Episode Five (#1T05)
The Gang Becomes Eye Candy
by Joe Termine
Scene One:
“Not This Again”
The Penthouse
The Gang, Benji, Lefty
[The gang is
quietly sitting down relaxing]
Joe: So guys, it’s been quiet for at least ten minutes now, what do you think
is going on?
Katie: I don’t know, but it’s great.
John: I second that.
Katie: It’s not a law, you don’t have to second it. [laughs to herself] All for
my last statement, raise their hands in the special law making position [ James
and Joe raise their hands]
John: Hey, I thought you said there was no law making just a second ago.
Katie: That was different, I did it, so it’s okay.
James: Yeah, get with the times man.
John: That has nothing to do with the times.
Joe: How would you know, you are behind in them.
[Benji busts into the penthouse]
Katie: Don’t you ever knock?
Benji: Didn’t you just see me barge in, I think that tells you no.
Joe: He has you there.
Katie: Wow, I never thought I would be duped by Benji.
Benji: Get used to it, I have become smarter.
Joe: Your pants are on backwards.
Benji: Yup, little by little I’m getting smarter. [fixes his pants]
John: Still on backwards.
[Lefty also barges in now with a look in his eyes]
Katie: Why don’t you knock?
Lefty: It was open. I was gonna steal,
but you guys surprised me.
Joe: Wow, that’s awful, but I commend you for telling the truth here’s a
toaster for your trouble.
Katie: That’s my toaster…give it back!
John: He’s gonna take it because you left the door open.
Katie: That was Joe’s job!!!
Joe: Well you didn’t remind me so it’s mostly your fault.
[Lefty leaves and mumbles something]
Lefty [outside the
door]: I HAVE AN IDEA!!!
Joe: Oh great, not
this again.
Song: (to the
same theme music as Cheers)
1. Musical
2. Sometimes
you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,
3. And you'll
always be in pain.
4. You wanna
be where you can see, the people are all insane,
5. You wanna
go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.
6. Musical
(corresponding line by line from the song above)
1. A view of
downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the
2. John is seen,
startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf
creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.
3. James is seen
in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at
nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.
4. Joe is seen
in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the
camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.
5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.
6. John comes
running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your
life." The Gang runs as the store
collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes. On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting
and James Achaia."
Scene Two:
“It Had to Be Muffins, Didn’t It?”
John: I am really
Joe: So do you want a cookie?
John: That would be nice.
Joe: Damn, the one time that insult doesn’t work.
Katie: Na ah remember the time we…
[flashback to Joe
at a “Weight Watchers”:
Joe [sarcastic]: What, do you want a cookie?
[scene cuts to Joe being chased by a large number of fat people]
end flashback]
Joe: Man, the lady could run, no matter how fat she was.
Katie: Well, are gonna eat or what?
John: You’re the one who stopped us with the little anecdote there.
Katie: Either way, we should get going, it closes in like ten hours.
Joe: She is right, we should really get a move on.
John: We live like one block away.
James: They’re right though, the subway may be really full right now.
John: We are gonna walk, it’s only a block.
Joe [sure of himself]: And how do you, pray tell, think that we’re gonna get to
the store without the subway?
John: Walk, that is the quickest way.
James: Fine, we’ll go with your crazy hunch.
John: Thank you.
[They leave and walk down the block]
Joe: Where does the token go in?
John: No token, it’s free.
Katie: And you’re sure of this?
John: Yes.
Hobo: Can you spare a dollar?
Joe: See, I told you we needed money.
John: Just say no.
Katie: He is not a forest fire, we just don’t say no.
[Smokey the Bear walks out and shakes his head]
James: Where does this thing stop?
John: Anywhere you want?
Joe: The mall then [stands there and waits]
John: Anywhere in a five block radius.
Katie: You lied then.
John: I guess so.
James: We’re there.
[they enter the shop and sit down]
Katie: It seems that all they have is muffins and they’re stale.
Joe: This is terrible, what kind of restaurant only serves muffins?
