Passions goes Survivor (Part 3)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 1)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 2)


Guess what everyone...we MIGHT change the voting again...but I'll need some help which I'll explain below...

"All right, listen up you losers," Alistair announces at the 2nd tribal council. "We have a tie."

"A tie?" Ethan cries. "Why a tie? What if it's us Theresa? Do we wanna leave or stay? I don't know what to do..."

"And your crybaby whiny-a**ed opinion would be...? Nothing! Shut-up boy! It's not you! Get a hold of yourself! And to think I was gonna let you be the Crane heir before I found out your sl*t of a mother couldn't keep her legs shut on her wedding nite..."

"Ivy's a sl*t...Ivy's a sl*t..." Julian slurres in his drunken stupor.

"I've decided to put this into a poetic form," the great and powerful Al says. 'Hey T.C.- You and Eve are out. But you'll never guess, What your wife's lying about!'

"Got any clue what I'm talking about, T.C.?" Alistair chuckles.

Before T.C. can answer, someone, who's almost passed out, yells "Eve's a wh*re. She's easy. Horizontally accessable. A good time. She's a..." *thud from body hitting ground*

"Is this true Eve?" T.C. asks.

"Well..." Eve begins. (you know the story...I'm not gonna bore you to death with all of the 'facts'!)


Challenge 3....Each couple must go and find food on the island. Whichever couple finds the most food wins immunity.

What happens: Every couple is too stupid to find any NO ONE gets immunity! for who you want! It's down to...

Luis, Sheridan, Grace, Sam, Ethan, Theresa, Ivy, Julian, Whitney, or Chad.

OK...I got some 'complaints' last time about shortening this...but if anyone can think of more immunity them to me at: With more immunity challenges...the longer we can keep this going! Please vote...the more votes we get...the more fun it will be! I promise!
