Title: Fool For Love
Author: Babygirl
Rating: G
Category: A poem
Classification: Spike's POV
Feedback: Yes, please!
Spoilers: None
Summary: This is a poem I wrote regarding Spike's feelings for Buffy in his POV.
Author's Note: I'm not sure when I wrote this, but I think it was right before Crush. Maybe around Checkpoint or Blood Ties. And I couldn't really think of a good title, so I sorta borrowed it. :)

All characters belong to Joss Whedon, The WB Network, and 20th Century Fox. I am just a fan.

Fool For Love

By: Babygirl

Walking through the shadows
Searching for the light
Fighting the conflict that’s wearing me down
Leaning towards what’s right

Loving you means letting go
Means giving up
The life I know

Sacrificing who I am
To make you see the truth
Only asking for a chance
To prove myself to you

I never thought I’d end up here
Never meant to feel this way
But you’re in my head, my thoughts, my dreams
I’m drowning in your face

Longing to confront you
Though afraid of being broken
Dying because I cannot hear
The words you have not spoken

So accept me for the man I am
For the man I want to be
Because I’m trapped inside this thing called fear
And your love shall set me free

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