“On Our Own”

Episode Twenty-One (#1P21)

The Gang Searches for Clues


Written by John Painting


Scene One:

“They Did it in Panama and Suez”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji


Katie: Okay, okay, okay…guys, I have a game we can play!

Joe: Is this gonna be the “guess how many fingers I’m holding up game turned fiasco” again?

James: Please no, I swear, she had FOUR FINGERS UP!


Katie: Shut up!!!  Now, guess what word I’m thinking of, I’ll give you a hint, it starts with the letter C.

Benji: Cats?

Katie: No.

Benji: Cat, singular?

Katie: Nope.

Benji: Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat-cat-cat, cat, cat, cat-cat-cat-cat-cat, cat, cat?

Katie: Closer.

John: Okay, do we need to break out the dictionary for this?

Katie: Maybe.

[ John opens a dictionary to a random page]

John: Is it canalize?

Katie: Nope…give up, it’s CANALIZE!

[ James is dialing the phone]

James: Don’t worry, I’m already calling the hearing doctor.




Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Perfect Square: Such is Benji”

Location: The Penthouse
Characters: The Gang, Benji


James: Hey guys?

John: What is it, James?

James: Dr. Johnson just called, said something about a final exam tomorrow.

Katie: Who cares, it’s a Dr. Johnson test, remember the midterm?

Joe: What midterm?

John: The one we all panicked about and he ended up burning the tests anyway.

Katie: John, that was my story.

John: No, I laid claim to it right after it happened.  See, I have it here in writing.  [he pulls out a sheet of paper]

Katie [reading from the paper]: “This certificate denotes the owner shall receive one free sandwich from The Sandwich Hut.”

John: Keep reading…

Katie: And it looks like you scrawled on the bottom, “I also own the rights to the midterm test story.”

John: Exactly, now will you be paying me in cash or check?

Katie: Cash I suppose.  [she hands him a $20 bill]

John: Money well spent.

[Benji walks in]


Joe: You’re moving? Far, far away?

Benji: No, silly goose…

Joe: The correct phrase is “silly boots.”

James: No, that’s “sly boots.”


Benji: Anyway, I drew a perfect square on this napkin, isn’t that fantastic?

Katie: Not really.

Benji: Anyway, will you be paying me in cash or check?

John: Pay you for what?

Benji: Didn’t you tell me that if I was ever able to draw a perfect shape, you would give me twenty dollars?

James: I should hope not.

Katie: Actually, I did make that bet with Benji a while back, so he would stop bothering me.  John, can I borrow twenty dollars?

John: What for?

Katie: Pay off Benji.

John: Fine, but you owe me.  [he hands Katie the $20 bill, who then gives it to Benji]

Benji: YES!!! Real money…time to buy me some sneakers! [he runs face first into the door]

Joe: Doors that open with your mind haven’t been invented yet.

Benji [from the ground and in pain]: Now you tell me.

Katie: Why would you assume we had an auto-door?

Benji: Well, there was this commercial in my dream about them.

[flashback to Benji’s dream from the night before:

Benji [voiceover]: We’ll return to “I Love Katie” in just a moment, but first, a word from our sponsor, Auto-Doors.

Announcer: Ever strain your back trying to open a doorknob?

Man in Commercial: No.

Announcer: Of course you have.

Man: What did I just say?

Announcer: With the new invention from the Shabbadop Corporation, you’ll never eat solid food again.  It’s called “The Bone Crush-a-Nator.”

Man [nervous]: What does that have to do with doorknobs?

Announcer: Sorry, I was reading from the wrong script, but I’m gonna continue anyway…The Bone Crush-a-Nator is not your average kill machine.  Each precision pound brings about seventeen metric tons of force.  Now that’s a lot of kill power.

Man: Wow, but still, I can’t get this door open.

Announcer: What’s that…you want to kill your enemies?  Look no further than the Bone Crush-a-Nator…

end flashback]

Benji: That’s when my dream cut out.

John: What does that have to do with auto-doors?

Benji: Who cares, I’m gonna buy me some Bone Crush-a-Nator’s, then maybe some sneakers on the way back.


Scene Three:

“Seven Claps Means Hello”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Benji


John: What do you think things are gonna be like not having Dr. Johnson for a class?

James: Probably less insane, and more sane.

John: Good call.