[a man walks over and asks them to leave]
Joe: What did we do?
[The man points to a no sitting sign]
Joe: How do you eat then?
Man: You don’t, this is a furniture store.
Katie: Fine be like that…we shall take our service elsewhere. The muffins sucked anyway.
Man: Those were doilies.
Joe: Tell the chef to bake them better.
James: Anywhere we want to go, huh John.
John: What?
Scene Three:
“Stick Them Up”
Location: The Penthouse
Characters: The Gang, Benji, and a traveling salesman
[The gang gets back
to the apartment all hungry]
Joe: I am starved, I could eat anything.
knock is heard at the door]
Katie [opens it]: Hello?
Salesman: Howdy ma’am, is your mother home?
Katie: What the hell kind of question is that?
My mom is happily married you pervert. [she goes to close the door on
him when he stops her]
Salesman: I am sorry, I meant to ask if the man of the house is there.
Katie: I have three men here, which one do you want?
Salesman: The easily distracted one.
Katie [yells]: JOE!!
Joe: What?
Salesman: Hello sir, I overheard you saying that you were hungry…I am here to
help you out.
Joe: How so?
Salesman: I serve any meal in one shot.
Joe: Okay I’ll take it…breakfast if you can.
Salesman: Oh I can. [he preps a needle and sticks it in Joe’s arm]
Joe: What was that?
Salesman: Eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, juice, and cereal.
Joe: I don’t like eggs.
Salesman: Sorry. [he injects the needle again and takes a little out]
Joe: I feel woozy.
Salesman: See, I skip all the chewing and annoying work…I just send all the
fats and such straight to the bloodstream.
Joe: That is a very good… [collapses]
Katie: I think we’re done here…just give us three and leave.
Salesman: Yes ma’am.
[After Joe comes to he is surrounded by all his friends]
John: You okay?
Katie: I was worried for you there.
James: I knew you would be okay.
Joe: Where is Benji?
Katie: He must still be delusional.
Joe: Puppies are fuzzy.
John: No he’s okay.
[everyone is all settled now and a knock is heard at the door]
Benji: It’s me, let me in you have the door locked [the door comes off the
hinges and Benji stands there with a chainsaw] Oops.
Joe: Is it that time again?
Benji: Yup it is…
Katie: Time for what? And what the hell is your problem, you just cut up our
Benji: So and new game day…in that order.
Joe: We are gonna learn COPS and ROBBERS, you are the robber okay.
Benji: Okay [He runs out of the room]
Joe: Where is he going?
John: I have no idea.
Katie: Oh great!!!
Joe: What?
John: Look at the TV [points to the news showing a man holding up a bank with
ski mask on backwards]
The Gang: BENJI?
Scene Four:
“In the Line of Stupidity”
Location: First National Bank of Dayboqrx
Characters: Benji, Joe, the police, and some worried civilians
[ Joe rushes to the
Benji: I am gonna hold up this bank real good.
Joe: What are you doing Benji?
Benji: Can’t hear you, you didn’t use the bullhorn.
Joe: Where the hell am I gonna find a bull at this hour?
Officer: Sir. I think he meant this.
Joe: Oh right, thanks.
Benji: You will never take me alive!
Joe: No problem. [aims the gun right at Benji’s head]
Officer: I think it’s just a saying to add drama, I don’t think me meant it.
Joe: That is up to this bullet and him to decide.
Officer: NOOOO!
Joe [walks over and hands the bullet to Benji]: Now decide.
Benji: I have made my verdict, I want to live.
Joe [loading a gun]: What…didn’t see this one coming…come on, don’t you want to
see you parents again?
Benji: My parents are alive.
Joe: Shhhh, I can fix that for you.
Officer [talking through the bullhorn]: We have a negotiator for you.
Joe: What he gets one of those…that is no fair…so when someone does something
bad they get rewarded…but if you’re good, you get nothing?
Officer: That is the gist of it…hey you’re right!
Joe: I know.
Officer: All the boys and me are gonna rob the bank too.
