# Welcome to The Buffy Role Play!
Hey everyone who stops by here - or whatever - and welcome to The Buffy Role Play, an original idea by me - Kath - So hands off. This is a part of my OTHER idea, The Role Play Network. NOBODY dares to touch this puppy. Hmpf.
This is an introduction, meaning, I put the idea, the concept online, and gather members before officially launching this Role Play. Now, I haven't figured everything out yet, but what I do have worked out, I wrote down right here. Feel free to send in suggestions or comments any time! Now go read up on this idea!
# About
To start of this explanation of some sorts, I think I need to explain what 'blog' means. Blog is derived nfrom Weblog, meaning a blog is like a web journal, diary of some sorts. The next hot thing out here on the net, is to have group blogs. So I was thinking about starting one of my own... but I figured: what could I possibly have to offer anyone ou there that is worth coming together for at least once a week?
A character blog, no no no, a role play. Yes. This is a blog, but different. A role play is where you portray to be your favorite character from a play, movie, tv show... and play out a scene that can take you anywhere. Your character.
So next: what show or movie could possibly be that interesting... and which show or movie has characters that true fans know from the inside out?
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer." It is a perfect show. Everyone knows the characters; most fans have followed their lives for 6 seasons already. I know the characters. But where would "Buffy" be without "Angel"? Since those characters are from "Buffy" as well, I figured we could use... both show's characters... and play their parts. Only I have not yet figured out if we split them up and do crossovers... so have a Buffy Role Play and an Angel Role Play, both part of this site... Hmmm... Time will tell.
Thus, the plan - for now - is to have a weekly topic, sort of like an episode plot, in which we can take eachother everywhere. There are some rules to this though... so let's go there now and see what's at stake. 
# Rules
01. To be able to participate in this blog sort of thing, you'll need to have a website. It doesn't have to be "Buffy" related.
02. When you apply, you may apply for some characters that you find cool. You can only get one. That isn't taken.
03. Yes, a girl can apply for a boy, and vice versa. And yes, a girl can be a girl and a boy a boy. Are you still following? LOL.
04. Define 'character'? Uhm... a person who has been in at least 5 episodes of either show, so someone that you kind of know.
05. A dead character is dead. So no reviving. Unless the character dies after we start this, then we'll keep him/her alive and ignore the show.
06. But a character who's gone, as in, left Sunnydale, can return! How fun!
07. Keep it decent. No faul language and no porn stories of any kind. 
08. When you're accepted, I will send you a plaque stating which character you will portray. I'd love to see it up on your site *hint hint*
09. Where the join form says: Huh? Say: Somnambulist.
10. Oh... and the blog is in English. Don't worry about spelling :)
# Apply
Well, just send me an email stating the following information: 
1. Your name, age and country
2. Boy/Girl?
3. Your site URL
4. Which characters interest you and why?
5. Huh?
# Off Limits!
These characters are reserved already :) Please do not apply for them. Check back here often, since people tend to change their minds... and people will be added. Any character featured in at least 5 episodes and isn't listed below is still available!
Kath is... Cordelia Chase
@ve is... Willow Rosenberg
# Plaques
Uhm... as stated, you will get a plaque when you're accepted. This plaque will feature an image of your character (if you'd like to suggest images, just sedn it over ^.-), your name and the Buffy Role Play title or whatever. You link it back to this address: http://angelfire.com/tv2/ofaw/buffy
# Member's Area
When you get in, I'll send you an email asking you for some basic, biographical information to put on this site. On your own little member corner, I will also put the info for the character you prtray. But more on that when the time is ripe. 
# Topics
Each week - if that works out - we have a plot, sort of like an episode. Only in this wonderful Role Play, we have crossovers constantly. So it can be an "Angel" or a "Buffy" plotline, which can require characters from either shows. Since this will probably have two seperate blogs (one for "Angel" and one for "Buffy"), we can do the whole crossover thing ourselves!
The only requirement to topics is that we stick to the plotline of the series as they currently are. We can create alternate universes etcetera. If you want an example as to what I mean, think of the "Buffy" books. New storylines, but the general plotline is respected.
Members can submit ideas, and the other members have the ability to say: okay, let's do that! Since I am sort of uhm leader gal here (LOL), I'll say if something is way too gruesome or not. The plot ideas are posted right here for all to see, along with the name of the person who offered an idea.
# Topic Ideas
Kath suggests: Faith get's out of jail
Kath suggests: Dawn get's arrested for shoplifting, Spike feels guilty and decided to pay more attention to her
Kath & @ve suggest: Amy works her love spell mojo on Xander and Willow out of revenge
Kath suggests: Phantom Dennis turns human
Kath suggests: Sunnydale and Los Angeles, 2050
@ve suggests: What if everyone had gone their seperate ways after high school?
# Submitted Links
Members get to submit links that are a great episode (storyline) resource, character resource or just plain hilarious. So they will be posted n the site as well.
# BYE!
So if there's plenty of interest and enthousiasm - I'm sure there is - this site will kick off. It will expand (dur) and I'll set up the blogger spaces and the layouts. This is all temporary. *gg*
The Buffy Role Play is part of the Role Play Network © by Kath 2002. No one steals this idea. You'll be so darn fried if you do. I plan on joining a whole lot of protection cliques or whatever *gg* I'm also looking for a host for this Role Play. I don't take up much space; this will mostly be a text site. The Role Play Network is MY IDEA. Let's emphasize this. And see if it kicks off.
My whole collective is listed here copy me not!!! Copywritten, so don't &^#$*& copy me!