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Hints & Tips 2

You make your own look

makeup, tips for putting it on
apply cleanser all over face and neck remove with cotton wool, apply toner and then mostoriser
apply Dermablend beard cover to beard area's only a light covering is needed
apply blemish stick to cover any dark area's under your eyes
apply foundation over whole face, neck and eyelids
blend foundation at neck line to ensure no noticable line
apply powder with pad or cotton wool, brush excess off
apply eyeliner agaist eyelashes top and then bottom
apply lighter of eyeshadows working from the inner corner of the eye
apply darker eyeshadow from centre of eye outwards
fill the gap between eyelid and brow with hilighter, personally i use lighter eyeshadow for this
sucking in your cheeks apply blusher - blusher should be of same colour group as lipstick
apply light coat of mascara to top and bottom eyelashes
use eyelash curlers, clamp tightly for about 20 seconds
using eyebrow pencil colour eyebrows following natural arch of the eyes
apply second coat of mascara, leaving at least 10 minutes after first application
apply lip liner to shape outline of your lips
apply lipstick, blotting after first coat, then apply a second coat
cut and shape your nails to your own taste, using clippers and an emery board
apply your favorite nail polish, personally I alway use same shade as lipstick

Finished, now your looking good