“On Our Own”

Episode Nine (#1T09)

The Gang Mourns a Loss


Written By Joe Termine


Scene One:

“The Loss of a Loved One?”

Location: A Dayboqrx graveyard

Characters: The Gang


Joe: Hey, don’t worry, she lived a long life.

Katie: I know but he…

Joe: She…she was a girl.

Katie: Yeah, whatever, I am mourning here, can’t you give me a quick second to mourn. [under her breath, yet so loud she is shouting] God, some people.

John: Hey guys, we have a class don’t we?  I mean, we are paying money for something, right?

James: I guess…


John: It is a funeral Joe, not a ballpark.

Joe: You mean I brought my catcher’s mitt for nothing [he holds up his old mitt to all the people who stare in horror]

Katie: The face of this dead thing kinda looks like the mitt only without so many stitches, stitches in the mitt that is.

James: Who is this for anyway?

[the Gang all shrugs in unison]


Katie: Joe, use your inside voice, okay?





Song: (to the same theme music as Cheers)

1. Musical Beginning

2. Sometimes you wanna go, where it is always gonna rain,

3. And you'll always be in pain.

4. You wanna be where you can see, the people are all insane,

5. You wanna go where you can be eaten by a Great Dane.

6. Musical Ending


Sequence: (corresponding line by line from the song above)

1. A view of downtown Dayboqrx, with the text "On Our Own" along the center of the screen.

2. John is seen, startled by the camera man in a supermarket, accidentally knocking over a shelf creating a domino effect, his name on the bottom of the screen.

3. James is seen in the rainy parking lot, his fingers shaped as a gun pretending to shoot at nothing, his name on the bottom of the screen.

4. Joe is seen in the rainy parking lot, chasing a sheep, he stops, smiles, and waves at the camera, his name on the bottom of the screen.

5. Katie is seen arguing with a light pole, her name on the bottom of the screen.

6. John comes running from the supermarket, mouthing the words "Run for your life."  The Gang runs as the store collapses and are chased by a pack of Great Danes.  On the bottom of the screen reads "Created by John Painting and James Achaia."


Scene Two:

“Smells Like Dead Spirits”

Location: Funeral Home and Graveyard
Characters: The Gang, the Funeral Director, Benji


Katie: I think we all need to a be a little more respectful here, I mean, remember what happened before?

[Flashback time]

Joe: Phew, what smelled like it died in here?

Katie: JOE!!! This is a funeral home, be respectful.

Funeral Director: HELLO, what can I do for you today?

John: Hi, me and my friends just wanted to see something.

FD: If you want to poke a dead person, it’s a two dollar fee, and the gift shop is to your left.

James [interested]: You guys have a gift shop?

FD: Yes, to your…

James: I got it, thanks.

FD: Lively one, isn’t he.

Joe: Bet you don’t see much of these, eh [nudges him].

FD: So, what are you here for?

Joe: Question, don’t you have any of that anti-stink spray?

FD: Sir, that is very insensitive of you, and we just ran out.

John: Enough with the questions, we’re here on business.

James [whispers]: What are we here for?

John: Did you have fun at the gift shop?
James: Yeah, I got these cool shirts.  One says, “I died and all I got was this stupid shirt,” and the other says, “If you’re dead and you know it clap your hands, oh wait, you can’t because you’re dead.”

John: Only you man.

James: The lady in the tour group said that there’s a nice church over on 13th Street and Fashion.

Joe: Oh God, the church, the mass for the Benji thing.

[Flashes back to real time]

John: Some flashback Katie, that was like ten minutes ago.

James: Let’s just look at the tombstone.

[at that moment, the gang notices Benji huddled in a corner of the plot crying]

Benji: WHY???

Joe: What’s wrong with Benji?

Benji: I lost someone very dear to me.

John: I’m scared to ask, but who?

Benji: Go look at the tombstone.

Katie: That’s what we were trying to do, before you ruined it and had to be all crying and such.

Joe: Wow there tiger, ease off the mourning man.

[they all look down at the small tombstone]

Joe: It seems to be Andy number 340 by all the marks I see as notches.

