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Nights Out

St. Audries TG Weekend 3rd-11th October 2003.

My first and I hope not my last visit to St Audries, in fact it was also a first for Francis and Kate.

We set of from Newcastle on Saturday morning at 6.o am and after a really pleasent, though long journey arrived safe and sound at about 1pm.

After booking it was round to the chalet to get unpacked. I was impressed that we could take the car right up to the front door and park alongside the chalet, so that meant no humping of cases.

After a freshen up it was time to do a little exploring and see what was available to us for the next week.

As the bar was open we were able to try out the 'local gripe water' which went down very satisfactorily. Other people were also still arriving and I was pleased to meet up with Caroline and her friend, another girl from our part of the world, whom I had not seen for some considerable time.

Anyway it was back to the chalet to get ready for dinner and the evening entertainment. At our table we met two new girls, Steph and Pat, who over the week were to become very good friends and we could not have asked for two nicer meal partners and I have to say here many thanks to our lovely waitress, Rachel, who looked after us all week, she will make someone a lovely wife one day. (good on ye girl!!).

After dinner there was a Karoke followed by a disco from our DJ for the week, Colin Ross. Kate you did well at the Karoke, pity you did not get the opportunity to do more. Anyway a good night was had and it was after 3am. before yours truly retired for the night (or morning anyway!!)

Sunday was to be a relaxing day, meeting with new people, a few frames of snooker and for the more energetic, there was a Putting competition on. On the program, Francis, read the program as "putting on the green" and was expecting everyone to look like something out of Sherwood Forest (silly girl!!)

Sunday evening saw us all settling down to a nice game of Bingo, and between them Francis and Kate won £65, which was shared between 4 of us (Thanks girls).

Monday there was a "Table top sale" with more competitions in the form of Pool, Table Tennis and Darts, and this saw our Kate with her trusty stick (cue), well at least you made the second round love. A Quiz in the evemning, but the less said about that the better I think!!. It was followed by a Cabaret in the Ballroom, where we were entertained by a lovely couple and I for one enjoyed the lady's singing if nothing else

On Tuesday us three girls had a run into Taunton. What a great shopping centre and a really lovely clean city it is. Some of the people leave a lot to be desired as Francis found out in the form of a bigot, who was old enough to know better, anyway Francis thanks for sticking up for me (xx)

The evening saw a Halloween Fancy dress and there were some really great constumes, as you will be able to see from the photo page, well done to all who took part

Wednesday evening was to see a "Curtain Call Entertainments" show put on by many of the girls staying there, not least of which our Kate. So they were all busy rehearsing during the day. Here I apologise for some of the photos, as it was a little dark at times and I had camera set wrong. However, it was a great show and they all did brilliantly. I do think a special mention should go to Rowena for her comedy, which was really great.

On Thursday we three set of out again for a run to Barnstaple and round through Ilfracombe and back along the coast, through what was supposed to have been a scenic route and I still say £2 was lot to pay just to see more trees (Laughs!!) Nevertheless it was an enjoyable day out.

The evening was to see a "Lady in Red Competition", which yours truly partook of, not expecting to win of course I was not disappointed, but again the girls looked great and as every evening was rounded of with the inevitable disco.

Our last day, of what was, to me anyway a great week. Kate decideed to buy a kite and her and I went down to the beach to fly it and I still say after having done so, those jets were out looking for a reported UFO!!

The day was rounded of with the "Gala Dinner" plus cabaret. The young lady who entertained, and who for the moment her name escapes me, was excellent and enjoyed by all.

Overall it was a great week, marred only by one or two who endeavoured to spoil it, especially for a lovely couple, Fiona and Max. To these bigots, and they know who they are, I would say we of the TG lifestyle have enough problems out there with everyday people without experiencing that sort of thing amongst ourselves and I personally feel you should be ashamed of yourselves. To Fiona and Max I wish you all you wish yourselves.

I cannot finish this report without mentioning one other lovely lady, namely, Jackie, from down there in Yorkshire. A lady who is virtually wheel-chair bound, and yet always has a lovely smile and a pleasent word for all. Plus she hand makes and hand-stitches some beautiful gowns and I know that Kate and Heather are over the moon with the ones she gave to them.

So Saturday came round (all to fast) and it was time to say "Goodbye" to some old and many new friends. To all the Staff there I feel sure I speak for all when I say, "Thanks" for looking after us and making a special week a great week!!