Joe: See that is what I…wait what?
Officer: Let’s go boys, I always wanted a trip to Jamaica…cha ching!
[a high scale news station gets the news of the news]
News Anchor: Yes, it’s me, the well known reporter who needs no
introduction. What do you mean wrap it
up? Well anyway, there is a strange
change of events in Dayboqrx today…just look.
[pans to an empty park]
News Anchor: Other direction!!
Joe: I didn’t want this to happen.
[The gang sees Joe on the news and freaks out]
John: Did they finally find out what Joe did?
Katie: What are you talking about?
John: Huh…stop confusing yourself.
Katie: You’re right, thanks for the pep talk.
James: Maybe we should help out Joe.
Katie: And ruin my nails…I don’t think so, I love him and all but not that
John: Your nails are nothing but nubs.
Katie: And I just got them the way I like them, no dice, sorry.
John: Okay.
James: Fine.
Scene Five:
“Way to Go, Casanova”
Location: First National Bank of Dayboqrx
Characters: Joe, Benji, and a woman
[As the cops
finally see the error of their ways and are sent on permanent “vacation” all
things wind down]
Benji: So I’m sorry for all this…I got kind of carried away.
Joe: What did you do that for?
Benji: You said we were gonna “play cops and robbers.”
Joe: It’s a game.
Benji: Now you tell me.
Joe: I thought it was, like, clear.
Benji: No, it’s a bank…you really should get some glasses.
[Benji sees a woman in the corner being talked to]
Benji: Well hello!!
Woman: HI?
Benji: You know this is just like in a action movie.
Woman: How so?
Benji: I come in and save the day…all that it’s missing is the hot sex scene
for the good guy saving you…so let’s go baby.
Woman: If it wasn’t for you, none of this would’ve happened.
Benji: Who helped you?
Woman: That guy over there.
[Cop waves at her]
Benji: Who saved you though?
Woman: Joe did. [she waves to Joe]
Benji: Yeah, but who knows Joe?
Woman: You, I guess.
Benji: That’s right now, give it up baby.
Woman: Get away from me.
Benji: I see you are still a little shaken up.
Woman: No, I just want you to go away.
Benji: Granted we have had our ups and downs.
Woman: We have had no ups.
Benji: We have had our ups, remember when I saved you.
Woman: That was Joe.
Benji [puts his hands over her eyes]: Shhhh, this is not a time for talking.
Woman: Why did you put your hands on my eyes?
Benji: ‘Cause if you can’t see me, you can’t talk to me.
Woman: Why didn’t you just cover my mouth?
Benji: And gets the germs from your mouth no thanks…I just finished cleaning
all my cats with their tick spray I’m not gonna get your disgusting germs.
Woman: You are a strange odd man.
Benji: I know, my mystery sometimes alludes me too.
Woman: Apparently so does sanity.
Benji: Why thank you…I pride myself in it.
Joe: Are you gonna leave here Benji or what?
Benji: What is the “or what” choice?
Joe: It’s just a saying.
Benji: You can’t tease me like that, you promise an alternate thing, you must
Joe: [sighs] Fine, or get caught by the cops for loitering and attempted
Benji: See was that so hard?
Joe: Yes.
Benji: [shrugs] Well…
Scene Six:
“Why All the Hostility?”
Characters: The Gang, Lefty
Katie: Glad you’re
back Joe.
Joe: It’s good to be back.
John: What happened out there man?
Joe: Aside from the cops deciding to help rob a bank and Benji not being able
to play a game without getting into trouble, nothing really.
Katie: If all that happened how could it be nothing?
James: I think he was being sarcastic.
Katie: Was that he guy in “Rent?” I heard he was good in that.
Joe: Sure?
Katie: Wow, I guessed on that one.
John: Never would of guessed.
Katie: Why didn’t you just play a nice game like “three blind mice.”
Joe: Katie, that’s not a game.
Katie: Sure it is.
Joe: No, it’s a nursery rhyme.