Katie: Wait there Joe, there seems to be more behind that piece of cleverly put grass.

John: It seems that it wasn’t number 340, but 34,000.

Joe: Wow, you wouldn’t think a piece of grass that was that small would have less covering power than that but I guess it does, go figure.

[the gang all laughs together in a strange synchronicity]

John: Now I remember why I was forgetting about the funeral, it’s because I got hammered before I got here.

James: Dude, it’s like 7:30 in the morning.

John: Well, I’m that nationality that’s able to drink any time I want to, you know the one, come on, what is it?

Joe [hesitantly]: Irish is the one that you are looking for.

John: Sure, if that one lets you drink.

James: They all let you drink.

John: Fine, then I’m Jewish, “Hey, give me money or I’ll sue.”

Katie: Then I can be Muslim! Alalalalalalalalalalalala.

Joe: It must be Tuesday.

James: No, today is Wednesday, because remember what happened yesterday?


Scene Three:

“The Delightful Side of Dayboqrx’s Deceased”

Location: A church on Fashion Av.

Characters: The Gang, a priest, and Dr. Johnson


Katie: I hope what I wore was okay.

Joe: Yeah, it’s customary to wear a “Man, I’m glad I’m alive” sweatshirt at a funeral.

Katie: Phew, I thought I was in trouble there for a second.

John: We need to find a seat and fast before…

Priest: Hello and thank you all for coming, if you all can take your seats.

Joe: What is this school or a funeral?  [only Joe laughs]

John: Joe, don’t heckle the priest, I think that’s like the 15th commandment or something.

Joe [yelling]: Hey, who do I have to kill around here to get a drink?

Katie: You’re in a church!

Joe: I know, I see the priest always drinking the wine…he knows how to party.

James: That’s the blood of Jesus!

Joe: I wouldn’t mind getting a blood transplant with Jesus then, right?  Right? [waits for a high five] okay then, I see how it is…I wonder what he pees Mountain Dew, and he [points up] only knows what comes out the other end.

Priest: We would now like to give the opportunity for you all to give your final respects to [checks his notecards] Andy number 34000. We will start with Andy and Angie number 1.

[two cats walk to the grave]

John: How did the cat die?

Joe: Let’s just call it an accident.

Katie: Are you implying what I think you’re implying?

Joe: Imps have pliers?

James: What the hell did that have to do with anything?

[Joe smiles evilly]

Joe: I’m allergic to cats.

John: No you’re not, that’s me! [sneezes]

Joe: Oh right, I have this bad habit of explaining other people’s lives as mine. I also have cramps.

Katie: That’s not you, that’s me!

Joe: Shhhh, it hurts down here [points at his genitals]

[a man stands up from behind]

Man: That’s me! Oof.

Joe: Sorry, I can’t talk with all the pain. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure James isn’t hyperventilating.

James: I’m [gasp] oh [gasp] kay [passes out].

Joe: He’s fine.

Katie: He passed out!

Joe: Passed out with fineness.

Priest: Angie and Andy number 4.

[two more cats approach the grave]

John: Well this is going to take a while. And it’s quite warm in here, you know with the 90 degree weather and the lack of fans and all.

Joe: The priest seems to be cool.

[there are eight fans pointed at the priest]

Priest: Hey, I need to be cool for Jesus. [pulls out an “I’m cool for Jesus” water bottle] I also need this water…for Jesus.

[time passes…and I mean a lot of time]

Priest: Angie and Andy number 5345.

John: This is taking forever.

Priest: Excuse me, shut the hell up you sinner. Now, oh damn I lost count.

Man: You’re on number 5345.

Priest: Sorry, I don’t think I was. Angie and Andy number 1.

Man: Oh my God.

Dr. Johnson: What?

[the Priest walks over to a water cooler labeled “Anointed Only”]

Priest: Ah, that’s good holy water. You can have some if you name all 14 apostles.

Joe: There are only 12.

Priest: Aren’t we Mr. Holy Sandals.

Joe: I’m going to get a new pair of sandals later.

