Passions goes Survivor (Part 1)


Sitting in some sand, clueless Grace looks around and sees a sign. "'Survivor Passions'? What's that?" she asks herself. Seeing a familar face, she calls out to him: "Julian. where are we? What are we doing here?"

Julian, looking around to find where the annoying voice came from, staggers over to Grace. "How dumb are you, woman?" he slurs. "Look around. Where the hell do you think we are? God, you just get dumber and dumber as the days go on. What you got in there, cotton for brains?" Throwing his brandy glass over his shoulder, he, like everyone else on the island, is surprised to hear a booming voice.

"Welcome, all of you, to Survivor Passions Island. This is God..."

"Wow Sheridan. God sounds just like your father..." Luis says.

"Honey didn't you hear? God IS my father. You never see him, but you know he's always watching..."

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we have hand selected you 14 lovely residents of Harmony, flew you half way around the world..."

"Umm...I can still see my house from here,"Miguel pipes up.

" I lied. We under budgeted. You all are on the tiny little island right off the coast of Harmony..."

"Did you lie about anything else, God? I'm getting a premonition..." Charity began.

"You and your premonitions...I'm not God. I'm Alistair Crane. There, you happy now? Sheesh...going on, each week you will all take part in little challenges..." Al then goes on to explain the rest of the plan (NOTE: see below for plan!) "Now, do I make myself clear? Theresa, I haven't heard anything from you."

"Could you go back and explain everything again?" Theresa asks. "I was trying to figure out how many degrees I can bend my neck before it breaks...oops almost snapped it off!"

"Shut up you twit! Any other meaningful questions? None? Good! I'll be speaking w/ you soon. You'll find the first challenge over by that small tree. Ta-ta!"

All 14 people stand around, looking at each other. The silence is broken by a groan. "Damn, I'm outta brandy. Anyone know where the nearest wet bar is?"

Welcome to Survivor Passions 2001! Here's the rules...each week...sumone will be voted off the 'island'. But to make it a little more interesting than the last time each time, Amy will write a little 'summary' of what is going on on Survivor Island. It'll make it a little more interesting. There will be 14 Passions characters...will be paired w/ their 'significant other'. To be voted'll be just like the real 'Survivor' show...which ever pair gets immunity from that week's contest...both ppl CAN'T be voted off.

This year's contests are:

Sheridan and Luis

Ivy and Julian

Grace and Sam

Eve and T.C.

Ethan and Theresa

Chad and Whitney

Charity and Miguel

Challenge ONE: Each group of 2 must build a hut of some sort to live in. How does each group do?

No one's hut stands except Sheridan and Luis' and Sam and Grace's. Immunity is given to all 4 coz no one was expected to be smart enough to build anything. Jules and Ivy don't even build one, so Jules goes in seach for the nearest wet bar. Everyone else's hut falls down. Whit and Chad's nearly falls on Whit, but Chad pushes her outta the way, and Chad becomes trapped. Sam goes to rescue Chad, which makes Ivy jealous coz Sam isn't saving her life. Seeing this as an oportunity to 'be alone' Shuis sneak off and aren't seen for a couple of days...'s the for who YOU want off the island. can vote for anyone BUT Luis, Sheridan, Grace, and Sam. Vote for one and only one person and we'll tally the votes and next week Mon., we'll announce the person who was voted off!