Katie: Nah ah, see you walk around and poke out the eyes of mice man I love my
James: You frighten me.
Joe: Thank you.
James: No, you Joe, confuse me…Katie frightens me.
Katie: Why? [ James just stares at her and thinks]
[five seconds later]
Katie: I really did that with the wildlife exhibit.
Joe: Yup.
John: Right-oh.
James: Told you that you scared me.
Katie: Wow I am a bad person…a better then anyone bad person.
Joe [sarcastic]: Nice to see that you’re on the road to change there Katie.
Katie: I was thinking the same thing.
Joe: No you weren’t, you were thinking about how great you are.
Katie: Have you been looking at my “secret thoughts bulletin board?”
Joe: I did…that thought was between how you hate one of us, but it doesn’t say
who, sweetie.
Katie: Aw, that is nice you, called me sweetie. [she goes over to the board and
removes something]
Joe: Was that the not like note?
Katie: [giggles] Yeah.
John: Whoa Joe, why all the hostility?
Joe: Sorry, I just wanted to get out some anger, I didn’t want to yell at Benji
cause, well, he is crazy.
Benji: I’m standing right here.
Benji: I didn’t think me randomly breaking into your penthouse while you are
and not here would be a problem.
Joe: Wait, what?
Benji: You know I don’t repeat myself more then once once once once once once
once once…twice…
Joe: Okay, you shut up now.
Benji: Fine…f…
Katie: No more talking out of you.
Joe: Wait, which one?
[a crash is heard from down in the street]
Joe: Wow, that is strange, the traffic director just stopped directing, wonder
how that could of happened.
Katie: Stop being sarcastic Joe.
Joe: I wasn’t, I was being serious.
Katie: They are the same thing.
John: No, they aren’t, not in the least.
Katie: Fine…at least we can all agree we are creeped out by Benji.
Joe: Yes.
James: That is true.
John: You are correct on that.
Benji: Yeah we hate that guy…let’s go kill his cats [he runs to his door and
knocks on it]
Joe: What is he doing?
Benji: I know you are in there, come out and let me kill your cats…come on open
the door, take it like an insecure man…don’t make me go in there!
Joe: Everyone wants to go out now?
The Gang [simultaneously]: YES!!!
Scene Seven:
“The Plan Unfurls”
Location: The Penthouse
Characters: The Gang, Lefty and his shill
Lefty: Hey guys,
are you ready for my great plan?
Joe: NO!!
Lefty: Right-oh. [he leaves]
Katie: Did Joe just get Lefty to leave?
Lefty [in the hall]: No, I’m just getting the suitcase.
John: So close Joe, so close.
Lefty: Okay, well guys, how many of you like candy?
[All the hands goes up, even one of a person that came out of nowhere]
James: Where did that guy come from?
Lefty: He is like my shill, I get him to agree with everything I say]
Shill: This is the best working Hemorrhoid cream ever!!
Lefty: Wrong pitch buddy.
Lefty [whispering to the Gang]: From all the usage of my products, he’s gone a
little crazy.
Joe: Cool, where is his white jacket?
Katie: That is really cruel.
Joe: What, he has white dress pants, I thought it came with a white jacket, the
leisure suit much match.
Katie: Oh sorry, thought you meant something else.
Joe: And he’s crazy.
John: Joe!!
Lefty: Let’s draw our attention away from my dim-witted friend and look at me.
Shill: My breasts feel suppler.
Katie: What did you do to him?
Lefty: Nothing. he was saying that before I even worked with him.
Joe: Can I feel?
James: Joe, get away from the crazy guy.
Joe: Spoil sport.
James: Crazy toucher.
Katie: That made no sense.
James: Neither does what he said, I never leave sports out of the fridge they
are always in their bins.
Lefty: Yeah. So as I was saying, I have
this new great idea.
John: Is it new?
Lefty: Yup.
John: How bout great?
Lefty: Sure is.
John: I’m sold.
Lefty: That’s great and all, but I am looking for a bigger demographic then
just four teens.
