>> About |
Okay, so what is this fanlisting
about exactly? What are fanlistings, anyways? Well, TheFanlistings.com
is a wonderful idea by Janine, who decided to gather sites such as this
one (a fanlisting) into one site, so people can connect to every fanlisting
out there through her jump site. There can be only one fanlisting for each
subject, so this is the only First Slayer Fanlsiting out there. It's a
great idea :Þ |
People who know the show "Buffy
the Vampire Slayer" might also know about the legend of the First Slayer
- she was the first Chosen One to battle vampires and other scum. Anyways,
the First Slayer is a mysterious character, who has meant a whole lot in
the entire story. Take "The Gift" (# 5.22) for example, and you know what
I'm talkin' about. |
So if you say: "Hey. We had Kendra.
We had Faith. We still have Buffy. Let's not forget the First Slayer!!!",
well, than this is the place for you to be. So come join the fanlisting,
and read up some more on the First Slayer herself :) |