STEPHANIE SAYS: McKenzie is a beautiful woman with great personal style. However, when she goes heavy on the makeup, it looks like she’s trying to hide something.

TONY SAYS: Mac’s lips and eyes are a bit dramatic, but I gather that’s the look she was going for. I much prefer the “minimalist” look on her, however.

STEPHANIE SAYS: It’s a good thing civilians don’t qualify for Hip Star, because tubes were made for gals with a body like this -- and I don’t know anyone else who has one.

TONY SAYS: I wonder how many of these sexy microtops McKenzie has in her closet?

STEPHANIE SAYS: Mac has the body of a comic-book heroine, but the gold belt clashes with the silver navel ring.

TONY SAYS: I see that the lovely Ms. Westmore has jumped on that hip-chain bandwagon. And would you take a peek at that toned tummy!

STEPHANIE SAYS: McKenzie shows taste by letting the metal and shirt go without showy shoes. Straight, black lines equal a sexy, classy look.

TONY SAYS: What can I say about these sleekly encased gams? I think they speak for themselves.