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Anne Maire Loder

<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Anne Maire Loder</FONT>
AGE: 30-somthing
EYES: Blue HIGHT: 5'7"
Where to wright to Anne Maire Loder:


1525 W.8TH AVE.





Anne Marie is a native of St. Johns, Newfoundland. She earned a bachelor of Commerce degree form Memorial University. The decided to attend the Ryerson Theatre School for acting in Toronto. After two years of Study, she decided to spread her wings and pursue an acting career. Her taltents didn't go unnoticed and her first job was that of Dermont Mulroney's wife in the Abc Miniseries, Family Picturesn Which also starred Angelica Huston.

She hop-scotched between Toronto, Vancover and Los Angeles. Befor finally deciding in April to put down her roots in Hollywood North. Then She came to Vancouver 3 years ago.

Anne Maire Loder is in Gadged to Peter Deluise they will be geting Mearried on Jun 7.

Congrads to Anne Marie Loder and Peter Deluise

Anne Maire Found her self in guest roles in TV Series: Goodsbumps, Catwalk, KungFu:the Legend Continues, and FX: the Serie. She also was in Darkman II:The Return of Durant(94) and the Iron Egale IV (95) A Hliday for love (tv 96)Don't look behind you (tv-99) Due South (1997)Higher Ground (2000).

I wrote a letter to Anne M Loder and she worte me back along with a photo of yes Anne M Loder her self. I just wont to say thanks Anne M Loder for sining your photo for me and wrighting back to me. Good luck to you in what ever you do and may YOUR dreams come true.