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Family Ties: The Saga of Chad/Whitney/Simone

The Story
Family takes center stage in the story of Whitney Russell, Simone Russell, and Chad Harris. Chad is a kid from the streets who came to Harmony looking for his birth parents. Once in Harmony, he met the Russell sisters. Simone, the younger sister, was instantly smitten with this handsome, rebellious stranger. Her older sister Whitney, on the other hand, believed Chad was no-good and wanted nothing to do with him. However, before Whitney knew what was happening she found herself attracted to Chad…and Chad felt the same way. Chad has pushed Whitney to admit how she feels, but Whitney remains afraid to open up. And this is only one of many obstacles standing in this couple's way…

Why You Need To Watch Right Now
Chad and Whitney want to be together, but there's a long way to go. Before anything can happen, Whitney has to break down the wall she's built around herself, and finally admit her feelings to Chad. But even if this were to happen, Whitney's family could still keep the two apart. Simone has made it more than clear that she wants Chad for herself. And their mother, Eve, has forbidden either of her daughters from going out with a boy who does not have a proper upbringing. Of course, Chad still hasn't learned who his real parents are…and there is the little matter that Eve gave birth to a child many years ago that she was told died. This is an emotional time bomb waiting to explode…who knows what will happen if Chad comes face to face with his mom and dad! Read on to find out more about all the players in this scintillating story…and make sure to print this out and keep it handy while you watch!

The Key Players...

Chad Harris: Who Is He?
-Grew up on the streets of Los Angeles, without knowing his real parents.
-Dreams of being a successful music producer.
-Believes his parents might be in Harmony…so he left Los Angeles behind for the small New England town.
-The object of Simone Russell's affection.
-Has strong feelings for Simone's sister, Whitney.
-Distrusted by Eve Russell, Simone and Whitney's mother, who doesn't approve of this "kid from the streets" and has ordered her daughters to stay away from him.
-Lives in the garage apartment at the Russell house…an apartment which shares a wall with Whitney's room.
-Still hasn't learned who his real parents are, since his search is constantly thwarted.
-Wants Whitney to open up her heart to love (and to him) but is shut down time and time again.

What Chad Wants
-To begin a real relationship with Whitney, whom he has deep feelings for. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to hurt Simone, who believes Chad likes her, in the process.
-To find his parents

Whitney Russell: Who Is She?
-Has strong feelings for Chad, but is afraid to admit it…even to herself.
-Beautiful, smart young woman who is on the road to becoming a Champion Tennis Player.
-Does not want to disappoint her father, TC, who has groomed her to become a pro tennis player. As a result, has always put her tennis career above everything else, including love.
- -Best friend of born-romantic Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, who is always encouraging Whitney to pursue a relationship with Chad.
-Grew closer to Chad when he saved her life on numerous occasions. But pulled back after trouble-making Kay Bennett (Simone's best friend) told Whitney a lie about Chad to keep the two apart. Now that the truth has come out, regrets taking Kay's word over Chad's.

What Whitney Wants
-To have the courage to tell Chad how she feels. And to hear Chad say he feels the exact same way.
-To not disappoint her parents or crush her sister, who's mad for Chad.

Simone Russell: Who Is She?
-Younger sister of Whitney, who has always lived in Whitney's "perfect" shadow.
-Believes that Chad loves her, because he mistakenly professed his love for her (instead of Whitney) when he was delirious after an injury.
-Best friend of Kay Bennett. Currently furious with Kay for telling lies about Chad. Kay told the lie to ensure Chad and Whitney were kept apart, so Simone would help Kay get her love, Miguel.
-Has warned her sister to stay away from Chad. Simone believes he's her man…she saw him first!
-Recently thrilled when Chad played her a song to express his feelings…but she doesn't know he was really playing the song for Whitney!

What Simone Wants
In a word, Chad! Since Whitney is the "perfect" daughter, student, and athlete, Simone believes she has never had anything of her own. Now that she thinks she has Chad, she is determined to keep him!

The Supporting Players...

Eve Russell: Who Is She?
-Whitney and Simone's mother. Eve is a respected doctor, whose family believes she is a perfect wife and mother.
-Got pregnant before meeting TC. Believes the baby died after birth.
-Eve has a troubled past, which her family doesn't know about. As a result of her own mistakes, Eve knows what it means to get involved with the "wrong" people…which is why she wants her daughters to stay away from Chad.

What Eve Wants
To protect her daughters at all costs. Eve does not want her children to make the same mistakes she did.

TC Russell: Who Is He?
-Whitney and Simone's father.
-TC dreamed of becoming a champion tennis player, but a mysterious injury shattered his dreams. He has put all of his dreams into Whitney's career. TC is the high school athletic coach.
-A fair man, but known to have a temper when his family is threatened.
-Has always given Chad the benefit of the doubt, even when his wife does not.

What TC Wants
-His perfect family to stay…perfect.

Kay Bennett: Who Is She?
-Simone's best friend
-A scheming troublemaker who will do anything to get what she wants, namely Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald
-Overheard Chad say he loves Whitney, not Simone…but hid this from Simone. Why? Because Simone promised Kay she'd help her get Miguel only because Simone had Chad.
-Told Whitney a lie that Chad had gotten a girl pregnant, in order to keep Chad and Whitney apart

What Kay Wants
Miguel. And she will do anything to get him…including tampering with other peoples' lives.