we have never really talk to eachother." trudy said looking really confused.

"Well I have noticed you and thought that It would be really good to get to know you." Ram said with a look of wanting in his eyes.

"Well maybe we can get to know eachother when I get back. But right now I've really got to go." she said blushing. She never before noticed how good looking Ram really was until that moment.

"Maybe ." Ram said and quickly kissed her on her check, before turning around and going back to the cafe`.

Trudy just stood there looking shocked not knowing what to think. Brady was tugging on her shirt. "Mommy lets go" she said impatiently pulling Trudy to the door.

They got out of the city and started to head deep into the forest. They walked for most of the day and when it started to get dark Trudy decided that they should probly set up camp and rest for the night then continue on the next morning. So she found a small grove of trees and started building a small fire to keep them warm. It was a good thing that she brought soome blankets with her and Brady.

Part 2: ************************************************** **

Later that night...............

Brady was fast asleep rolled up in the warmest of the two blankets that Trudy had brought with them. When someone grabed her around the waist and covered her mouth with their hand. She felt herselfr beging pulld against a hard chest. She started to panick when she herd a very familier voice say.

"Are you crazy being out here with your daughter by yourself Trudy!" Hawk said as he turned her around and hugged her.

"Hawk , dame it why the h**l did you do that! You scared the s**t out of me !"

"Good , `cause you shouldn't be out here alone like this. Something could have happened to you and Brady. " he said with a real look of concern in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to get stuck out here at night alone Hawk I was trying to get to the Eco's but it got dark and I didn't want to get lost in the woods. I'm glad you found me though ." She said smiling as she gave him a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're here too, Trudy ! But next time try to get to us before dark.Okay." Hawk said as he kissed her on the lips lightly touching his lips to hers. "I missed you ."

"I missed you to Hawk that's why I came I wanted to see you."



"Well she's outcold so I guess we should stay here tonight. Then I'll take you to camp tomorrow morning."

"Ok but I only have one more blanket."

"That's fine Trudy , we can share I promise I don't bite I only nibble if you ask me real nice." he said then winked at her.

She playfully punched him on the arm" 0h ,you big flirt I know you don't mean that." she said laughing.

"And , What if I said I did. What would you do?" Chapter 8: Part 1 ************************************************** **

That night at the mall..........

"Lex come to bed hun, It's late. " Tai-San said patting the bed next to her. Lex ofcourse didn't have to be asked twice. He got into bed with his wife. And without words they grabed eachother and made wild passionate love all night.Just happy to be together.

After they were both exhusted Lex just held her in his arms.

" Lex ." Tai-San said looking a little worried, as she looked deep into those dark penetrating eyes of his.

"Yeah, babe.What's up!" Lex said not noticing the look Tai was giving him...

"You know how I've been getting sick in the mornings. Well I'm preganant. You're going to be a daddy Lex is that ok? " Tai-San asked worried a little that he wouldn't be ready for this .

"I love it babe and you." as he grabs her close and gives her the most passionate and tender kiss he has ever given anyone ever..

"I'm glad love I just wasn't sure If we were ready for a baby." Tai-San said looking rather happy that Lex had taken the news so well.

"We're not but we'll handle it love." Lex said then gently laid her back and made love to her slowly and tenderly.

Part 2: **************************************************

Back at the hotel.......

That night Ram lay in bed thinking about Trudy. She was one Mysterious girl. He had asked Ebony about her and she hadn't really said much except that Trudy had been with Zoot and that Brady was Zoots daughter. As far as Ebony knew Trudy hadn't been with anyone since Zoot, or was she hidding something, Ebony had gotten real nervous when he asked her if Trudy had been with or was with anyone.

He feel asleep dreaming about Trudy , Brady and him beging a happy little family.

Part 3: ************************************************** **

Trudy woke up to birds chripping above her and felt strong arms pull her tight against a warm hard chest. She closed her eyes and cuddled closer in Hawk's arms. Just happy to have someone hold her for a change.

Brady woke up and was wondering who this guy was holding her mom." Get off my mommy! " Brady shouted then tried to push Hawk off her mom.

That got both Hawk and Trudy to snap awake. they jumped up.

"Brady what the heck did you do that for. " Trudy said forgeting that Brady had been asleep when Hawk showed up last night.