Priest: I meant holy, not holey. You know where I suggest getting your new sandals? WWJW, what would Jesus wear? And they won’t even crucify you on the prices.

[The Gang leaves the church]
Katie: I can’t believe Joe wouldn’t shut up.

Joe: What, they said if I had any questions to come to them.

James: Yeah, but not in the middle of the funeral, I learned that one the hard way.


Scene Four:

“The Flashback”

Location: A street, possibly Fashion Av.

Characters: The Gang


James: It was a warm summer day.

Joe: I love horror stories.

Katie: Is this the part when the man with the bloody hook comes out?
James: NO, will you all shut up, as I was saying, it was a warm summer…

John: How warm, cause I mean, there is warm, and then there’s warm!

James: Okay, as I was saying, the day was warm and I had been out with my friend.

Katie: OH MY GOD!!! Did he die?

James: NO!! Will you please let me finish.

Joe: Sorry.

James: Wait, you didn’t say anything.

Joe: I know, but I did now.

James: Do you want to hear the story?

Katie: Yes.

John: Yes.

Joe: No.

James: What Joe?
Joe: I was just kidding, yes.

James: Well, as I was saying, I was with my friend and I just gave him some gum.

Joe: Did he choke?

James: No, and at that moment, a cat was running in the middle of the street.

Katie: Was the poor kitty hit?

James: Worse.

Katie: What’s worse than that…only a bag of kittens, OH MY GOD, not a bag of kittens!

James: No, not a basket of kittens, remember the gum I gave to my friend?

John: Yes.

Katie: Yes.

Joe: Are you still talking?

James: Well the wrapper was thrown on the floor, and then a janitor with a weed whacker bent over to pick it up and…

Katie: Did he cut the heads off the bag of kittens?

James: No worse, he hit a flower and cut off the head of it [cries uncontrollably].

[The Gang looks at him in astonishment]

The Rest [in unison]: THAT’S IT?

James [sniffles]: Yeah.

Joe: You use paper and thousands of acres are cut down, that is like saying you are to blame for that.

James: OH MY GOD, I didn’t realize that I cut down all those trees, I am so wrong, I’m going to hell now.

John: You didn’t do it, it was already done.

[Katie and Joe look at each other]

Joe: What does that have to do with disrupting a church ceremony?

James: Now that I think of it nothing, I guess I just wanted to vent.

Katie: You have problems.

James: But you guys are my friends, so you have my problems too now.

John: It doesn’t work that way man.

Joe [opens a book]: In the rules of friendship, page 34,792, it clearly says that all problems once expressed are now on the party that they told them too.

John: You carry that with you everywhere?

Joe: Yeah, you never know when you’re going to need it, luckily I memorized it, I have a photographic memory.

Katie: So Joe, what’s my first name?

Joe: I said photographic, not photosynthesis, sheesh.  What do I look like, a botanist?

[They all look at each other]

Katie: Kinda.




“If I Could Turn Back Time”

Location: An alley just off Hell Avenue

Characters: The Gang and a bum


John: How did we find our way into this alley, aren’t we going to the post-funeral party?

Joe: I think we shouldn’t have made that left onto Hell Avenue.

James: Yeah, we were supposed to keep going straight.

Joe: Straight to hell you mean?

James: No, straight to Columbus Avenue.

Katie: Jeez, five lines before me. What gives?

John [ignoring the comment]: We better find our way out of here before we get lost. [pauses] Oh right we’re lost already.

Joe: I’m always lost.

James: He didn’t mean mentally.

Joe: I like mints.

James: WHAT?

Joe: Oh, a wall. I haven’t seen one of those in a while.

John: That’s all you’ve seen for the last twenty minutes, we’ve been in an alley.

Katie: Twenty-one actually.

James: Katie, what are you talking about, you don’t have a watch.

Katie: But I do have this clock. [she holds up an old clock]

[man behind the dumpster sees clock being lifted and starts talking]

“Clock”: Hey, get your hands off me.

Joe: Hey, you can talk! And not just in my head, right guys, you all hear him talking too, right. RIGHT!?!?!?!