[a knock is heard at the door]

Katie: Who is it?

[sounds of shoes clapping together is heard outside]

Joe [walking to the door]: I used to speak sneaker. [he puts his ear to the door to get a better listen]  Bring me the money for the crab cakes?  What’s that supposed to mean?

Katie [stuffing her mouth with crab cakes]: Don’t let him in!!!

Joe: Wait, I got it wrong, all he said was “It’s Benji.”

Katie: Oh, him you can let in………wait, NO, don’t let him in!!!

[Benji walks in with his new sneakers on his hands]

James: You know, Benji, those usually go on your feet.

[Benji claps his hands/shoes together twelve times]

Joe: He says “thank you.”

James [confused]: Uh, you’re welcome, I think.

John: So, where did you get the new sneakers?

[Benji claps twice]

Joe: He says “yes.”

John: That wasn’t a yes or no question.

[Benji claps frantically in John’s face for about ten seconds]

Joe: Wow, that made no sense, he said “for the record, the bird flies with the stone several times in order to make the trek from South Africa to the Philippines by sundown on the 29th of January, and I just swallowed my gum.”

[Benji claps thirteen times]

Joe: He says “that’s exactly what I meant to say.”

Katie: Let me get this straight, twelve claps means “thank you,” and thirteen means “that’s exactly what I meant to say”?

Joe: Loosely translated, yes.

 Katie: What a crazy language.

[Benji claps twelve times]

Joe: He says “you knows it.”

Katie: But that was twelve claps…?

Joe: Yes, I know.

Katie: But, twelve claps is “thank you.”

Joe: In context…

Katie: Oh…wow, this is really confusing.

[Benji claps frantically in Katie’s face for about five seconds]

Katie: I hate to ask what that means.

Joe: He says “I just want to let you all know that I no longer feel welcome here, and that I’m going to leave because you all make me fall bad.”

[Benji claps three times]

Joe: Sorry, feel bad.

John: How are we making you feel bad?  You’re the one communicating with sneakers on your feet.

[Benji claps frantically in John’s face for ten seconds]

Joe: Again, the flying bird comment.

James: What is that even supposed to mean?

[Benji claps once softly]

Joe: He says “it means exactly what you want it to mean.”

John: All that in one clap?

[Benji storms out clapping softly]

Joe: That was just mumbling.


Scene Four:

“Forced Into Aid”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang, Lefty


Katie: Do you think Benji was serious when he said he was leaving?

Joe: I don’t think he’s actually leaving, I think he just meant that he was leaving the room so we wouldn’t bother him anymore.

John: When in all actuality, it’s the other way around.

Joe: What, you mean that we left???  You’re not making sense John.

John: No, no, no, that he’s bothering us.

James: Not to him he’s not.

[the phone rings]

James: I got it, this better not be Dr. Johnson again. [he picks up the phone] Hello?

Dr. Johnson: James?

James: Ah crap, it is Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: Hello to you too.

James: What do you want Dr. Johnson?

Dr. Johnson: Who’s Dr. Johnson?

James: Ummm, you are?

Dr. Johnson: That’s preposterous, I’m a kidnapper.

James: That doesn’t change the fact that you still could be Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: Silence, I’m calling to inform you that I have kidnapped Benji and am holding him for ransom.

James: Okay, thanks.  [he goes to hang up the phone]

Dr. Johnson: WAIT!!!

James: What is it?

Dr. Johnson: Don’t you want to rescue him or something?

James: Well, he could use the stress of a kidnapping.  Especially since I can tell that this is Dr. Johnson, Benji’s best friend, who kidnapped him.

Dr. Johnson: Stop confusing me with your corporation games!

James: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Dr. Johnson: Give me the money?

James: Are you asking me or ordering me?  Since you never told me how much ransom, how am I supposed to know how much money to give you?

Dr. Johnson: More with the freakin’ corporation games.

James: What’s a corporation game?

Dr. Johnson: Do not talk to Mumbutu this way!

James: Okay Dr. Bill Johnson, who’s Mumbutu?  And what the hell is a corporation game?

Dr. Johnson: I am Mumbutu of the planet…[pauses to think]…Earth!  And a corporation game is a game played by a corporation, such as yourself.

[ James hangs up]

John: Considering I only heard half of that conversation, let me just say that I’m completely and totally lost.

James: So am I, and I heard all of it.

