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Welcome to the new version of the Official First Slayer fanlisting! I promised everyone i'd take this more seriously, since people actually like the concept of appreciating "Buffy"'s First Slayer. so this is it, I hope you like it :) I changed the title to Cheese Please, don't ask me why, it just matched the layout. It's not 100 % done yet; as you can see, this layout has the promised expansion, meaning some more information on the First Slayer and the actress who portrays her. Anyways, this is where I write down updates and stuff, so check here for new members blah blah blah. 
03.21.02 || Uhm... added one new member to the listing.
02.02.02 || Oh haha. That's a funny date. Anyways, creating the new layout as we speak yay!!! Uhm... Yeah, so that's about it. There will be more codes, with various sizes as well. I hope so anyways.
01.31.02 || Added one new member to the fanlisting, meaning there's a total of 5 members now. Goin' good!!!