>> Rules
Every fanlisting has a set of basic rules. So does this one. It seems like a lot, but it's never happened to me before that someone broke any of these rules/requirements. Take a peek at 'em, it's not as bad as you think.
1.) You gotta appreciate the First Slayer, so no bashing.
2.) A site is not at all required, a name and email addy will do :)
3.) If you do have a site and want me to list that along with your name, email and country, that's fine. But since I will be linking you, I think it's only fair if you link back to this site as well. you have to put up a code on your membership's page, that's all.
4.) If you have a site with porn on it, then forget about it. You can still join, but I won't list you site, I won't link to crap like that.
5.) Same goes for any bashing, racism or whatever.
6.) And StIcKy CaPS annoy the crap out of me. Hint hint.