Katie: Joe, inside voice.


Katie: Insolence.

Joe: No, my blood sugar’s fine, I don’t need insolence.

John: You’re a moron.

Joe: No thanks.

James: What?

“Clock”: Hey, pay attention to me, I’m a talking clock!

John: Right, hold on, we’re discussing something important.


Katie: What did that have to do with anything?

“Clock”: That’s all I can say.

 John: You’re saying stuff right now.


John: We get the point, you’re a clock.

Joe: Sounds broken to me.

James: I think that clock’s been drinking.

John: Drinking, eh? That reminds of that time that I was drinking.

[screen goes wavy for a flashback, then just returns to normal]

James: AND?

John: Oh, that’s it.

Katie: That’s the worst story I’ve heard since James’ flower story yesterday.

James [crying loudly]: BITCH!! How dare you treat the story that way!

John: Not to mention the fact that the story wasn’t yesterday, rather it was about ten seconds ago.

“Clock”: Ahem, talking clock.

[Katie throws the clock in the garbage]

Katie: I’m tired of you.

[Bum gets up]

Bum: Excuse me, are you guys stupid, it was me all the time.

Joe: MORE LIES!?!?!?!


Scene Six:


Location: Pushor Avenue

Characters: The Gang


[everyone is sitting around in mysterious plush chairs in the middle of the road smoking pipes with a fire nearby…during the entire scene, cars are avoiding the chairs and crashing into the fireplace]

Joe [as a car crashing into the fireplace]: We’re trying to genuflect here, jeez!

John: Do you even know what genuflect means?

Joe: Yeah, using the genes from monkeys.

John: You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Joe: That’s why I’m so great.

Katie: Hey, hey guys. Less of you, a lot more of me. You know what, we’re going to start this scene over again.


Katie: R.

Joe [as a car crashing into the fireplace]: We’re trying to genuflect here, jeez!

John: Do you even know what genuflect means?

Joe: Yeah, using the genes from monkeys.

John: You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Joe: That’s why I’m so great.

Katie: Ah, that’s better.

James: God Katie, you’re so conceited.

Katie: Yep, that’s why I’m so great.

John: Oh, that’s not conceited at all then Katie.

Katie: Told you.

John: Anyway, I am great because…[looks at himself and smiles] Ha, [laughs to himself]

Joe: Because you’re forgetful, and you don’t hold grudges.

John: Remember that cake that you borrowed and you ate. I want it back!

Joe [looks with astonishment]: If you want it that bad [sits over a toilet].

John: Nope, don’t want it that bad. Hey, remember when we were placenta, and you said you’d never leave me. That’s right, I’m talking to you Katie.

Katie: You’re looking at Joe, and I’m almost two years older than you. And you’re looking cross-eyed.

John [screaming]: That’s why I’m great!

Katie [also screaming]: Do I have to tell everyone to use inside voice!

John: Look whose using the outside voice now!

Katie: SHUT UP!!!

[John, Joe, and Katie walk away, chairs in hand]

James: What about me, why am I great?

[a disembodied voice sounds]

Voice [whispering]: Because you’re gonna create a language.

James: I did that already, don’t you read our test episodes!

Voice [whispering]: Well, shnibbidy boob to you!


Scene Seven:

“It Is a Curse”

Location: An alley

Characters: Joe and a beaver


Joe: WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! [he throws a book on the ground entitled “HOW TO SPEAK BEAVER”]  I will never be able to pass the test on beaverology, and that’s my major.

[There’s a tap at the window]

Beaver: Chipppchipppchchchchchchchoooooo.

Joe: Hey little buddy, what are you doing here so late, the party isn’t here until tomorrow.

Beaver [slowly] Chipppchipppchchchchchchchoooooo.

Joe: I am sorry, I don’t understand you, I am beaver illiterate.

[The beaver puts his tail over Joe’s shoulder and talks into his ear]

Joe [his eyes widen]: I GET IT NOW!  Thank you Mister Beaver.  I wish I could repay you in some way.

Beaver: Chchchchchchchchooooooo.

