“On Our Own”

Episode Thirteen (#1P13)

The Gang Takes Midterms


Written by John Painting


Scene One:

“Cat-masta B”

Location: Benji’s Penthouse

Characters: Benji


[Benji is calling his cats]

Benji: Come here guys and girls, it’s story time.

[his cats are motionless]

Benji: I said come here! [still motionless]  There’s milk in it for you! [all of the cats come running]  That’s what I thought…hahaha, anyway, it’s time for me to tell you all about the time I was a great lounge singer…ah, but those days are behind me now. [he pauses and the cats are silent]  What’s that you say Angie number one million three hundred forty-seven thousand, nine hundred twelve?  You say I should follow my dreams, and try to be a successful lounge singer?  You say I should switch to becoming a rapper, because it’s more popular these days?  I think I’m gonna do it!  Outta my way kitties, I’m gonna make it in this world!!!

[as he walks away, the cats attack him]

Benji: Ow, c’mon guys, what gives?

[the cats not involved in the attack, arrange themselves, and spell out “YOU PROMISED MILK”]




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“At Least You’re Wearing Your Clothes”

Location: Dr. Johnson’s Class
Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, and the rest of the class


Dr. Johnson: In conclusion, good luck on tomorrow’s midterm exam.

John: What do you mean, in conclusion?  You just walked in, got a drink of water from the cooler, sat down, and said “in conclusion, good luck on tomorrow’s midterm”…and another thing, what midterm?

Dr. Johnson: Well, I was done with what I had to say, so I said “in conclusion,” what’s confusing about that?

John: You didn’t answer my question!

Dr. Johnson: I just did.

John: No, I asked “what midterm?”

Dr. Johnson: I don’t remember you saying that.

Joe: Yeah, neither do I.  What’s wrong with you John, did you forget your sanity medication again this morning?

[the class chuckles at John, who appears to be on sanity medication]

John: No, did you?

Joe: Now that you mention it, I think I did forget.


John: Thanks everyone, that was great.

Dr. Johnson: Class dismissed!

Andrea: Class just started.

Dr. Johnson: What did I tell you about interrupting me Ms. Kim?
Andrea: That I should do it as much as possible.

Dr. Johnson: That’s correct.  Carry on Ms. Kim.

Andrea: Oh, I was done.

Dr. Johnson: Then you really should say “in conclusion,” then people will know when you’re done.

James: Or when you’re just starting.

Katie: You still haven’t answered my question.

John: Katie, it was clearly my question.

Katie: No, remember, you were like “what midterm?” and then I was like “yeah.”

John: You never said yeah.

Katie: But I thought it, and that’s all that counts…in my mind. So, I win.  [Katie sits content with her “victory”]

[Dr. Johnson starts to leave the classroom, but is blocked by Brad Dostie]

Brad: Stay right there Dr. Johnson, you won’t be getting past me, I’m on the football team.

Dr. Johnson: The football team? [he laughs hysterically]  I mean, you guys even lost to Dayboqrx A&M!

Brad: We beat Dayboqrx A&M.

Dr. Johnson: Well, barely.

Brad [conceding defeat]: Fine, that’s true.

Dr. Johnson: Outta my way, I need to get something from my car.

James: I’m pretty sure you take the subway here Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: Fine, you guys got me, I’ll tell you about the midterms.  [he runs out the door]

Brad: I’ll get him! [he runs out the door]

John: Hope he gets him.

Brad [from outside]: MY LEG!!!

James: Classic Dayboqrx football player for ya.

Amber: There goes that theory.

Andrea: Anyone know anything about this midterm.

Katie: I’d say it comes halfway between the term.

Andrea: I mean, what’s on this midterm?

Joe [at Dr. Johnson’s desk]: This paper here says “INFORMATION ON COSMOLOGY MIDTERM.”

Natalie: What else does it say?

Joe [startled]: Who are you?

Natalie: I’m Natalie, I’ve sat next to you every day since September.

Joe: Doesn’t ring a bell.

John: What else does it say?

