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Nights Out

Thanks go to our Roving Reporter, Katie yet again, for the following report, she's having a busy time at the moment, but my thanks go out to ya chuck!!

So here we again with another report for the Spring weekend at Blackpool.

Francis and I decided to add a night out in Manchester, which was the Wednesday. This time we decided to stay at the new Union Hotel in Princess Road; this had two advantages: 1. NO TRAMS!!! 2. It was about 100 yards from the Hollywood/Paddy’s Goose/Napoleon’s etc. And was right next door to a big car park and we were able to park on the very wide pavement to unload>

We got settled in and decided to have a drink and snack downstairs in the bar before a quick walk round the shops and after a quick “womble” about it was back for a nap!!

After our snooze it was time to get changed and have another drink downstairs before the off to our favourite Italian restaurant ( via Paddy’s Goose for a quick half, it being Wednesday and Northern Concord’s night there), there were one or two girls about.

After a pleasant leisurely meal, we called in at the ‘Spirit’, a great place with a piano bar upstairs, girl’s arrived in 2 & 3’s and told they would all see us in Blackpool.

The piano bar closes at 11pm, but downstairs stays open late. Incidentally the New Union Bar stays open until 2am.

We walked round to Napoleon’s and met up with Evelyn and Christine. Downstairs was very busy, I think there were more TV’s there than men or real girls.

After a wile it was back to the New Union bar to find a lively scene with a not to loud disco going. We had a couple of drinks and not wanting to be to late went to bed, although the breakfast hours were very civil, being 9.30 to 10.30am.

After a pleasant drive we arrived in Blackpool and once again unloaded and checked in to the usual friendly welcome.

I got changed and went out to find a chemist, having blistered a heel the night before (to much strutting of the stuff!!) and then walked back the long way round as it was such a gorgeous day and to nice to miss.

Evelyn and Christine had already arrived before us so Francis and I then just sat about to see who came in and as time got on a lot of friendly faces started appearing.

Joyce and Angela were setting up, the bar was open for food as well as drinks. I put some stuff on the sales rack (I’m getting to old for PVC) a long sequinned coat, though having paid a lot for it, I had wore it only once for 10 minutes and HATED, but everything went quickly and so the money goes into the new wig fund (Flossie is getting a bit tired looking laughs!!).

Then after nap time, a change and off for the filling of the face at the buffet.

There seemed to be fewer people but we still had a good time and then made our way to the Mardi Gras.

Friday we were up and about, it was a beautiful day so I enjoyed a lovely walk along the front before it got to busy. By the time I got back Hayway Shoes and Cheryl the photographess were all set up as were the jewellery and make-up stalls, together with the Derma-blend lady and the Trannie Book lady.

The drawback with all these is that they utilise the hotels tables and alcoves to set up in and it therefore makes it awkward to sit with a drink or have a lunchtime snack because of the lack of space to set down a drink or have a meal, however we managed eventually.

It was the usual pattern of a nap in the evening and after the meal a sit for a while ‘till it was time to book a cab for clubbing.

We went to 2Basil’s” first, which I did not like, it was very new and a bit brash and when some of the girls were leaving the DJ came out with some snide remarks at the other girls!!. However we walked round to the Mardi Gras to be met by Marg, Nicky and the lovely Lee from Middlesborough and a lot of other girls from around the Country, a good bit of dancing and a drink or two followed by a cab back to the hotel for the last hour at the Bar.

Saturday dawned bright (but not too early!!). I went out for a walk as “HIM” because unless you are 100% convincing it’s best to stay in because Saturday can get a bit ‘Yobbish’.

Saturday night stayed for most of the comedian’s act but missed the beauty Contest and Raffle, as I wanted to get out early to the Mardi Gras as I return early due to leaving on the Sunday.

To go back to the ‘Yobbishness’ I mentioned earlier, while sitting waiting in the Foyer for a cab with a lot of other girls, a bunch of the usual ‘dickwaits’ spotted us and started pulling faces and making rude signs, all but one walked off till he suddenly realised he was on his own and then took off like a rocket!!

Overall, a slightly quieter weekend than usual, I think there were a lot fewer familiar faces than other times, certainly the ‘Geordie Mafia’ were a lot thinner on the ground, but its still worth the trail.

My next outing will be the Kentisberry week at St. Audries in Somerset, BUT!! its a full week!! Bye Ladies, till next time Hugs, Kate

Once again many thanks Kate for a great Report, your doing a great job. Only one photo available at the moment, and who better to start off with than your very own, Kate herself