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The Time Force Megazord is the first megazord the Rangers receive, other than the Transwarp Megazord. It consists of the five Time Fliers which can transform into either Jet Mode (not pictured), Mode Blue, or Mode Red. Mode Red has a Triple Bladed sword and a shield consisting of parts of the Yellow and Pink Time Fliers. Mode Blue has a pistol that is actually the Time Jet the Rangers use to fly to their Time Fliers.

The Transwarp Megazord is not used for fighting. Instead, it stays in the year 3001 and is used to help transport the zords through the Time Portal. It has an extending fist which then knocks a zord with tremendous power making it fly into the the Time Portal.

The Time Shadow Megazord is a zord not sent by Time Force, but some other mysterious person. Having two modes, the Shadow Winger and the Time Shadow, it was first sent when Frax's robot nearly destroyed the entire city. It has two blades on either arm that can be combined to create a larger blade that does the Time Shadow's most powerful attack. It is extremely fast making it hard for the villains to catch it and has a stealth mode making it invisible. It can combine with the Time Force Megazord to create either Shadow Force Megazord Mode Blue or Mode Red.

The Shadow Force Megazord is a combination of the Time Force Megazord and the Time Shadow. Mode Blue has a cannon that does its finishing attack. Mode Red has two cannons on either shoulder shooting electro nets. It has a sword that does its finishing attack.

The Quantusaurus Rex is the zord of the Quantum Ranger and the most powerful ever created by Time Force. It was lost along with the Quantum Controller Box on one of Time Force's early Time Travel missions. It was found in the Jurassic Period by Eric when he used the TF Eagle to fly through a Time Hole created by one of Ransik's mutants. It has two modes; One resembling the Tyranasaurus Rex from MMPR and a battle mode with two canons on both shoulders that fire its finishing attack, Max Blizzard.