Joe [still startled]: Who are you?

John: Joe?

Joe: Anyway, it doesn’t say anything else, it’s all blank.

James: Well, we’re all screwed.  Who’s up for a big study party at our place tonight?

[The class nods in agreement]


Scene Three:

“When is ‘Banned’ Used in a Good Way?”

Location: The Dayboqrx University Library

Characters: The Gang, Librarian


John: Hi, we’d like to know where you keep your books on cosmology.

Librarian: And I’d like to see where they keep the winning lotto numbers, but you don’t see me complaining about it.

[cut to a scene of a man in a suit and a three men dressed in white lotto ball costumes with the number 3, 4, and 7, he’s hoarding them into a closet in the library]

Man: Get in the closet, we can’t have you three leaking word out to the public, especially that librarian.  Hurry up, she’s looking!

[cut back to regular scene]

James: Anyway, where do you keep the cosmology books?

Librarian: What are a bunch of guys like you doing in a cosmology class, studying to be makeup artists or something?

Katie: Ahem.

Librarian: What you got a cough or something sir?

Katie: What are you talking about, I’m a girl.

Librarian: Really, maybe you need to learn something in your cosmology class, you look a little plain to me…or maybe I need new glasses.

Katie: Probably the latter.

Librarian: How dare you insult me like that sir.

Joe: The books!

Librarian: Oh right, well, just one of you give me your university key cards.

James: Who carries those around with them?

[ John sifts through a wallet of old receipts and ID cards]

John: Here it is.

[she swipes it through, it keeps beeping]

James: You carry that stuff around with you?

John: You never know when you might need a receipt for [he pulls one out at random] a fake afro.

Katie: How old is that…is that even yours?

John: Unfortunately…I had a bit of a phase.

[flashback to years ago

[ John is nervously sitting on a couch with a giant afro wig on his head and a lava lamp lighting the room, with Disco music playing]

John: Umm…who wants to play Scrabble?

end flashback]

Librarian: Your card is denied, it appears you’ve been banned.

John: What?


John: What are you talking about Joe?

Joe: C’mon, who wouldn’t want to be in a band…I mean remember that time we had a band…


            [ Joe is on stage with The Gang, he’s singing incoherently]

end flashback]

Joe: Those were the days.

Katie: That never happened Joe.

Joe: What about Woodstock?

James: I do remember the time we drove to Woodstock, and you danced around in the fields thinking there was a concert going on.


John: Anyway, why am I banned?

Librarian: Your teacher that banned you left a note.

Joe: Mr. Phillips, why would he do such a thing, he’s such a great guy.

Librarian: No, Dr. Johnson.  He left a note explaining the banning, see, I'll read it, ahem “Dear class, if you're wondering why I banned you, it's so you will all fail my impossible midterm...ha ha ha ha cough ha ha cough cough, ouch I need to buy some Robotussin.”

John: Yeah, that sounds like him.

James: Well, what are we gonna do for the study party tonight?

John: Pray?

James: The last time you suggested we pray, we nearly died, remember?

John: When did that happen?

James: I don’t remember.


Scene Four:

“Behind the Music”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji


John: How do you suppose we learn cosmology by tomorrow?

James: Didn’t I ask that already, and you said “pray?”

John: Yes, but now I’m rephrasing it, therefore it’s a completely different question.

James: I see, and I don’t know how.

Joe: I have an idea!

John: What is it?

Joe: We hope for the best.

James: By now, you should know that that doesn’t work.

Katie: I sense something bad coming.

John: Yeah, we’re gonna fail our midterm.

[Benji busts in]

Katie: No, that.

James: Wow Katie, how did you know Benji was coming?

Katie: It’s very simple, you see, I have that ESPN.

John: Umm, Katie…we all have ESPN, it’s channel 12.  [he turns the television]  See look, New Jersey is losing.

Katie: Good, I hate the Nets.

James: This is a hockey game.

Katie: Good, I hate the Devils.

John: That’s better.