"He had you pinned down mommy. I was only trying to help." Brady said then looked down at the ground....

"Oh hunny he wasn't pinning me down he was holding me ." Trudy told her as she got up.

"Oh ok , who is he , is he gonna be my new daddy?" Brady asked hope shining in her eyes.

"No hun , he is just mommy's friend." Trudy said not seeing the look that Hawk gave her. It was one that said you may say that now but not later." Right Hawk."

"Um, right Trudy ." not really sure what he was agreeing to.

" Well lets get you to the Eco's camp shall we." he said starting to pack her stuff for her. And trying to figure out why she won't admite that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Well hopefully she would stay with the Eco's from now on and he could get her to see him as more then a friend.

So about 20 minutes later the set off to the Eco camp.

Chapter 8: Part 1 ************************************************** **

Tai-San woke up alone in bed the next morning. Still a little worried about Lex not being able to hadle being a dad. just then he walked in carring a tray of food. He was smiling and looking rather smug.

"Well look who finally decided to get up. It's already noon love. Here Tai you should eat . After all you are carrying my son." Lex said as he set the tray on her lap.

"Lex. I can't eat all this." she said laughing because he had made Waffles, toast , scabbled eggs, Bacon, and ham. he also had both a glass of milk and some orange juice.

"Well we can share Tai, but you need to eat more now then just Toast like you usually do."

"Ok, I'll try." she said

"Good let's eat!"

They sat and ate the food till it was gone both lost in their own thoughts. Lex was really happy about The baby he was just worried that he would lose Tai and this child just like he did Zandra and theirs. He knew that if anything happened to Tai and the baby he just would not be able to live though it. So he had decided that this time he had to make sure that nothing did.

Tai-San wasn't sure what to make of the way Lex was acting. This was the first time she had ever seen him Actually try to take care of anyone else but himself. "I could really get used to this." she thought to herself. She knew then and there that everything would work out alright. And that Lex would turn out to be a great dad for their child.

"Lex, how can you be so sure that it's A boy. It could be a girl you know."

"I don't . just wishful thinking I guess Tai. I have always wanted A son ever since Zan told me she was pregnant. " Lex said with a look of sadness in his dark eyes.

"Lex love I'm sorry . Is this reminding you too much of the child you lost when Zandra died."

"A little love but this time will be different, You won't die and I won't let anything happen to you or our child . I promise." he said as he leaned in to kiss her.

Part 2: ************************************************** **

Back at the mall........

Life seemed to be going like always. Lex and Tai-San had finally told everyone that they were going to have a baby. Jack and Ellie were trying to decide were to hold the weddding. Amber and Bray were as happy as ever with their little family. Mouse & Patch were playing games on the computer almost every day. Life seemed to be going on just fine.but who really knows what the furture holds.

"Patch it's my turn to play now." mouse said getting mad cause he had been playing for the last three hours.

"Ok Mouse I'm almost done."

" Well hurry up I wanna play. I like this game."

"Don't you think that you two should go play outside for a change.You guys spend to much time on that thing, It's not healthy." Selene said still feeling angry that no one wanted to learn anything like reading and writting and math. Ryan was trying to get the kids in the city interested but It just was not working. The kids loved having the freedom to do what ever they wanted to.

"No!" they said at the same time.

Selene just rolled her eyes and walked away. Still trying to figure out how to get the kids to want to go to school. Pride walked in and grabed Selene and drug her off to their room.

"Sel, I know that you are just trying to get them to see reason but I just don't think that you're going to be able to get anyone to give up their freedom just to sit in a room all day to learn. They just want to have fun and they all remember that school was like a prison to them." Pride said trying to get her to see reason.

"I know it's just that we need to get them to understand all the benefits that learning can do."

"Why don't we go somewhere and just relax for a while. We really haven't spent that mush time together lately love. I feel as if we are growing apart."

"Pride I'm sorry I guess I have just been trying to hard to get the school thing started. And you're right we need to spend more time just the two of us." she said as she kissed him. Knowing that he really was the only one for her and that she really had missed just being with him. So they made up a picnic and headed out for the day.

In the cafe`...........................

Bray, Amber, Jack & Ellie were making plans for Jack and Ellie's wedding.

