My Passion For Passions

*A very big thank you to Shyuki who made me all my banners, she's awsome with putting up with my annoying side:) !*

**Hey, Sorry everyone, I just can't do this anymore...I stoped watching the show, it's getting's not entertaining for me anymore, I loved this site, I was even keeping it after after I stopped watching the show, but now with college, I hardly have time to breathe,I'm keeping the site open so ppl can add there links, take pictures and awards, help yourself, it's been great hosting this site and I'm sad to let it go...Thanx for all your support ;)**


|*Updates* |*Website of the Week* |*Pictures* |*Spoilers* |*Links* |*News And Gossip* |*Episode Recap* |*My Favorite Teen Character Is...* |*Chat Transcripts* |*Fan Art* |*Link Me* |*Passions goes Survivor* | *Hipstar of the Week*| *Passions' Favorite Moments* | *Win My Award*| *Awards I've Won* | *About Me* |

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Please vote for me in The top Passions websites, click on the banner at the bottom of the page to vote. Thanx, I appreciate it!

Hey! Welcome to my site, hope you enjoy it! I'll be updating this site everyday or every 2 days when I come back from school around 3:00p.m. Please sign my guest book. If you have any suggestions, or just want to talk you could e mail me at: or send me feedback(below, it's faster), thanx!

get this gear!

Disclaimer: I am no way affliated with NBC,Passions and Survivor,I'm just a very obssesed fan :) .