Katie: Who was it?

James: Dr. Johnson.

Katie: What did he want?

James: He kidnapped Benji, probably to see if we’d help or not.

[a knock is heard at the door]

Katie: I got it.  [she opens it up and it’s Lefty]

Lefty: Yeah guys, we need to go find Benji, and by we, I mean you four.

John: Why, all he does is bother us all the time?

Lefty: Do you really want your friend in the hands of a dangerous criminal?

James: It’s his best friend Dr. Johnson, it’s just a game.

Lefty: Nonetheless, if you don’t follow the clues, I will be forced to evict you.

Joe: WHAT?

Lefty: Well, Benji said he’d give me twenty dollars if I forced you guys to do it, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to play in his game…I mean…very……serious………predicament.

John: Fine…where do we have to go first?

Lefty: This note that the kidnapper must have conveniently left in Benji’s penthouse says you must head to the subway station, and work from there.

John: Oh great…this oughtta be fun.




Scene Five:

“You’re In My Sight Line!”

Location: 80th Street Subway Stop

Characters: The Gang, Lefty


Katie [singing]: Why the hell do we have to help Benji, all he ever does is bother us…he’s such a jerk forcing us to do this, and I could be sitting at home right now.

Joe: Catchy song, who wrote it?

Katie: Mel Torme?

John: That’s what you said about that other song a long time ago.

Katie: Really, gee, you must have some memory.

John: Thanks, it’s a gift.

James: Wasn’t that my MasChrist gift to you this year?

John: Nope.

James: Are you sure?

John: Yes.

James: But…are you sure?

John: YES!

James: That didn’t sound very sure.

Katie [still singing]: Hurry up, you stupid 8 train…I’m so damn sick and tired, of waiting for you, every day.

John: That was much less catchy than the last song.

Katie: John, you have nothing to say about things that are catchy, remember that time you dropped that thing?


            Katie: John, CATCH!

            [Katie throws a flaming hoop at John, he avoids it, and it sets the couch on fire]

            Katie: Oh, good catch, Einstein!

end flashback]

John: Yeah, why did you throw that flaming hoop at me?

Katie: It was a test…of the emergency broadcasting system.  [she begins emitting an annoying loud pitch noise]

Joe: Katie, stop it, you’re not helping.

[she stops]

Joe: Thank you.

Katie: If that were an actual emergency, I would have to ask you all to protect me somehow.

James: Why are we even here anyway?

John: Our penthouse depends on it.

James: I’m sick and tired of Lefty forcing us to do things for him.  It’s really annoying.

Joe: I don’t know, this could be really fun, we’re like detectives and stuff.

Katie: All in favor of quitting and going home, raise your hand.

[all four hands go up]

John: Joe, I thought you said this could be really fun?

Joe: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’ll want to do it.

John: Anyway, we have to, because Lefty’s over there watching us, pretending to read the newspaper.

[camera pans to Lefty hiding his face behind a newspaper]

Lefty [hiding behind the paper]: I’M NOT LEFTY, I’M GOOBLESTEIN!

James: Lefty, that name didn’t even make sense.

[Lefty throws the newspaper away]

Lefty: Eh, I’m done with this newspaper.  [he looks directly at the gang] Oh crap, I forgot.  [he hides against the wall]

John: Lefty, we can still see you.

Lefty: Who’s Lefty, I’m the wall…80 80 80 80 80…

Katie: The wall doesn’t say the name of the street this stop is on out loud, it just shows it, in text and such…

Lefty: 80.

John: Lefty, why are you forcing us to do this?

Lefty: 80?

John: Oh for God sakes, then we’re leaving.

[the gang walks up the staircase marked “EXIT”]

Lefty: NO, 80!!! 80!!!!

[a piece of paper falls in front of the gang, marked “READ THIS: IT’S A CLUE”]

Joe: Should we read it?

James: It seems to think we should.

Joe: I don’t like listening to pushy pieces of paper.

John: What does it say?

James: John, we clearly haven’t decided if we should read it or not.

John: Fine, I’ll read it.  [he rips it from James’ hand]


John: It says, “get on the next train, and ride it to 213th St/Dayboqrx University, then head to the soccer fields.”

Katie: And if we don’t?

John: “And if you don’t, I will be forced to evict you from your penthouse, Signed, 80.”

