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Take me Under (co written with TrIbE*pRiNcEsS6 or christine)

Chapter One - by christine

The remaining mallrats looked on to what used be there home, the placed that housed so many memories they shared. They watched in a silent grief, remembering the times they had, the friends they had lost, and the love that had spurted. And now the place they had called home, since the tragic deaths of all the adults, was gone.

The boat was silent as it went across the rapid waves. Everyone still in grief and disbelief and what they had just lost. But they still had each other, and they had to remember that.

Slade was giving loving looks towards Ebony, while she tried her best to return them. This just doesn’t feel right she thought the looks he's been giving me have made me sick, and my stomachs not that easily riled. Why is it that I cant return the love he's offering. He actually cares about me, truly, and genuinely. Ebony's thoughts soon turned to those she had loved, or at least thought she loved. And found that in the end she always felt the same way, let down and lonely. But her time with Jay, she had always felt different. His smiled made her heart melt and it still did, but now she couldn't show her feelings. Amber had Jay, and Amber had always found a way to get what she wanted. Ebony and her had an ongoing battle for the men in there life, but Ebony knew that if Amber were to see Bray again she would drop Jay just like that and leave him heartbroken, just like he had left her.

Lex looked at the water, splashing at the boat. He thought about Zandra, Tai-san, and Siva; they had all left him with a broken heart that could never be mended. Now the only things that reminded him of his past love was gone. The city that held memories from all three of the beautiful women was gone and now his life just seemed to be gone.

Jack stared at Ellie, with his arm protectively wrapped around her. He smiled to himself, finally things were good for the two of them. The both had each other and he planned on keeping it that way. No one could tear him apart from her now. He pulled her closer, while she laid a her head on his shoulder and sighed, while staring at the only place she had ever called home.

Amber looked around her, she had Jay on one side of her, staring off into the distance and he child in her arm snuggled close to her while sleeping. This is how it should be, the way she had always wanted it, a perfect little family. And it finally was perfect, she had want she wanted, and that was Jay. he had the ideals and dreams of Bray, and the fatherly figure that her child needed. He was almost like a Bray replacement because, she had said it before, her heart belonged to Bray, the father of her child, and it always would.

Salene had finally looked up from her feet to look around the boat; everyone was sad. It was obvious that they would be, but now they were leaving everything behind. She looked to the back of her, in the direction the boat was heading, and spotted in the distance a beach. She turned her back to where she had been facing before and by now the city was almost to small to give a notice. She found her voice and quickly came to her senses while trying to get the rest of the tribe's attention by shouting, "Land!!"

Chapter Two- by me

Taisan was lying in the sand on the beach. She had a techno prisoner and this was the island she had been on for the past few months. She hated it, never seeing Lex, and she probably wouldn’t see him ever again. He was 100’s of miles away, and the only way that he would get here would be to find a boat or learn to fly an airplane. When Taisan looked up she couldn’t believe what she saw. A boat. It wasn’t that close to shore, but close enough to see. Who could it be?

Alice had been in the mines for months and when she finally got out, she was captured. So was KC. At least there was someone there she knew, even if she and him where never great friends, it was better than nothing! “Get in there!” one of the guards yelled as he threw some guy with blonde hair into the cage.

No. Not him! Not the man who killed Ned, the man who almost ruined her best friends relationship. “P-P-power…. a-an-and Ch-chaos!” he said shakily.

“If you say that one more time…” the guard threatened.

He sounded annoyed. The Guardian was probably muttering that the whole time.

“Alice.” KC said, pointing at the guardian. “Yeah, I know” she replied.

Ryan and Bray were still in the mines. Bray had told Ryan about Salene’s fall. He was heartbroken. All Bray could think about was his kid, who he never met. If the Technos hadn’t have taken him he’d be there, with his son or daughter. What if Amber lost the baby? She was saying it was too early, but Bray had to think positively.

A few hours later Taisan looked up at the boat, she saw people. One looked vaguely familiar, or at least the hair. It was in Zulu knots. “Amber?” The Mall Rats!”

“P-p-power an-and C-c-c-chaos!” The guardian said again.

“That’s it! I warned you!” The guard yelled as he opened the door and grabbed the guardian by the collar on his shirt, “You’re going back to the mines!” he yelled as he took the guardian away, forgetting to close the cage.

“Alice, let’s go!” KC said.

“Alright.” Alice replied. Soon after they left the cage all the prisoners were running out. “We’re free!” they all said happily.

“KC, let’s get out of here” Alice said.

“Yeah, they could come back at any minute.” He said as he and Alice started to run away, while the other prisoners cheered.

“Hey look, someone’s on the island!’ Ellie said as she pointed.

“She looks sort of familiar, kind of like Taisan.” Amber said.

“Amber that’s not funny” Lex said in a sad/grumpy way.

‘I’m not kidding Lex! Look!” she said.

Chapter Three --- by Christine

Lex had a shocked expression on his face. The joy and happiness was overwhelming. The girl did look like Taisan and unless she had some sort of twin he was absolutely sure it was her. His smiled grew and coaxed the driver of the boat to get to the shore as soon as possible. He became so excited that he hugged the nearest person by him --- Ebony. She just stood there as he hugged her and stared at him oddly. After he let go she raised her hand and touched his forehead.

