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Some 10 years ago a group of girls got together for the purpose of offering not only help and support to each other, but also for the benefit of those of the Transgendered lifestyle in and around Newcastle as well as the North-east of England.

Also of course we are here to help any Ladies visiting this area, mine and the site email address is available to ALL!!


Well it is with regret that I have to report that the Group as such, is no longer. That is to say that we do not meet up anymore at Heavens Above, everything, despite our large membership has slipped away in to oblivion.

True some girls still do meet in the Yard or Bank on a Wednesday evening and even a Friday evening, but there is no organised Group or functions/events as there was in the past.

However, everything is not completely black for any new girls wishing to come out and meet others, or seeking help, support or advice.

The Management, Staff and Regulars of my local, the Turbinia, (location to follow) are extremly friendly and do welcome us, especially our Hostess Maureen. The Turbinia can be found on the Fossway which is between Byker and Wallsend, right opposite the Fire Station.

For those wishing to come along, there is ample parking space at the rear of the pub, and you then come along the right hand-side of the pub and enter at the door on the side, then go straight ahead into a small bar (bit like the old Snug bars), it has the word 'Buffet' over the door.

Now although we generally get together in any number on a Wednesday evening, this is a venue where you can come along any night in any numbers, and by the way they do an excellnt Sunday lunch for a mere £3.50, and it is fresh, hot and large (although there is a smaller meal available for those watching their waistlines).

Regretably there are no changing facilities available, but for new girls I usually make my flat available for them to change in, which is about 50 yards from the Turbinia and to which I only impose a small service charge of £1.00.

I would emphasise this is not a TG Group, but merely the opportunity for girls to get together for a pleasant social evening in convivial surroundings and being able to mix with everyday people.

To date, we have held to excellent Birthday parties there, with great buffets, at only £3 per head.

Anyone coming along is assured of a warm and friendly evening with lots of chat and a good few laughs.

If you cannot make a Wednesday then contact me by email and I can arrange to meet you on another evening.


There are avast number of people in the North-east region that fall under the TG umbrella (Cd's, TV's and TS's) and it was hoped that we would end up with an even bigger venue than the likes of Manchester, this was not to be.

At least though, all you new girls who have not yet made that first step out, or those that have been out once or twice and are now deterred from returning out because of lack of facilities or not liking the current venues on the Gay Scene in Newcastle, now are aware of a smaller, quieter venue that is available to you.

The rest is up to you, what ever you decide, as ever, I wish you all that you wish yourselves.

I will continue to run this web site for all this area, so anything you want, you tell me !!.

Hugs to all,


......Please keep the e-mails coming to