James: Fine, let’s just go…


Scene Six:


Location: Dayboqrx University Soccer Field

Characters: The Gang, Dayboqrx Xtreme Soccer Team


John: Well, we’re here at the soccer fields, and I don’t see anybody.

Katie: Do you see anymore clues?

John: No…wait, what’s that?

James: A soccer net.  John, are you alright?

John: I mean on the soccer net.

Joe: It’s netting John, you’re acting like you’ve never seen netting before.

John: Taped to the goalpost!

Katie: Some type of clue, it seems.

John: Thank you.

Joe: John, I don’t see anything. [long pause]  Wait, EVERYBODY, I FOUND A CLUE…IT’S TAPED TO THE GOALPOST!!!

John: I said that already.

Katie: It’s true, he did.

James: I didn’t hear him.

Joe: Okay, it’s two on two, how are we gonna settle this?

John: How about we just read the note?

Joe: But…we need to settle this first.  Might I suggest a race around the soccer field?

John: You’re on.

[ John and Joe line up at midfield, prepared to race around the perimeter of the field]

Katie: Okay guys, standard rules…you know, first one back here wins.  Ready…set…GO!

[they begin running]

James: So, what does the note say?

Katie: Who cares, this is much more interesting.

[ John pulls into a slight lead over Joe]

John: Hey Joe, look over there.

[ Joe pauses to look]

John: Ha, SUCKER!!

Joe: Wow, thanks for pointing that out, you really saved me there buddy.

[a giant bird collides into John, knocking him over]

John [on the ground in pain]: Oh damn it, this isn’t good.

[ Joe takes the lead]

Joe: Ha, SUCKER!!!

[seconds later, Joe wins]

James: It’s official, Joe found the clue.

Joe: What does it say anyway?

Katie [reading the clue]: “For your first mission, you will be required to defeat the Dayboqrx University soccer team in a ten minute match…if you win, you will receive your next clue.”

James: How are we gonna beat a full soccer team of eleven players with just three of us?

Joe: Three??? Oh right.

John [still on the ground]: I’m alright guys, really, thanks for your concern.

Katie: Did you hear something?

Joe: Nope.

Soccer Player: It’s go time!!!

[suddenly, all 11 soccer players appear on the field]

Katie: Alright, I’ll play goalie, you two play the field.

James: Sounds like a plan.

[ James wins the face-off, and he and Joe succeed in holding possession of the ball for nine minutes straight]

Katie: Wow, this is boring.  DO SOMETHING!

Joe: Time’s running out, think we should try to score?

James: Maybe.

[they bring the ball up-field, just ten seconds are on the clock]

Joe: Shoot now!

[ James shoots and misses completely…thankfully, the ball caroms off John, who’s still on the ground, and into the net as time expires]

James: Wow, that was lucky.


Joe: Oh well, take one for the team.

Soccer Player: I guess we just proved why we’re last in the conference…anyway, you’re next clue is this, you must report to the headquarters of WDBX television, and visit the news…they’ll tell you what to do.”

Katie: Okay, let’s go.

[they leave John laying on the ground]

John: Guys, little help! [long pause]  Guys???




Scene Seven:

“WDBX Action News”

Location: WDBX News Station

Characters: The Gang, Studio Workers, Chilly the Thermometer


James [announcing to the newsroom]: Well, we’re here!

Studio Worker #1: Who the hell are you?  And why should we care?

Joe: The note told us to visit the news and that you’d tell us what to do.

Studio Worker #1: I don’t know anythin’ about no note.

Katie: Well, the note said to come here and we did.

Studio Worker #1: Okay, but you’re gonna have to leave, the six o’clock news is startin’.

James: Wow, it’s six o’clock already…time sure does fly when you’re following clues all around the city.

Joe: Too bad we have no clue who left the note for us to come here.

Studio Worker #2: Did you just say something about a note?

Joe: Yes?

Studio Worker #2: Are you the four that they call, “the gang?”

James: Yes.

Studio Worker #1: Can’t you see that there are three of them?

[ John stumbles in with an ice pack taped to his head]

James: Oh, you made it, we were worried about you.

John: If you were really worried about me, you wouldn’t have left me lying on the soccer field like that.

James: Yes we would’ve.

Studio Worker #2: Anyway, you’re next task is to host the news today.

Katie: What?