Benji: Turn it to channel 39, I’ve got a surprise for you.

Joe: Benji, when did you get here?

Benji: Right before you started ranting about ESPN.

Katie: Oh yeah, good times.

[ John changes the channel to 39, to see “Behind the Music: Benji”]

James: Oh……my……God…

Benji: Told you!

John: Told us what?

Benji: That I had a surprise.

James: When were you a musician?

Benji: Shhhh, I’m listening to the show.

Voice [on television]: Back in 1992, the 20 year old superstar with just one-name, joining the ranks of Madonna and Cher, Benji, was tearing up the world with his hit single, “I Really Really Really Love Cats.”

Benji [singing on TV:


I said, if you love cats, then I’m here to say,

That your cool today.

If everyone had a ton of cats,

Then the problems in the world would be gone.



Benji: Like the song?

John: That was scary.

Benji: I could autograph my album for you, if you’d like.

Voice: But eventually, people realized that Benji was a terrible lyricist, and his album sales for what was once the hit “Cat City,” plummeted, and so did Benji’s career.

Benji [crying]: Turn it off, turn it off.

James: Okay.  [he turns off the television]

Benji: Why did you turn it off?

James: You told me too.

Benji: Whatever.

Katie: Benji, why didn’t you tell us about your hit single?  It was really catchy.

Joe: Catchy?  That song was terrible.

Benji: I definitely did tell you about it.

John: When was this?

Benji: I don’t remember.

John: That’s what I thought.

Benji: Anyway, I need to ask you guys to help me become a success in the music business again, I can’t live with being just another one-hit wonder from the 80’s.

Katie: But they said on the TV that your song was in 1992.

Benji: See, I can’t even count anymore.  [he breaks down crying and huddles on the floor in the fetal position]

John: It’s okay Benji.

Benji: Then you’ll help me?

John: Whoa, I didn’t say anything about helping you.

Benji: Why won’t you help me, I’ll pay you.

James: Remember when you paid us to help you win that arm wrestling contest.

Benji: And then I did.

[flashback to nine weeks ago:

            Man: And the winner is, BENJI!!!

            [the crowd chants “Benji” as he accepts the trophy]

end flashback]

Joe: No, you definitely lost in that tournament.  In fact, you won the trophy for last place.

Benji [crying]: I thought I won.

Katie: We can’t help you because we have to study for Dr. Johnson’s midterm tomorrow.

Benji: Oh, Bill told me about that…you poor bastards. [he leaves]

John: Thanks Benji.

Joe: So, now we’re even more screwed, right?

[They all nod]




Scene Five:

“Worst Case Scenario”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


Katie: Well, I called every library in town, and we’re banned from all of them.

John: You’re kidding me.

Katie: Why would I say it if I were kidding?

John: I don’t know, that’s just one of those phrases you say when you can’t believe what you just heard.

Joe: You mean like, “I blew up the mall.”

James: When did you blow up the mall?

Joe: Last week.  [he points to a newspaper article that says “MALL DESTROYED IN BOMB ATTACK THINGY”]

John: Joe, you just made that fake newspaper headline on the computer.

Joe: How do you know?

John: Because there’s no such thing as the “Joe Times.”

Joe: There is in my mind, would you like a subscription?

John: No thanks.

Katie: I’ll take one!

Joe: That will be three easy payments of twenty dollars.

Katie: I have sixty right now, can I pay in up front?

Joe: Sure.

Katie: Thanks.  [she hands him the money] Ah, money well spent.

John: Anyway, how are we going to get books on cosmology?

Katie: Why don’t we call other libraries?

James: Katie, you did that already, and we were banned from all of them.

Katie: I think I would remember something like that.

James: You’d think so, wouldn’t you?
Katie: That is what I just said, man, there’s a lot of hatred going on here.

John: I wouldn’t say hatred.

Katie: I would you moron.

Joe: Couldn’t we always go online and find a website about cosmology?

John: Yeah…hey, what about our textbooks?

Katie: Don’t you remember, Dr. Johnson collected them last week, he said we’d never need them again.