" Ok so we have at least decided that you guys want to have the wedding service outside on the beach, so then do you want to come back here for the party or have it on the beach as well." Amber said. Since she was the maid of honor.Bray was going to be Jack's best man.

"That sounds fine Amber we can have the party on the beach under the moonlight. Oh jack isn't that so romantic Jack." Ellie said turning to her fiance.

"Yes my love it does." Jack said as he kissed her check.

"Well why don't you to get going on the stuff you need while us women take care of the finer details." Ellie said trying to get the guys to leave so that she and Amber could talk. Ellie had noticed that ever since she had asked Amber to marry her and Jack, that Amber herself had seemed a little sad.

"In other words Jack they want us to leave them alone to talk about us."Bray said reading the look in Ellies eyes.

" Ok lets go , besides I just finished the last step to completing a way to protect us all when we go out of the city limits." Jack said.

"Oh guys would you to just goalready we'll find you when we need you." Ellie said pushing them out of the cafe`.

"Bye Am." Bray said . "I'll see you later And I think that I will go get little Bray from Cloe & Ved so that I can spend some time with my son. " Bray said as he kissed Amber's lips and left with Jack not to far behind him.

"Finally they left. I thought they just mighjt never leave." Ellie said as she turned back to face Amber.

"Why did you want them to leave so much Ell." Amber said.

"Because we need to talk Am. What's up you don't seem happy that me and Jack are finally getting married." Ellie said with some concern In her eyes.

"It's not that I don't want you guys to, cause I do. It's just that I'm kinda feeling left out. You and Jack are going to be married next month and Ved and Cloe are going to get married soon after even Jay and Ebony are. And even though Bray and I are together and have a child he still as never ask me to marry him. I know that we're going to be together forever but I still want him to make me his wife." Amber said.

"Now I see what's wrong. You don't think that Bray will ever want to make that big of a comitment to you. Is that it?"

"Something like that. I mean as far as anyone is concerned Bray and I are married but I still want the words to be spoken In front of everyone . Kinda to seal what we already believe in our hearts. I want him to declare our love for all to see. Not just me. "

"Have you tried telling him all this Am."

"No not really."

"Then you need to tell him."

"You're right Ell, I do. Thankyou."

"No problem Am. that's what friends are for." Ellie said giving Amber a hug.

Part 3: ************************************************** *

At the hotel........

Ram sat in his room after a long day going over all the security systems for the city. And he was again thinking about Trudy. It had been almost a month since the day she left, and no one even had heard from her except the fact that she and Brady made it safely to the Eco camp and that they were doing just fine. Other then that nothing and that was 2 weeks ago.

Then all of a sudden there was a knock on his door. "Come in."he called. Hoping that it was someone with news about Trudy.

His door opened and in walked a beautiful young girl. She was about 5'6 silm, with long jet black hair and emerald green eyes. For a moment Ram thought that he must be dead, and that she was an angel sent down to carry him to heaven. For she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. All thoughts of Trudy left his mind.

"Sorry to interupt you sir. But Jay sent me to get you. they are having a poblem with one of your computer programs and they need you right away." she said in a slightly musical voice.

"Oh ok. and who are you might I ask , I haven't seen you before."

"OH sorry hi I'm Kerra I used to be a Trader but when I got to the city I liked it here so much that I decided to stay. I joined Ebony when she thought Zoot was still alive and when she came back here I did too. "

"So then why haven't I meet you before."

"Oh because I just got back from trying to find more tribes to help protect the city. I had just finished giving my report to Jay when Jed came in so Jay asked me to find you." she said with a smile.

"Well lead the way." Ram said liking this Kerra already.

Chapter 9: Part 1 ************************************************** *

At the hotel......

Everyone was getting ready for A double wedding Ved & Cloe, and Ebony and Jay they decided that the two weddings should take place together (actually Ram had made the sugestion ,and they all agreed). Ram seemed to be in a really romantic mood since meeting Kerra. They had become fast friends though Ram was hoping that someday they could be more.

"So Kerra do you want to be my date for the weddings tommorrow." Ram asked. She's so beautiful ram thought as he watched her sitting at his desk while they were talking again late at night in his room. Like they had been for the last two and a half weeks. She wasn't in her normal uniform she was wearing tight fitting black jeans and a light blue silk tank top that looked perfect on her small petit form. He could look at her for hours.