Studio Worker #2: Yeah, we’ve been given direct orders by the head of the station that two of you need to play the part of anchors, one of you does the weather, and one of you covers sports.

James: I call weather.

John: I call sports!

Katie and Joe [simultaneously]: Damn.

[time passes]

Studio Worker #1: Places people, show starts in three, two, one…

[news intro:

Voice: Since the news never stops, even if we try really really hard, it just keeps happening.  I mean, what gives?  Really now, let’s try to stop the news…I’m gonna call an emergency meeting of the…[the voice cuts out and the news begins revealing Joe and Katie arguing at the news desk]

end intro]

Joe: What do you think the next clue will be?

Katie: Hello, and welcome to WDBX Action News, I’m Katie Stalin.

Joe: And I’m Joe Termine, and here are today’s top stories.

[ Katie and Joe stare blankly at the camera for a couple of seconds]

Katie: And now the weather, with James Achaia.

James: Thanks Katie, hello everyone.  Today, it rained…a lot.  Tomorrow, it’s gonna rain…even more…with 100% chance of precipitation.  Taking a look at the thermometer. [a man dressed in a thermometer suit comes dancing into the studio]  Excuse me, what the hell is this?

Thermometer: I’m Chilly the Thermometer!

James: Why are you here?  I’m trying to do a serious weather report.

Chilly: Shut up!

James: Oh, that is it!

[ James tackles and punches the thermometer, leaving Joe and Katie stunned at the desk]

Joe: On to sports, with John Painting.

John: Thank you Joe, and a rough sports day it was.  The Dayboqrx Dayboqrxinators lost their only good players to free agency today, so next season, look for the team to play even worse than this years 22-140 record.  In hockey, the Amoebas lost to the Flying Squirrels 8-2.  Back to you Katie.

Katie: Thanks John…let’s see how the weather’s progressing…

[ James continues to beat up on the thermometer]

James: How dare you interrupt me?

Chilly: Shut up, the weather is my job!

[Three studio workers pull James off the thermometer]

James: Back to you!

Studio Worker #2: That’s it you four, get out of here.  Here’s your clue.

John [reading the clue]: Visit the Dayboqrx Space Museum in North Dayboqrx.  At the desk, ask for Fred.  He’ll now what to do.”

Katie: Shouldn’t that be “he’ll know?”

John: It should be, but it says “he’ll now.”

Joe: Fine, but if he doesn’t now what to do, there’s gonna be hell to pay.


Scene Eight:

“Pay No Attention to the Man in the Tin Foil Space Suit”

Location: Dayboqrx Space Museum

Characters: The Gang, Fred


[The gang stands outside a dilapidated building]

Katie: Is this it?

John: I think so, it says “Dayboqrx Space Museum” on that sign that’s falling down.

Joe: I guess this is it then.

James: Wait, there’s more, there’s an arrow pointing to the right on the side.

[They all turn their heads in unison to see a large planetarium with lasers and spotlights]


James: How did we not notice this before?

Joe: I say magic, that wasn’t there before.

John: Yes it was, I just felt like wasting time by saying this was it. [ John looks around to find out that the other three are already gone]  Damn, don’t leave me behind again, wait up! [he runs after them]

[they enter the museum, to see it’s an empty room with a man standing in a closed-in booth, wearing tin foil]

John: Okay, this is really weird.

Man: Are you “The Gang?”

Joe: Yes, are you Fred?

Fred: Yes.

John: Good, our last clue said we needed to talk to you, and that you’d know what to do.

Fred: That doesn’t sound right.

John: Fine, that you’d NOW what to do.

Fred: Much better.

John: Actually, it’s not much better at all.

Fred: Anyway, welcome to the museum of space.

James: Why is it empty?

Fred: It’s space.

[The Gang groans]

John: That’s the worst pun I’ve ever heard.

Fred: Thanks, we do try.

Joe: Who’s we?

Fred: Me and my friend Mr. Mittens.  Isn’t that right Mr. Mittens?

Joe [outraged]: HOW COULD YOU MR. MITTENS.  YOU WERE MY FRIEND, I HATE YOU…YOU KNOW WHAT, FINE, LEAVE ME. [ Joe turns his back, waits, then sprints out of the “museum”]

Katie: Poor Joe was never the same after Mr. Mittens left.