Katie: Wow, you really think I am a 10.
Lefty: I said teens.
Katie: Oh.
Lefty: The stuff is called Eye Candy.
Joe: Cool, is it shaped like eyes or something?
Lefty[laughing]: No much more harmful than that.
John: What?
Lefty: Nothing, just try some.
Joe: It looks like it will taste good.
Lefty: It doesn’t go in your mouth, it goes in your eye…hence the name Eye
Katie: I’m not
putting that stuff in my eye, it may be dangerous.
Lefty: No it isn’t, see I ransacked the old sticker factory and got these
misprinted stickers. [he holds up a
sticker reading “FOR EYE USE ONLY, DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH”]
Joe: Well if a misprinted sticker says it, then it must be true.
[All of the gang put the drops in there eyes]
Joe: My eyes won’t open.
Katie: My eyes won’t open either.
John: My eye is twitching a lot and it hurts.
Lefty: Oh that is just your eye high on caffeine.
Katie: I don’t like this.
[The Gang falls on the floor and start trying to open there eyes in vain]
Lefty: This stuff is gonna be bigger then Pokemon, and maybe even beat its
seizure record too.
Scene Eight:
“Operation Retardation”
Characters: The Gang, Lefty
[The Gang gets
their eyes open finally]
Lefty: Was that a trip or what?
Joe: I did fall over a couple of things.
Katie: Please tell me this wasn’t your big idea.
Lefty: It’s my big idea, and it will work.
Joe: Why did you need us then if the product works?
Lefty: ‘Cause I need people to sell the products, all the immigrants said that
the stuff was very bad and the devil made it.
Joe: Wait so even people who don’t speak English think it’s terrible?
Lefty: Yeah what is your point?
Joe: Forget it.
Lefty: Forget what?
Joe: What I just said.
Lefty: Jesus, you can’t even stand by your own statements, you are gonna be a
terrible salesperson.
Joe: I’m not gonna be a salesperson.
Lefty: Guys, come on, I even have a great slogan “EYE CANDY, it’s great for
picnics, long car rides, and congested boat docks.”
Katie: That is kinda catchy, but evil.
Lefty: Okay guys, what are we gonna do[Lefty gets ready to shout a cheer]
Joe: We don’t know, you haven’t told us anything.
Lefty: Right…well first we will hit B6, and if that doesn’t work A3.
Joe: Maybe you could put down the Battleship game and tell us.
Lefty: Just go to houses and sell this stuff like your apartments depend on it.
James: But they don’t.
Lefty: They do now. [holds up a apartment contract] If you guys don’t do it, I
will tear this up and then you will have to live here for free. [laughs evilly]
Katie: No!!
Joe: Yeah no.
Lefty: Fine then, you leave me no choice [just as he is about to rip up the
apartment contract Benji runs in]
Benji: NO, you guys you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do that!
Benji: Helping you.
Joe: Well if you don’t leave I’m gonna seriously “HELP” YOU UP REAL BAD!!
Benji: Got ya, cause you are instituting the word HELP for the word. [door
slams in Benji’s face]
Lefty: What was that all about?
James: I have no idea.
Katie: I do.
Joe: Shut up!
Lefty [about to rip up the contract]: Well here it goes.
[The gang watch patiently as Lefty is about to rip it up]
Lefty: There, it’s done.
[The gang dances around the house happily]
Lefty: Why are you guys happy?
John: No reason.
Lefty: Luckily I have this second contract.
Joe: What?
Lefty: Just go.
[The gangs feverishly searches the streets for people to buy]
Joe: This house looks great, it seems that a lot of people are getting bottles
of stuff from here.
Katie [knocks on the door]: Why hello Mr. Crazy-looking Man, we would like to
sell you something.
Druggie: Whatever it is, we probably already have it.
Joe: No holmes you don’t, this is the illest new stuff.
John: Wow, you know how to speak Ghetto Joe?
Joe: I dabble fo.