Joe: Oh sure, I got weed, what you need a fix, I got you.  What you got friends too?  Oh, I got them but they got to pay, just like the rest of the animals.




Scene Eight:

“Weed in the Wilderness”

Location: A street, then a party

Characters: The Gang and a few extras


Katie [singing]: Man I’m great, I’m so so great, gee I’m great. GREAT GREAT GREAT <expletive> GREAT!!

John: Who sings that song?

Katie: Mel Torme.

Joe: I think it’s Katie Stalin.

Katie: You think wrong…fat cat.

John: Oh right, the funeral!

Katie: Crap, we forgot about the party!

[cut to the funeral party with four empty chairs]

Man: God, what kind of bastards wouldn’t show up to a funeral…[under breath] party.

[The Gang shows up at that instant]

Joe: Man, I love flying.

John: We took the subway.

Joe: The flying subway!

John: No, the underground one.

Katie: No, the Katie’s great subway!

James: What are you talking about?

Katie: I’m so great!

James: You’re just a little too full of yourself.

Katie: It’s better than being full of somebody else.

Joe: Man, that Katie is so great.

[a bunch of animals appear from the woods at the window]


Joe: What do you need?.........okay, I gotcha [hands over a plastic bag]

[raccoon tries to open it, but has no opposable thumb, so he bites it open]

[they pull out weeds and roll them up]

Joe: These guys are like the McGyver’s of the woods. Let’s see what they can do with a toothpick, a bottle of nitro glycerin, and a 1973 Fat Albert record.

[the bear eats all three things and walks away, only to explode several seconds later]

John: Well played.

[the animals retreat back to the woods, where Willie Nelson is heard playing loudly]

Katie: What do you expect, bears get the munchies.

[a news report appears on MTV (mourn television)]

Sad Announcer: [sigh] Sorry to break your sadness, but there is more sadness with this breaking news story. All of the animals smaller than a bear have been eaten.

John: Come to think of it, since Dayboqrx is a large urban area with almost no trees anywhere, where the hell are all these animals coming from anyway?

Joe: They live on top of the roofs of the buildings. They just find little pine tree air fresheners and use them as the forest.

John: That’s the saddest excuse for an explanation I’ve heard since Katie’s “I was just making sure the body was still dead with this ax” excuse.

Katie: I was!

James: I don’t remember that, when did that happen?

Katie: Just now.

[two people are laying on the ground]

Woman: Oh my God, he’s dead.

John: Remind me never to piss her off again.

Katie: I heard that [swings ax wildly].

Joe: Watch that Katie.

Katie: That was just a warning swing. You’ll know it when I’m really angry.


Scene Nine:

“The Cats Catch the Wrong Crowd”

Location: Benji’s Penthouse

Characters: Benji, John, and Joe


[after the party ends, Benji goes back to his penthouse]

Benji: Mourning sure does make me hungry, luckily I have these Sorrow Flakes. With mourningful milk. A dreary part of your day.

[he goes to sleep and a cat sneaks two birds into the house]

[the animals converse quietly and bring out some drugs]

[Benji wakes up wildly]

Benji: No mommy, I didn’t mean to put that there!

[the cats are startled]

Benji: It smells like my dorm room in here. It must be fresh chocolate cookies.

[walks down invisible stairs]

Benji: What’s going on down here!?!

[cat hides joint behind his back]

Benji: Did you just fart, because there’s steam coming out of the back of you?

[cats yelps, his tail is on fire…setting off a chain reaction of tails catching on fire]

[John and Joe wake up from their penthouse and come over]

Joe: What’s going on in there?

John: Sounds like there’s a fire.

Benji: Luckily I bought that fireproof room so it will stay in here with me.

John: Oh okay then. Good night.

Joe: Um, don’t you think we should help him?

John: What’s with you and being a good Samaritan all of a sudden?

Joe: No, I have some records in there, that’s all I care about.

John: Oh.

Benji: I’m okay, I’ll just burn here alone.

John: Okay then, see ya later!

Joe: You’re not alone, you’re going to die with all the rest of your cats. You should feel happy.

[John and Joe break the door down]

Joe: That’s better.

