Passions goes Survivor (Part 2)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 1)


Sorry I didn't get this up sooner...I've had pc problems the past couple of days! But I'm gonna change a few things about voting...I'll explain down below...

"The votes are now counted. The tribes have spoken. The results are final. Charity-you've been voted off the island," Alistair announces ar the first tribal council.

"Ok, cut!" Molly (that's who plays Charity if you didn't know...) yells. Looking directly into 'Island Cam' she addresses all 3 ppl (2 of whom speak Spanish...) who are back in Harmony. "How come Charity is always the one that sh*t happens to? I mean, c'mon, she's been electricuted, fallen down a mindshaft, and posessed by demons. How much more is she suppose to take? It's SO obvious that most of you hate her coz you voted her off the island, but give her a break!" She pauses and goes back into Charity mode. "OK, roll tape!"

"Charity," Alistair continues, "you must leave the island."

"How bout a one way ticket to Hell?!" a voice calls out. Turning around, Charity sees Hecuba and the closet from Hell. "I don't know how you escaped you goody-goody, but it's time you and me have a little chat in my office. Now get in there!" Hec orders, pointing to the closet.

No! You're not gonna take Charity away again! I won't let you!" Miguel cries.

"You and what army, you snot-nosed little Latino kid who has the body of a 21 year old but the brain capacity of a 2 year old..."

" mean old lady! You can't say that about me!" Sticking his thumb in his mouth, Miguel begins to wander around aimlessly and calling out, "Blanky! Where are you blanky!" Seeing this as a great opportunity to kill two birds w/ one stone, Hec trips Miguel as he wanders by, sending him into a closet full of fake fire and people who look like freaks.

"Miguel! I'll save you!" Charity yells as she leaps after him.

Problem solved!

~~~~Challenge Two~~~~To win, the first couple to build their own fire wins immunity. ~~Who wins....Jules and Ivy win immunity this coz Jules accidently spills his brandy over the hot sticks that Ivy was using to try and start the fire. Their fire is quickly started, but Jules is mad that he lost more brandy. You may be thinking that Shuis should win immunity since they started their 'fire' last time...but...well it has to be an actual flames...but theirs' know...

So this for ONE of the following...











OK...I said that we were gonna change the voting. I got to thinking...13 weeks of this is gonna get kinda boring and I'm gonna run outta immunity challenges...summaries...etc. So what's gonna happen is that you are still only gonna vote for ONE person...not ONE couple...but... after all the voting is tallied...which ever person has the most votes AND their significant other will leave (like Miguel and Charity both left...) So basically...I'm saying that Survivor Passions will only last like 7 weeks...I hope this is OK with everyone...sorry to those who wanted it to be 13 weeks! :)

Please only vote for one person and we'll see who the winner is next week! Thanks to all that voted last time...and please vote again! :)