February 27th, 2002
[x] Jessica Alba's listing is now open!
[x] The elves have a join form now. Finally.
February 25th, 2002
[x] Meg Ryan's listing is now open! Added 1 new fan
[x] The elves have a new layout, 8 new fans, 5 new affiliates
[x] Su has 1 new fan
February 24th, 2002
[x] Meg Ryan will have her listing opened tomorrow
[x] The elves will have a new layout tomorrow ^.-
February 23rd, 2002
[x] Arwen has 2 new fans, Galadriel has 16 new fans, 1 new affiliate
[x] The elves have 4 new fans, 1 new affiliate
February 22nd, 2002
[x] The elves have 39 new fans, 5 affiliates
February 21st, 2002
[x] Arwen has 16 new fans
February 20th, 2002
Well, I can sit again, as in, I can sit behind the computer without feeling too much pain (though in a minute, I must stop), and I managed to put up a layout for the Meg Ryan Fanlisting. It's lookin' good :) I'm thinking I might have started this too soon though, since I'm guessing someone already applied... But I thought I'd take the chance since I know for a fact that no one has made it yet. 
February 19th, 2002
I'm still down and out in bed, recovering from that blasted surgery... So I figured I could make me a fanlisting collective, since I run tons of them and since it's the whole next thing, you know, you just HAVE to have a fanlisting collective nowadays.  This is version 1.0 of Achtung, Baby!, and it features George Clooney and Julia Roberts ("Ocean's Eleven"). The version title is Ocean... dur... and the site title is derived from a U2 cd title. 
[x] phantom dennis
[x] first slayer
[x] sushi
[x] @ve reinas
[x] arwen evenstar
[x] galadriel
[x] elves
[x] meg ryan
[x] jessica alba