Passions Favorite Moments

Here is your chance to share with the world (well part of it) your favorite Passions moments! Give me a nice big descrption of it, was it when Shuis did the tango for the first time or when Gwen kicked Theresa's ass? Hehe, it could be any moment you want, so go ahead and submit it. Don't make it short, I know you all have writting skills, so dig deep into the great Passions moments, and chose one that you'll never forget!

Click to send your moment!

*NEW*My favorite Passions momment is when Miguel and Kay were in the mine shaft looking for charity and a rock was about to fall on Miguel's head and Kay pushed him out of the way and the rock fell on her head and Miguel said "I can't lose you" to Kay and I thought that was soo romantic!!!!!!!!!
~Submitted by Unknown

All of my favorite Passions moments have to do with Sheridan and Luis. Back when Sheridan and Luis had to deliver Pat's baby, they both had this look of joy in their eyes, it was soooo sweet. On Dec. 26, 2000 when Sheridan came back to life, that's a totally classic show. When Sheridan and Luis first made love, and when Luis proposed, I was crying tears of joy b/c it was soooooo romantic. SHUIS 4ever!!!! :-)
~Submitted by geniegurl8402

My absolute favorite Passions moment in the whole world happened Feb.7, 2001. Ethan asked Ivy about her first love because Julian told him he was Sam's son. Kim (Ivy) had a 2-page dialogue and she played it out beautifully. She got to explain the whole story about Sam and she cried so well. Everybody was listening to her and trying not to cry. At the end Ethan asked her and she said, "Y-yes, you're S-Sam's son!" I keep that episode on tape. I also like the Prom Boat episode when Ivy and Sam were out in the water and she said "Ethan's your son." My other favorite moment was last Christmas where Luis prayed for Sheridan and then they said "I love you" in the church and Ethan proposed to Theresa.
~Submitted by Unknown

When Kay pushed Miguel away and got hit by the rock herself in the cave and when Miguel carried her.
~Submitted by Britso