[ John and James look at each other, confused]

Katie: Listen, I better go make sure Joe doesn’t do something stupid, like run off again.  Remember the last time he did that?

James: Nope.

John: That definitely didn’t happen.

Katie: Fine, I remember it though.  We had to go out in the middle of the night to find him, and then the flying unicorn told us to check by the river, and he was there, huddled in the corner with the robot and the talking monkey…

John: That sounds like a dream.

Katie: No, I distinctly remember this.

James: Fine, then you just made it up.

Katie: That’s better. [she leaves]

John [to Fred]: Anyway, what’s our next clue?

Fred: Clue, ha, after you made fun of the museum like that, I should have you banned.

James: Fine, we’ll just go home, we never wanted to do this anyway…

Fred: …but since I’m such good friends with Benji, and don’t want to see him get hurt at the hands of his evil kidnapper, I’ll give you this clue.  Well, it’s not really a clue, you’ve reached the end of the line.  They’re in that walk-in closet over there.

John: Okay, thank you.

Fred: Screw you!


Scene Nine:

“Mission: Stupidity”

Location: A walk-in closet in the Dayboqrx Space Museum

Characters: The Gang, Fred, Dr. Johnson, Benji


[ John and James burst into a walk-in closet]

James: AHA!

[the closet contains mops and brooms]

John: Benji?

Fred [from his booth]: OTHER CLOSET!

John: Oh.

[ John and James burst into the other walk-in closet]

James: AHA!

[Dr. Johnson and Benji are playing checkers]

Dr. Johnson: KING ME!

Benji: Fine.

James [again for emphasis]: AHA!

Dr. Johnson: Prepare to lose for the seventeenth consecutive game.

John and James: AHA! AHA! AHA!

Benji: I got you this time, don’t worry.

Dr. Johnson: You’re out manned ten to one.

Benji: That’s what you think.

John and James: AHA?

[Dr. Johnson finally glances at the guys]

Dr. Johnson: Hey guys, who wants winner?

John: Benji, what the hell was this all about?

Benji: Well, me and Dr. Johnson were bored waiting around here, so we decided to play a few games of competitive tennis.

[long pause]

James: Tennis?  It’s checkers.

Benji: You didn’t let me finish.

John: Sounded like you were done when you paused for those ten seconds.

Benji: Well, after we figured out we couldn’t play tennis inside, we settled for chess.

[long pause]

James: Chess?

Benji: I wasn’t done again.

John: Then stop pausing.

Benji: But we both realized we didn’t know how to play chess, so we played checkers instead.

John: Dr. Johnson, you can’t play chess?

Dr. Johnson: Not at all.

John: Then why do you run the Dayboqrx University Chess Club?

Dr. Johnson: So I get paid more.

James: What was the phony kidnapping about?

Benji: Wasn’t my idea, Lefty told me I had to do it, or he’d evict me.

John: Hmmm, why did Lefty want us both out of the house?

[All four look at each other, realizing]

All [simultaneously]: Oh crap!

[they all run out of the building]

John: I hope he didn’t steal too much.

[they run past Katie talking into thin air]

Katie [to nobody]: So, you mean to tell me Joe is down by the river again?

[time passes, the four eventually arrive at the bar]

James: Lefty?

Lefty: What?

James: Why do you have all of our stuff in your bar?

Lefty: Well, remember that time I made you leave the house so I could steal your stuff, then sell it.

John: Apparently that was earlier today.

Lefty: Yes.  Good job.




Scene Ten:
”It’s Really Just a ‘Quizlet’”

Location: Dr. Johnson’s Class

Characters: The Gang, Dr. Johnson, Andrea Kim


Dr. Johnson: Due to the fact that I was busy last night, I was unable to put together a true final exam, therefore, today’s exam is really just a quizlet.  You can find these “quizlets,” on the back desk there, and begin when you get it.

John: Umm, Dr. Johnson?

Dr. Johnson: What are you complaining about this time Mr. Painting?

John: This test is a thick booklet full of questions.

Dr. Johnson: Not BOOKlet, QUIZlet.

James: This has 507 questions in it.

Dr. Johnson: Quizlet.

Andrea: How do you expect us to finish this?

Dr. Johnson: Quizlet.

John: Seriously?

[long pause]

Dr. Johnson: Quizlet.

[the class groans and begins the “quizlet”]

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