[the phone rings]

Joe: I’ll get it. [he picks it up] Hello?

[Dr. Johnson is on the other end and laughs demonically]

Joe: Dr. Johnson?

Dr. Johnson: What?  [cough] [cough]  Wow, I really need that Robotussin. [he hangs up]

Joe: Well, that was weird.

John: What happened?

Joe: Dr. Johnson laughed then coughed, said he needed Robotussin, and hung up.

[the phone rings]

James: This time I’ll get it.  [he picks it up] Hello?

[Andrea is on the other end]

Andrea: Did you call me and laugh all evil like?

James: No, that was Dr. Johnson, he called us too.

Andrea: Okay…well, what are we gonna do about this cosmology test?

James: I don’t know…wait, I thought you already took cosmology.

Andrea: Right,…uh,…about that, see, I only took one day of it.

James: I see.

Andrea: But now seriously, what are we gonna do, Dr. Johnson’s had us all banned from all of the libraries in town?

James: We’re gonna get all the information from the internet during the study party.

Andrea: Good idea. [she hangs up]

John: Was that Dr. Johnson again?

James: No, it was Andrea.

Joe: Who the hell is Andrea?

John: Joe, name the people in our class.

Joe: That’s easy me, you, James,………

Katie: C’mon Joe, you can do it.

Joe: That’s all I got.

Katie: C’mon, what about me?!?

Joe: You’re in our class?

Katie: Oh my God Joe, yes I am.

Joe: Good to know.

John: We better get some information, the party starts soon.

Joe: I’ll get the dip!

James: Shut up Joe.


Scene Six:

“The Z’s Have It”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Andrea, Natalie, Andrew, and Benji


[Andrew is talking to Katie in the corner]

Andrew: So Katie, what are you doing tonight?

Katie: I’m studying for this big midterm we have tomorrow, what are you doing?

Andrew: I don’t know, whaddayasay we go find out…

Katie: If by “we” you mean “you and only you,” then I’m in.

Andrew: Good deal. [he walks away contently]

Joe: What was that all about?

Katie: Andrew’s got this apparent obsession over me…but can you blame him, I’m great!

Joe: Sometimes he scares me.

Katie: Me too…

Joe: Who is that anyway?

Katie: Sometimes you scare me.

Joe: Mission accomplished. [he also walks away contently]

[scene cuts to another part of the room, James, John, Andrea and Natalie are around the computer]

John [reading off the computer]: “Thus if we saw a quadratic velocity vs. distance law, then an observer in a different galaxy would see a different law -- and one that would be different in different directions. Thus if we saw v(sq), then B would see much higher radial velocities in the "plus" direction than in the "minus" direction. This effect would allow one to locate the "center of Universe" by finding the one place where the red shift-distance law was the same in all directions. Since we actually see the same red shift-distance law in all directions, either the red shift-distance law is linear or else we are at the center which is anti-Copernican.”

Andrea: Amazing…simply amazing.

James: Do you know what that meant?

John: I think it means something about red shift.

Natalie: I just thought it was gibberish.

Andrea: C’mon, it’s simple really, you see…

[Benji bursts in disrupting everybody]

Benji: My Chickdar is going off the charts, and…hello ladies.

Katie: Oh God, hi Benji, everybody hide!

[Benji walks over to the computer]

Benji: And who are these two lovely ragamuffins?

John: Benji, what the hell is a ragamuffin?

[Benji pulls a large dictionary out of his back pocket]

James: You carry that with you all the time?

Benji: Yes, ever since the loot vs. steal argument a while back.

Joe [yelling]: They’re the same thing!

Benji: Are not…will you excuse me ladies and…well James and John…I have a score to settle. [he walks away yelling something at Joe]

Natalie: That guy was pretty weird.

James: You should see what it’s like living next door to him.

[ James and John shudder]

Andrea: What, are you both cold or something?

John: Cold, disturbed by Benji, it’s all the same now.

James: Back to learning this useless information that we’ll never know by tomorrow.