James: Here try some. [splashes him in the eye]
Druggie: Ow it hurts…the pain…this stuff is addicting, I will but a thousand
Joe: That is like, this many bottles. [he keeps flashing his hands]
[Ten minutes later, the Gang walks out of a store with all new clothes]
Joe: Wow, selling this stuff is great, I just may quit my old job.
John: Joe, you don’t have a old job.
Joe: That’s why it’s soooo easy to quit.
Katie: Man, Lefty is gonna be soooo happy.
Scene Nine:
“Some People Call Me the Dayboqrx
Characters: The Gang, Lefty
[Lefty paces
around the gangs apartment until they arrive]
Joe: We’re home!
Katie: And we brought money.
John: What the hell kind of a line is that?
Katie: What do you want from me, selling that stuff took all the funny out of
Joe: There was some in you?
[Katie hits Joe in the head]
Joe: Hey chill, that’s where I keep my brain, and other occasionally useful
things…oh a mint.
John: Ew.
Joe: What are you ew-ing at, I didn’t find it in my ear…I found it on the
street a while back.
Lefty: Did you sell some?
Katie: Better!
Lefty: You didn’t sell any?
Katie: I said better, not worse.
Lefty: Oops, I always get them mixed up.
Joe: We sold our whole shipment!
Lefty: Wow, a lot of people must really like my product.
James: No, just one guy, but he liked it soooo much that he bought it all.
Lefty: Great, give me the money.
Joe: No can do, we spent it all.
Lefty: Why did you spend it all?
John: We needed new outfits so we would be presentable.
Lefty: Those are the same things you wore out.
Joe: We know, we sold the clothes to this store, and then missed it so much we
bought them back for 20 times what we paid, the sucker didn’t even see it
[Benji busts in holding a TV]
Benji: Look, your candy is on the news.
Joe: Benji, it’s not plugged in.
Benji: Oops, must of yanked it out of the wall.
[He plugs it in at the gang’s house and sees the news broadcast]
News Anchor: First there was opium, then there was crack, then there was
crystal method, then there was…I better stop naming them all before I get
hooked again…now there is EC…EC is a new drug that is taken quite strangely;
while most people regular people just normally snort or smoke a drug, this one
is dropped in the eye…I tried this drug for this interview…sadly enough though
I forgot to bring a camera crew.
Joe: See we made you famous in one day…do we get raises now?
Lefty: The one thing that actually worked and now I’m a drug boss…I can live
with that.
Scene Ten:
“I’m Going In”
Location: The Penthouse
Characters: The Gang, Lefty, Benji
Joe: So what are
you gonna do Lefty?
Lefty: The only thing I know how to do.
Katie: Nothing?
Lefty: Okay, the other thing I know how to do best.
James: You can only do one thing best ...that’s why it’s best.
Lefty: Wow, you guys are smart.
Joe: No, you’re just…
John: No Joe…
Joe: Alright.
Lefty: I’m gonna go in and thug it up and get all the stuff back.
Joe: That is a great idea.
Lefty: Thank you.
Joe: I was thinking of something else, I didn’t even listen to you.
Lefty: Whatever…wish me luck, I’m gonna go to the most thug person I know.
[A knock is heard on Benji’s door]
Benji: I don’t want it…why don’t you Quakers just go away?
Lefty: Hi Benji!
Benji: You do know this is MY apartment right.
Lefty: Yeah?
Benji: Great then come in. [pushes him in]
Lefty: I needed a favor.
Benji: Sure, I’ll get the pliers, just give me a second.
Lefty: NO, no…well…no, no, not that kind of favor.
Benji: There’s other kinds of favors?
Lefty: I need some thug clothing.
Benji: Sure, I will get my pliers…sorry I’m still getting use to this other
reason for a favor thing.
Lefty: Can you hang a brother up?
Joe [outside the door yelling]: IT’S “HOOK A BROTHER UP!”
Lefty: Yeah, what he said.
Benji: Sure, no problem.
[After Lefty gets fitted for his thug threads, he goes out]
[scene changes: Lefty knocks on the door of the dealer’s apartment]
Druggie: What you want?
