Passions goes Survivor (Part 4)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 1)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 2)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 3)


"You know, there's something funny about how you all vote," Alistair begins at the 3rd tribal council. "We almost had another tie. Shut-up's not you and Theresa. We'll play a little guessing game of sorts. To let you know, the person who was voted off is the most naive person on the face of this Earth. Whoever guesses wrong first on this question is obviously the person who was ousted. Any questions? Close your mouth Theresa. I mean meaningful questions. None? Great! Here we go: 'Did you know that the word ~gullible~ isn't in the dictionary?"

For a split second, total silence hangs in the air, then a voice utters one, stupid word: "Really???"

Turning around, the other nine look at the stupidest and naive person. "Grace, honey, why'd you say that?" Sam asks. "You know that's not true..."

"Why? Because she's the most gullible person and the one who was voted off," Alistair pipes up.

So, say buh-bye to Gracie everyone!

Challenge 4: This isn't really a challenge, but more of an I know what you did type of thing. Immunity for this week is granted to which ever couple has never cheated or lied about a past lovelife or had an affair. Immunity could go to 6 outta the 9 left (Shuis, T/E, and Chad and Whit) but after scientifically figuring this out (aka just randomly picking) Chad and Whit get immunity. This means you have 7 to pick from...

Sheridan, Julian, Theresa, Luis, Ivy, Ethan, Sam,

**Please vote for only ONE person...not a couple! And the more ppl that vote...the more fun it will be...I promise! Thanks!! ~~Amy~~