Benji: The door was open.

Joe: No, I needed to add a more dramatic part to this scene, it’s dieing here.

John: Like you were about to be if you didn’t open the damn door, you idiot.

Joe: Wait, if you knew the door was open, why didn’t you open it and leave on your own?

Benji: Well, I was wearing my mother’s outfit, don’t ask, and I couldn’t get it over my head correctly. So I couldn’t see the doorknob.

[Joe and John realize that Benji is standing there in curlers with a rolling pin in his hand]

John: I’m not going to ask.

Benji: Good, I said don’t ask.

Joe: I will! Why are you in that outfit?

Benji: Well…[he closes the door in their face as smoke continues to billow inside…he coughs]


Scene Ten:

“NO!!! Not You Too!”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


[a cat enters the gang’s penthouse and the gang surround him]

Katie: Man, we sure are condescending.

Joe: We’re not dripping water all over the place.

Katie: I said condescending, not condensating.

Joe: I knew that.

James: The first moon of Jupiter is…

Katie: Will you shut up with that, you’ve been going on for hours about the first moon of Jupiter, without even telling us what the first moon of Jupiter is!

Joe: Anyway, back on topic; why are we surrounding this cat all menacingly.

John: He stole my hat.

Joe: You’re wearing your hat.

John: Well, I got it back, did you think our level of humor is that low?

Joe: I guess not.

Katie: I’m great.

James: We know, anyway, why don’t you just get off yourself.

Katie: Why don’t you be not great, oh wait, you’re already not great!

James: Low blow.

John: You’re just being a real pain.

Katie: Pain of greatness!

Joe: So, what did the cat really do?

John: Took my hat!

Katie: He’s got drugs, I think!

James: Funny, where do you think he got drugs from?

[ Joe has disappeared]

John: Joe, where do you think, hey where did he go?

James: Probably went to save a something, like a puppy in Venezuela.

Katie: You know they don’t have puppies in Venezuela, idiot!

James: Sorry, I forgot.

John: Do you think Joe had anything to do with the drugs?

Katie: Will you stop putting the conversation back on topic, we’re trying to go off on tangents here.

James: But seriously, do you think Joe had anything to do with the drugs?

John: That’s what I just asked.

James: I know, I was repeating you for dramatic emphasis.

Joe [yelling from across town]: Can’t hear you, too far away.

John: You just answered me!

Joe: No I didn’t.

John: You did it again.

[Joe makes a static noise]

Katie: Sounds like my cell phone, in my car.

James: You don’t have a cell phone or a car.

[Katie also makes static noise]

James: What about the cat?

John: The cat just left.

James: The cat’s going straight, because he thinks we’re on drugs, and he doesn’t want to end up like us.

John: SCORE!

[John makes the sound of a goal siren and now three idiots are making noise]

James: Look at the people I surround myself with. Luckily I don’t hold grudges.




Scene Eleven:
”It Happened on a Friday…Saturday…Well, Some Day”

Location: The Penthouse

Characters: The Gang


[The Gang is sitting on their chairs again, this time indoors]

Joe: Indubitably.

[a car crashes through the penthouse wall]

John: What the hell?

Driver: Sorry, just following the fireplace.

James: Anyway, what ever happened to that whacked out cat of Benji’s?

Katie: Does anyone actually realize there’s a car through the penthouse wall.

Joe: Technicality.

Katie: No, actually it’s a Subaru.

Joe: Smart ass.

John: I guess we’ll never know what happened to the cat.

[a knock at the door]

James: I’ll get it.

[a cat is at the door dressed in a suit and holding a little briefcase]

James: Way to be wrong John.

John: Shut up!

[the cat opens the briefcase to reveal garbage]

Katie: Look at that, he’s a little salesman! How cute!

Joe: I’ll buy everything you have in there!

John: Pace yourself Joe.

Joe: Fine, I’ll take that half eaten orange, and that piece of paper.

Cat: Meow [Subtitle: SOLD].

Joe: You drive a hard bargain, but I’ll do it.

[the cat stares and makes hand gestures]   

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