Natalie: So how many rumors have you heard about this exam?

John: Everything from, you poor bastards to…well, good luck you poor bastards.

Benji [yelling]: Everybizody!

James: Did he just put a Z in everybody?

John: I really don’t like where this is going.

Benji [yelling]: I have an announcement to mizake!

Joe: Put some more Z’s in it!

Benji: OK…Z.

Joe: That’s better!

Benji: Izzi hizave to sizay thizat izI’m gizonna trizzy to mizake it in the rizap bizusiness.

[Everyone has no idea what he just said]

Joe: He said “I have to say that I’m gonna try to make it in the rap business.”

Benji: Thizank you.

Joe: You’re wizelcome.

Benji: Izanyway, thizank you izall for your suppizort.

Joe: Gizettin’ bizetter!

Benji: Wizish mizee lizuck!

John: Bizenji!

Benji: Whizat?

John: Stizzop pizutting Z’s in your wizzords.

Benji: Hey, that was really good, are you strizeet?

Joe: Ahem, more Z’s!

John: Gizet izout!

Benji: Fizine.

[Benji leaves]

John: Trust me, he gets even weirder.


Scene Seven:


Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Natalie, Andrea, Andrew


John [still reading off the computer]: “This conformal space-time diagram shows lumps as gray vertical bars, the epoch before recombination as the hatched region, and the gravitational potential as the color-coded curve phi(x). Where our past light cone intersects the surface of recombination, we see a temperature perturbed by dT over T = phi over 3 c-squared, where phi is gravitational potential energy negative GM over R. Sachs and Wolfe predicted temperature fluctuations dT over T as large as 1 percent, but we know now that the Universe is far more homogeneous than Sachs and Wolfe thought. So observers worked for years to get enough sensitivity to see the temperature differences around the sky.”

James: What?

John: How the hell should I know?

Andrea: Oh, I get it!

Natalie: Do you, or are you just acting smart again?

Andrea: Acting…do you think I’m good at it, I’ve always wanted to be an actress!

Natalie: It needs a little work.

John: Wait this goes on, [reading more] “The space-time diagram on the left above shows the future light cones of quantum fluctuation events. The top of this diagram is really a volume which intersects our past light cone making the sky. The future light cones of events become circles on the sky. Events early in the inflationary epoch make large circles on the sky, as shown in the bottom map on the right. Later events make smaller circles as shown in the middle map, but there are more of them so the sky coverage is the same as before. Even later events make many small circles which again give the same sky coverage as seen on the top map.”

Andrea: And therefore the universe will implode in approximately 23 billion years.

James: Really?

Andrea [lying]: Uh, yeah, sure.

James: Wow, how’d you get that out of that?

[Andrea groans]

Natalie: Wow, I’ve never had an appreciation for anisotropy as it relates to large-scale structure in space until now.

John: Wow, that was very profound of you Natalie.

Natalie: Thanks, I read the title of the page.

John: Oh.

[cut to a scene of Joe and Katie on the balcony]

Joe: So, nice party, huh.

Katie: If by nice you mean horrible.

Joe: Thanks for picking up on that, by nice I did mean horrible, you’re very receptive to stuff like that.

Katie: Thanks, it’s a gift, it comes to all us great people.

Joe:  Sometimes I can pick up on stuff like that, does that mean I’m climbing the ladder of greatness?

Katie: Not at all Joe, not at all.

Joe: Damn, I’m getting closer.

Katie [under her breath]: Yeah, you think you are.

Joe: What?

Katie [yelling]: I SAID, YEAH YOU THINK YOU ARE!

Joe: Oh………HEY!

Katie: What?

Joe: That was mean!

Katie: Mean, but very true.

[Andrew approaches Katie]

Andrew: Katie, I…

[Katie punches him and her and Joe walk inside]

Andrew: Damn, I’m getting closer.




Scene Eight:

“I’d Hit the Panic Button, But I Can’t Find It”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Andrea, Amber, Brad, Natalie


[Andrea is front of a blackboard with complicated math on it]

Andrea: So, is it clear now?