"Yes Ram I will it sounds like fun." she said startling him out of his thoughts.

"Great." he said as he jumped up from the bed and ran to her picking her up and kissing her on the lips. He was just so happy that she said yes he didn't even relize what he was doing. And surprisingly she wasn't pulling away from him instead she pulled him closer.

Some how they ended up on his bed with her ontop of him deeping their kiss. Ram needed nothing more then that to incourage him. As they locked lips their hands were quickly removing eachothers cloths. Eventually they were both naked. Ram realizing what they were about to do suddenly stopped the kiss. Both of their beathing was heavy, and Kerra looked at ram wondering why he had stopped.

"Ram what's wrong , isn't this what we both want. I know it's what I want." she said.

"Kerra I want this too but there is something that I should tell you before we continue." Ram said looking at her very seroiusly.

"What Ram darling what is it." she said getting really nervous now.

"Kerra I .....I have ..... never done this before." Ram said blushing.

"Are you telling me you're a Virgin!"

"Yes . You see love I was in a weelchair most of my life and I couldn't stand to be touched. But as you can see I can walk now thanks to some really good friends and I like touching you and being touched by you it's just that I don't want to dissappiont you."

"Ram I'm sure you won't hun. Just looking at your wonderful body tells me that I won't be." she said as she ran her hand down his chest going toward his most wonderful feture.

Ram forgot all his worries as she touch him down there. Then he just let her take over. She climed on top of him and started to kiss him all over. Finally she stopped kissing him and strandled him as he entered her he cried out in pleasure. Once she started it his own instincs took over........

Part 2: ************************************************** **

Jay and ebony had just finished having sex and were wrapped up in eachothers arms.

"Ebony I'm so happy that we are finally getting married tommorrow. You have made me so happy. There were times that I thought we would never be together again. Thankyou for giving me another chance I promise you I will never hurt you ever again."

"Jay I thought that too, but then I relized that you really did mean what you said about loving me and that you were really sorry about hurting be. But that is all in the past now lets just move on. I can't wait till you and I are married my love it will be so perfect." she said as she reach overto him and pulled him close and kissed him. They made love the rest of the night.

Part 3: ************************************************** **

Ved and Cloe were just holding eachother. She was about four months into her pegnancy and they didn't want to risk harming they babies since they had just found out that she was having twins.

"Ved we are so lucky are little family is going to be great. lets look through the baby names again what letter were we on love."

" L , I think." Ved said looking down at his soon to be wife and mother of his children.

" How about Lori."

"What abou Logan"

They both started to laugh and kept suggesting names Cloe wanting girls and Ved wanting Boys.....

Part 4: ************************************************** **

"Bray I really need to talk to you ." Amber said finally getting enough courage to ask him why they have never gotten married. They had just gotten little bray to bed.

"Sure Am. What's on your mind love, I've been wondering when you would finally tell me why you have been so upset these last few weeks." Bray said looking deep into her eyes.

"You noticed that uh."

"How could I not love I love you so much I can tell when something is bothering you. And you seemed not to want to tell me why so I thought I'd wait to see what it was that was on your mind. "

"Bray why have you never asked me to marry you." Amber said with all the hurt she felt in her eyes.

Bray wrapped his arms around her and looking her straight in the eye said"Because I have always felt that we were, my love I didn't think that we needed the words said infront of a group of people for it to be true."

"Well I do Bray. It's every girls dream to stand infront of her friends and family and have him declare that you are the one he wants for all time. At least that's what I have always wanted." she said as a single tear ran down her check. Bray brushed it away with his thumb and kissed her lips.

"Then that is what you shall have love." he got down on one knee and took her hand in his and said "Amber Marie Woods, will you do me the honnor of becoming my wife." he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful ring that had a small emerald surronded by silver waves that looked like the ocean. It was perfect.

With tears of happiness running down her checks she said " Yes my love I will. And it's beautiful my love." then they kissed with all the passion they had for eachother in their souls.

Chapter 10: Part 1 ************************************************** **

At the Eco camp.....

"Mommy can I go with Emerald to the stream. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease mommy!!!!!!" Brady begged.

"Sure hunny you can go but be back before dark ok." Trudy said looking at her daughter. She had found so many friends here.

