Passions goes Survivor (Part 5)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 1)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 2)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 3)

Passions goes Survivor(Part 4)

NOTE: This is a very fun game created by Amy Marbaugh, it's worth while reading! To vote people off click on the link at the bottom of the page.

"Julian! I hate you sooo much! Get the hell away from me! NOW!" Ivy yells, starting to throw a tantrum. "You're the biggest pig ever to walk this Earth!"

"And you're the biggest slut to grace this planet, Ivy!" Julian slurs.

"Don't turn this argument around and make it about me! We're talking about you here, Julian, and how you've tried to get lucky w/ every woman here on this island, all except for your sister. Luis would have your ace if you ever tried that, plus it's just plain wrong. Don't even get me started about what you tried to do to MY son!"

"I always knew he was a fairy. If you hadn't found us that nite...well let's just say Ethan would have been one lucky man..."

"UGH! You know all of your damn problems come from that stupid brandy glass. I have an idea," Ivy announces, picks up Jules's brandy glass and chucks it into the ocean. "Let's see what happens now..."

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!" Jules screams and dives into the water to retrieve it. After an hour, the rest of the ppl on the island, who all don't give a rat's ass about Julian, go to the 4th tribal council.

"Who cares about Julian? Can I see a show of hands? No one? Well, just an FYI..he was voted off anyway...oh well!" Alistair begins...

Challenge 5: This time...the challenge was a sing-off. Basically it was a 'Let's see who's better: Sher or the Terror." Since we ALL know that Kenz has a better voice than Lindsay, Shuis wins immunity! (Am I biased? I think so...LOL!)

So now you have 6 ppl to choose from:







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