Lefty: Hey, I’m street, if I was any more street, my name would be pavement.
Druggie: Nice man.
Lefty: I mean, I’m soooo street, people paint parking spots on me.
Druggie: I get it.
Lefty: I mean…
Druggie [yelling]: I GET IT!
Lefty: Sorry, didn’t think you could hear me with that bandana on your head… I
want some… [points at his eye a lot of times]
Druggie: A glass eye, this is not that kind of place, we run a respectable drug
dealing business.
Lefty: No, EYE CANDY.
Druggie: Oh sorry, why didn’t you just say so?
Lefty: I am a thug, I don’t need to tell people things.
Druggie: You just did though man.
Lefty: Whatever…can I come in now?
Druggie: Oh yeah, where are my manners, of course.
Lefty: Thanks, you are so much nicer then the rest of the dealers.
Druggie: We like to keep our repeat business so we are very nice…I’m Rocco, by
the way.
Lefty: I’m Beatrice.
Druggie: What?
Lefty: It’s my slave name.
Druggie: But you’re white.
Lefty: We don’t talk about that anymore.
Druggie: Aight…so what did you want again?
Lefty: EC
Druggie: Okay, that will be $20 an ounce.
Lefty: Damn, I was selling that for $3 a bottle.
Druggie: WHAT?
Lefty: Nothing, can I have all of it how much would that cost, like $200.
Druggie: Try $2,000,000.
Lefty: Do you take checks?
Druggie: Sorry, the stolen machine is broken…I swear, stuff nowadays, you never
get the value you steal it for.
Lefty: I have a idea, why don’t we play Russian roulette?
Druggie: Okay.
Lefty: Great, let me just get out my Gangsta-rific Gun.
Druggie: Dude, that’s an automatic.
Lefty: What are ya scared?
Druggie [shakes his head yes]: Nah.
Lefty: I will go first, okay [he shoots and nothing happens] huh…[he shoots six
more times in vain] Wow, I’m out, sorry.
Druggie: Don’t worry, I have lots of bullets.
Lefty: Who would of thunk it [Lefty loads the gun and aims it at the dealer] okay,
now give me all the stuff.
Druggie: Man, you played for a fool.
Lefty: Yup [he runs away with the stuff]
Joe: Hey look, here comes Lefty, and he has the stuff too.
[A knock is heard at the door]
Katie: Hello,
Police officer: Hello ma’am, did you happen to see a man holding a lot of
Katie: Yes.
Police Officer: Really where?
Katie: Over there…wait…I mean no, I haven’t seen anyone…I’m blind…is that you
Police Officer [yelling and chasing after Lefty]: You are under arrest for the
stealing of stolen drugs from a illegal person.
Lefty: You will never catch me…[he falls and just sits there and puts the bags
over his face and the cop runs past] Hahaha…oops.
Scene Eleven:
”Stupid Until Proven Innocent”
Location: A Courtroom
Characters: The Gang, Lefty, a judge
Judge: So, you say you are the original maker of this drug?
Lefty: Yes sir.
Judge: And your friends sold it to this shady man?
Lefty: Right again…wow you really don’t even need me here, you look like you
got this one [he tries to walk away]
Judge: Sit down!!
Lefty: Okay
Judge: Well, all you seemed to do was steal back a major new drug from a
potentially dangerous man.
Lefty: Yes!!!
Judge: Ten thousand hours community service as a Landlord/Bartender.
Lefty: No, how about making me scrape gum off old people.
Judge: Nope.
Joe: It’s not all it’s cracked up to be…those old people get pretty gummy.
Lefty: Fine, I will do it if I must.
Judge: You could just pay the $23,000 fine.
Lefty: Why didn’t you tell me that before…okay.
Katie: You are a moron…and we are here for you.
Joe: I still want my raise.
John: Wow, could Lefty get any dumber.
James: You just said Lefty and dumb in the same sentence, I think you know the
John: Right!!
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