Joe: No.

Andrea: Sure it is, by these statistical observation, there is no chance any of us will pass tomorrow’s midterm.

John [sarcastic]: That’s great news!

James: What do you see as the highest grade attainable?

Andrea: With the way Dr. Johnson’s quizzes and exams go, I don’t think a single one of us in the class will get a question right.

John [still sarcastic]: That’s even more encouraging.

Andrea: Isn’t it though?

Amber: What do you suggest we do?

Joe: Who are you?

Amber: Again Joe, what are you talking about?

Joe: And how do you know my name?

John: Joe, it’s as if you don’t even care that we’re all gonna fail this gigantically impossible test tomorrow.

James: Gigantically, that’s a good word, I gotta use that.

Joe: What a minute, we have a test tomorrow?

John: Where have you been?

Joe: Do you want the serious answer or the off-the-wall answer?

John: Serious.

Joe: I’m in the magical land of happiness, with birds and trees and butterflies and beautiful sunshine.

Katie: I’d hate to hear the off-the-wall answer.

Brad: How do you suppose we go about tricking Dr. Johnson into not giving us this test?

Andrea: Who said anything about tricking?

John: Wait a minute, that’s a great idea.

James: Plan S!

John: What?

James: Never mind.

Brad: I say, we just tell Dr. Johnson that he never told us about the test, and then he can’t give it to us.

Natalie: That will never work, he’s popped every test we’ve had on us, except for this one.

John: And he tells us this one is harder than usual.

James: Who else is really worried about this?

[every hand but Joe’s goes up]

Natalie: Still not worried Joe?

Joe: Who are you?

[Natalie groans]

Andrea: I suppose we should just hope for the best.

Joe: That’s what I said.  Gimme five! [he looks in vain for a high five]  Oh, too shy are we.  C’mon [he slaps Natalie’s hand].

Natalie: Ow.

Joe: There ya go!


Scene Nine:

“Too Bad”

Location: Dr. Johnson’s Class

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, the rest of the class


Dr. Johnson: Now that you are all sitting, it’s time to let you know that the exams are on the back table.

[everyone gets up to get their tests]

James: Why didn’t you tell us that before?

Dr. Johnson: What do I look like?

Joe: You look like Professor Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: For that comment Mr. Painting, I shall deduct three points from your score.

John: But Joe said that.

Dr. Johnson: That’s exactly what the person named John Painting who said that would say.

[everyone is sitting again]

Dr. Johnson: Okay, you have an hour to complete the test…READY.  GO!  Oh, and I hope you don’t mind me playing this song over and over again for the duration of the test.  [he turns a CD on, playing the theme song from “Norm”:

            Too bad that you’re not as smart, as you thought you were in the first place

            Too bad that you, had to get caught, that’s not like you could lose face

            So sad that you’re not as smart, as you thought you were in the first place]

[The class is rattled as they realize they’re not as smart as they thought there were in the first place…Dr. Johnson is playing Sorry against himself on his desk]

John [reading the questions to himself]: Okay, here we go…Part One, fill in the blank, number one, The Universe began with the blank Bang…okay, [he writes “big”]…number two, The blank began with the Big Bang…[he writes “Universe”]…number three, The Universe began with the Big blank…are you kidding me?  [he writes “Bang”]

James [reading the questions to himself]: Okay, Part Two, spelling…number one, spell cosmology…it’s written right there…[he copies it letter for letter]

[ John and James look at each other in astonishment, then look around the class, as everyone appears confused]

Julia [crying]: We never learned this.

Dr. Johnson: Crying won’t help you now.  SORRY!

Joe: Stop yelling, you’re disturbing everybody.

Dr. Johnson: Sorry, is the music and the board game disturbing you…you should’ve thought of that when you slept through my class!

Andrea: That was you for the past three weeks.

Dr. Johnson: Point taken.

Joe [reading the questions to himself]: Number seven, The Universe blank with the Big Bang…[he writes “monkeys”]…this is so simple, it’s not even funny.