"Lex, are you ok?" She asked. He gave her a 'duh' look.

"Of course I am! But if you haven't noticed the woman I love is on that shore right THERE!" He said, his smile becoming annoying. The Mallrats that had gathered around Lex decided to go wherever they came from, packing anything they had brought and wondering what would be going on.

All Lex could do was smile and think about how happy he would be to finally be reunited with Taisan again.


Taisan looked t the boat more carefully. The boat seemed to be going slow, it was still a while away but you could make out the figures pretty clearly. There was a man with raven hair hugging a girl with long braids. Wait that couldn't be...Ebony? Taisan had never seen anyone with hair like hers before, she looked at the girl again, and she was short with Mocha skin. Yes that had to be Ebony. Taisan gasped. It must be the mallrats and the man was...Lex! Taisan was shocked yet excited. A smile appeared across her face. (One like Lex's but she doesn’t know that.)


Amber was sitting down on the deck, tending to Baby Bray. She smiled and the smaller version of Bray giggled. She loved him so much, the only person that knew cared about her. She had thought Jay had before but ever since they had left the city things had seemed to be different. She thought back to the times she had spent with bray and let a small tear make its way down her cheek. They had only been together so long and then he had been taken.

She had never understood why this had to happen. She could of been happy, her and Bray. Of course their son also. Her son...bray had never even seen his face, he didn't even know if the baby was born or if she had survived. She went into the small bag she had brought with her and her hand came in contact with a cool piece of metal. She took it out and sighed, trying to use al her strength to refrain from crying. It didn't work as she let the tears flow freely down her cheeks.

"Oh Bray..." She sobbed, asking the ring that had belonged to her father before the virus and holding it to her heart.


Gel groaned. Lottie looked up to see Gel gathering her endless amount of clothes and trying to put them all in her bag.

"How stupid is this!" She said, "First the make me come on this icky boat, then when I'm planning on make it livable they tell me we're getting off of it! And the worst part of all, is Lex hasn't paid one ounce of attention to me since we got on this stupid boat!!"

Lottie looked at Gel, how could she be so ungrateful. Maybe it would of been better if it had been Gel in her position and no one came to save her. It would have saved them the time, Lottie thought. Sammy walked in the room, Gel looked disgusted and Sammy’s cheeks burned a red color.

"So...Gel, how's your packing?" Sammy asked her, she looked over to him and a smirk came to her face. She walked over to him and sighed.

"Oh Sammy, it's so hard. I'm not cut out for this kind of stuff. packing my bag is to hard for me. But a strong and wonderful person like you would surely be able to wouldn't you?" Gel said, faking a few sniffles in between. Sammy looked at her in shock.

"REALLY?" He asked, Gel nodded her head, "Of course I will. Don't worry this will be the best ever packed bag. And I'll carry it too!"

Gel smirk and strutted out of the room. Lottie looked at Sammy, how crazy could a guy be over someone like...Gel?


Everyone was on the top deck. Lex was smiling like a fool...still, Amber was trying to hold back tears, and Sammy was weighed by a hundred pound bag. They were getting closer and closer to land by the second. And then they felt it, the boat slowed until it finally came to a halt. Lex jumped out of the boat and started running to the shore, were Taisan was standing running also.

They came so close and Taisan jumped into Lex's arms. The Mallrats all gave a short 'aw' as it was something purely out of a movie. But these days you could expect something like that happening. We have virtual people, a virtual world, dead people walking, people that are supposed to be dead walking, and so on.

The mallrats began to get off the boat with Jay helping each one of them off. He looked at the land in front of him and sighed, he could finally start over.


At that precise moment a tall, blonde boy was thrown into a, now, empty cage. The guards were furious they were all gone. At least they still had the mines. The boy groaned, the guard poked him with his metal rod and slammed the cage door shut, with a slam.


Ebony walked through the sand, her boots sloshing along in the water, making them heavy on her feet. Her walking was slow unlike the others which was fast paced.

Slade looked to his side expecting to see Ebony but instead he saw Ruby, she smiled at him. he gave her a weak smile back and looked behind himself. He saw Ebony struggling to keep up. e laughed to himself and went over to Ebony.

Without a word he grabbed her around the wais and then cradled her into his arms. And with a sudden jolt, he started running to the beach. When he got there he dropped himself and Ebony into the sand, while they laughed. After they had calmed down the rest were close but not to them yet. They turned and looked into each other’s eyes and shared a long and passionate kiss.


KC and Alice ran for all they could. They were not allowing to have to get caught and go back there. The stopped running and slowly crept up the hill, the place was unguarded but those inside did not dare to leave. They heard a noise and they jumped behind a bush. Two of the guards that had been inside the mines ran by.

The took there chance running the rest of the way up. They had seen him here before, only for a brief second and they wouldn't let him not get away while they were. KC and Alice looked around for him and found him soon; he was tired and looked weak. There were black marks all over his face and he had a bruise under his right eye.

"Bray!" KC yelled...

DUNDUNDUN, what will happen?

Who's turn to Update?