Brady and Emerald left with some of the the older kids to go fishing in the stream.

"She's happy here you know." Hawk said as his arms wrapped around me. And he kissed my check. I couldn't believe how good it felt to be in his arms.

"I know." I said as I kissed his soft lips. I was also happy here. But felt torn I wanted to stay but I also missed everyone back at the mall. The last Month here had been great. I finally had someone that loved me and that I loved as well.

~~~~~Flash back~~~~~ "Trudy why do you want to leave. I love you and I need you. Why don't you love me too." Hawk said as I was starting to pack mine and Brady's things.

"I just don't belong here Hawk. I have to go back I belong at the mall and so does Brady. We have family there. And Bray would never forgive me if I didn't bring his niece back." I said as I looked into the eyes of the man I had fallen in love with. But I knew it wouldn't last forever,I just wasn't that lucky.

"Yes you do Tru. You belong with me. And I won't let you go!" he shouted as he grabed me and kissed me passionately. It was the greatest kiss that I have ever had. Well one thing lead to another and we ended up making love. He was so gentle and took things slowly I never knew that sex could be so sweet.



"Yes Hawk." I said seeing the look of love in his eyes.

"I want you to stay here forever. Trudy will you marry me?" Hawk asked with all the love in his heart shining in his eyes.

"I...Hawk ....I ....don't know what to say. I love you.. but."

"But what Tru." he said as his hands feel to his sides.

"I really do want to stay and be your wife, But Brady needs her Uncle Bray and he would just hate it if he never saw her again. She's all he has left of his brother Martin."

"Well we can always visit him when we want my love. Just because you marry me doesn't mean that we can't go into the city and see him." He said Running a finger down my face and tilting my head up so that I was looking strait into his eyes. I shiver ran down my spine.

"I know but it's not the same."

"No Tru. It's not but why should you let what other people want get in the way of your own happiness?" He said as he kissed my lips lightly. "So I'll ask you again love will you marry me."

"Yes Hawk I will." I said as I melted into his strong arms. at that moment I had never felt more loved or charished. He then carried me of to his hut and we made love For the rest of the day. I was finally right where I belonged. In his arms and all the pain I had felt in the past just seemed to wash away with his touch.

Part 2: ************************************************** **

Back at the hotel.....

Jay and Ved stood in font of the lobby of the hotel waiting for their Brides to join them there. It was their wedding day and they where both looking forward to marring the loves of their lives. Amber stood in front of them waiting as well As she was the one that was going to marry them. Jay was dreesed in a black and white tux and Ved was dressed the same.Then the two brides walked In from out side and toward them. Ebony was wearing a long red and white gown and had her hairup with a few bown and blonde curls hanging down on either side of her face. Cloe was dreesed in a sky blue silk gown that shined in the light as she walked toward Ved.

As they reached Ved and Jay they both smiled at the men they loved.

"We are gathered he today to join Jay & Ebony, And Ved & Cloe to eachother together forever. If anyone has any reason why these couples should not be joined speak now or forever hold your peace." Amber said looking aroud at the crowd Gathered in the hotel.

"Then lets begain shall we. I believe that Jay & Ebony have written their own vows."

"Ebony I love you know and always you are my life , my heart , my soul. I will never leave you , I will always be here for you. I love you and for me there can never be anyone else. So I give you my heart forever and for always my love." Jay said as he slid a solid silver band on Ebony's left ring finger.

"Jay I hace loved you from the moment that I saw you. You make me a better person because of your love for me. I will always be true to you for you have my heart as well." She said as she slipped and identical silver ring on his finger.

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife, You may kiss the bride." At that moment Jay grabed Ebony and kissed her with all the love in his heart.

"Ok now for Ved and Cloe." Amber said.

Jay and Ebony broke apart at that.

"Do you Ved, Take Cloe to have and to hold forsaking all others in til death do you part."

"Um.. do I have to forsake all others that is." he said laughing. At that Cloe hit him on the arm."Ow...Cloe I was just kidding. Of course I do."

And do you Cloe take Ved to have and to hold forsaking all others Til death do you part."

"Well know I'm not so sure." Cloe says wanting ved to sweat for his little joke. "Ofcourse I do too." she said laughing at the look on Veds face.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."Ved grabed Cloe and kissed her Very passionately.

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