Katie [reading the questions to herself]: Number three, spell red shift…[she writes “I am soooo great”]

John [reading the questions to himself]: Part Three, essay.  Please explain in detail, and in under 250 words, the grade you wish to receive not only on this exam, but in the class in general, seeing as I’m too lazy to do your grades.  I can’t believe this.  [he writes “100%, because you’re the most interesting teacher I’ve ever had”]  Wow, that’s actually serious too.

Dr. Johnson: SORRY!!!

Natalie: I think I speak for everybody when I say this test is impossible.

[everybody but James and John agree]

John: What a fun class, eh?


Scene Ten:

“After the Fire”

Location: Lefty’s Bar

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, Lefty, the rest of the class


Dr. Johnson: You may be wondering I told you all to meet me here.

Joe: Hey, why did you tell us all to meet here!

Dr. Johnson: I’m getting to that.


Dr. Johnson: Maybe…anyway, I graded your tests over my lunch break.

John: You have no lunch break, you teach us and then go home.

Dr. Johnson: I still have to eat lunch…I AM STILL HUMAN YOU KNOW!

James: Calm down.

Dr. Johnson [calmly]: I will not.

James: Better.

Andrea: So, what do you have to tell us about our grades?

Dr. Johnson: That I graded them, didn’t I say that?

Natalie: Yes, but why would you call us down here just to tell us that our tests were grades.

Dr. Johnson: I don’t know, but I did it.

Joe: What were our grades?

Dr. Johnson [laughing]: You don’t want to know.

Brad: See, I told you that study party was crap, none of what was on the test did we cover last night!

John: Because the test covered common knowledge, that test was easy.

Dr. Johnson: Right, easy, tell that to your grade Mr. Painting.

John: Did you rig these tests?

Dr. Johnson: I graded on a backwards curve.

James: What?

Dr. Johnson: Yeah, best score gets knocked down to a 0, and so on.

Katie: Can you even do that on our midterms?

Dr. Johnson: I should hope so.

Katie: Why?

Dr. Johnson: So I can look like the terrible teacher that I really am.

Andrea: Just tell us our grades.

Dr. Johnson: I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you your grades because I’m going to Aruba for the next week.

John: But the grades are in the briefcase your holding.

[Dr. Johnson opens the briefcase]

Dr. Johnson: No, these are just random pieces of blank paper.

James: No, those are our exams and grades.

[Dr. Johnson dives on the papers]

Dr. Johnson: You saw nothing!

John: Just tell us our grades.

Dr. Johnson: NEVER!!!!!

Joe: Wow, that was more dramatic than it needed to be.

[the papers are collected in the briefcase again]

Dr. Johnson: Excuse me, I need to take care of this. [he throws the briefcase into a fire in a garbage can]  Done and done.

John: What did you do that for?

Dr. Johnson: I don’t remember…hey, who wants to relax by going to see Benji’s show!?!

John: Where is it?

Dr. Johnson: Lefty’s.

James: We’re in Lefty’s.

Lefty: Okay, if you all want to stay, you’re gonna have to buy some alcohol.

Dr. Johnson: C’mon, it’s gonna be fun!




Scene Eleven:
”Now Playing…”

Location: Lefty’s stage

Characters: Lefty, Benji, John


Lefty: And now, everybody’s favorite artist from the early 90’s…Benji!

[Benji runs out on stage followed by about 20 cats, nobody claps for him]

Benji: Thanks everybody, today I’ll be singing my old hit song, but first, some stuff off my new album, “Why Won’t You Go Out With Me Katie?”  This one is sure to be a new rap hit, it’s called “WHY WHY WHY!”

[Benji proceeds to continually cry into the microphone]

John: It’s better than that other song.

Benji: Thank you, now it’s time for me to perform my old hit single, “I Really Really Really Love Cats.”

John: Oh damn it.

Benji [singing as the camera fades to black:


I said, if you love cats, then I’m here to say,

That your cool today.]

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